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Was DeLonge/TTSA Chosen To Be The Conduit For Disclosure?

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posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400

Tom thinks there's a cover-up to;

"I think part of the cover-up is a psychological operation, so that the occupants of the ufos themselves still think we know nothing about them"

Which would beg the question: just how dumb and naive are these UFO occupants?

I can't really fault Tom's sheer enthusiasm after being a UFO fan for the last twenty years and deciding to do something about it, especially for the benefit of young people - which seemed one of his primary goals alongside the added curious mission of encouraging young'uns to trust their Government. Indeed, Tom has to broadcast his admiration for the Government and Military since Disclosure from them is his Holy Grail.

Is he being used? If there is no Holy Grail, it's likely. Is he a 21st century Bennewitz but on a grander scale, surrounded by multiple Doty-style mirage men? Well, if you were in the latter's shoes, would YOU look a gift horse like Delonge in the mouth?

Naturally I hope I'm wrong, but the possibilities remain. Time will indeed tell us all.

edit on 18-7-2019 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit

originally posted by: pigsy2400

Tom thinks there's a cover-up to;

"I think part of the cover-up is a psychological operation, so that the occupants of the ufos themselves still think we know nothing about them"

Which would beg the question: just how dumb and naive are these UFO occupants?

I can't really fault Tom's sheer enthusiasm after being a UFO fan for the last twenty years and deciding to do something about it, especially for the benefit of young people - which seemed one of his primary goals alongside the added curious mission of encouraging young'uns to trust their Government. Indeed, Tom has to broadcast his admiration for the Government and Military since Disclosure from them is his Holy Grail.

Is he being used? If there is no Holy Grail, it's likely. Is he a 21st century Bennewitz but on a grander scale, surrounded by multiple Doty-style mirage men? Well, if you were in the latter's shoes, would YOU look a gift horse like Delonge in the mouth?

Naturally I hope I'm wrong, but the possibilities remain. Time will indeed tell us all.

Tom DeLonge's statement about the cover up being a psy op directed at the aliens more or less implies that the aliens are monitoring our internet. And why wouldn't they, after all?

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: pigsy2400

Seen or read it all. You're missing the point entirely. You and the TTSA Fanboy haters club overlook relevant present day information because your ego won't let you get past TDL and Zondo. I dislike TDL but that doesn't blind me to the importance of present day info that whether you like it or not came about only as a result of TTSA.

Nothing you argue is going to negate the fact TTSA has brought relevant information to the forefront.

We have 2 on the record ACTIVE DUTY fighter pilots, a retired 18 year veteran fighter pilot, and another estimated 60-100 active duty fighter pilots who have all come into contact with the aerial phenomena and nothing has been done about it.

Your ego with Tom Delonge is blinding you into ignoring the most important real time info ever disclosed to the general public.

Maybe you don't comprehend the importance of what this means because you are being misguided by your self appointed leader MM who likes to argue that a computer game developer who has never flown a fighter jet has more credibility at identifying other fighter jets than an actual 18 year 3,000+ hour fighter jet pilot.

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: 1point92AU

I’m referring to your statement about the uniqueness of the military pilot. Greer had a small army of military witnesses TTSA in comparison doesn’t have much.

Look, I have no issue that you like TTSA. Good for you and them.

How I view them, I judge by their UFO disclosure output, and their UFO event reporting. Both are on a low level: The events are Close encounters of a First Kind.
The supposed discloser is zero so far.

Disclosure is not merely some pilots reporting UFO experiences; we have thousands of them it’s the government supposedly telling us what they know.

Hey I don't mind you jumping in on a post you originally had no involvement in but get your facts straight first. I don't "support" TTSA and I don't particularly like Tom Delonge because I find him to be very douchey. What I dislike even more are people who make ego driven all encompassing statements as fact about a group just because, they too, find TDL douchey.

I don't know what you mean by "UFO disclosure output". Most people here haven't been paying attention. TTSA has actually delivered precisely what they said they would deliver with the following exceptions being they have not yet shown how exotic tech can be commercialized nor has their science division efforts kicked in yet. So far they have delivered their first phase which is from their entertainment division. Tom Delonge doesn't try to hide this and even clearly states it on the TTSA website in the video posted there for everyone to see.

I agree that some of the production quality of the information that has been presented has missed its mark. Not all of it..but some of it has. However, just because the production quality or the story telling might not be to my liking in no way dissuades me from analyzing the information myself.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "we have thousands of them" and I'm not talking about disclosure which is a beat topic. Present day active duty fighter pilots are on record stating these aerial phenomena are operating at will in and amongst their fighter squadrons both inside US airspace and in restricted airspace across the Middle East.

These same pilots filed an official report with the US Navy and nothing was done. These same pilots went before Congress in closed door meetings and discussed their encounters and all we hear are crickets.

Show me where in prior history any of what I just listed occurred. It hasn't and it is significant.

Why the hell would the US Navy NOT investigate what has been widely reported present day by active fighter pilots? Graves estimated between 60-100 other active duty fighter pilots have all encountered the phenomena and yet nothing has been done about it.

That particular episode was not low level. It was pretty straight forward.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: 1point92AU
a reply to: pigsy2400

Seen or read it all. You're missing the point entirely. You and the TTSA Fanboy haters club overlook relevant present day information because your ego won't let you get past TDL and Zondo. I dislike TDL but that doesn't blind me to the importance of present day info that whether you like it or not came about only as a result of TTSA.

Nothing you argue is going to negate the fact TTSA has brought relevant information to the forefront.

We have 2 on the record ACTIVE DUTY fighter pilots, a retired 18 year veteran fighter pilot, and another estimated 60-100 active duty fighter pilots who have all come into contact with the aerial phenomena and nothing has been done about it.

Your ego with Tom Delonge is blinding you into ignoring the most important real time info ever disclosed to the general public.

Maybe you don't comprehend the importance of what this means because you are being misguided by your self appointed leader MM who likes to argue that a computer game developer who has never flown a fighter jet has more credibility at identifying other fighter jets than an actual 18 year 3,000+ hour fighter jet pilot. seems most people don't realize how important this moment in disclosure is. But not on the level of Steven Greer's 4 hours of Disclosure Project testimonies back in 'May 2001. That was truly momentous... and then 9/11 happened and afterwards Steven Greer came back a beaten man and he inexplicably went about the business of losing his hard won credibility.
I guess "they" are taking it a lot slower this time.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
a reply to: beetee
Is that what this disclosure thing is about?

Well, here is some food for thought. What if what they already released is like 70% of what they got?

Which would be more of a bummer, that its just snipits here and there all along, and nobody really has anything concrete. Or that there is some shadowy organization out to keep videos of aliens picking there noses away from you. Even though if released, it will all be called fake and CG anyways?

Well, cant say that radar data that the navy may or may not have, would be all that entertaining to watch for the masses out there, of which only a few are UFO fans.
According to Graham Hancock, Elizondo has 24 videos and so far we've seen 3.

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: The GUT

There was a little too much fraternal Bro. hugging in the History Channel Documentary Series that recently aired. We did learn though that 2 of the Navy videos came from the newly revealed Atlantic incident encounters and not the 2004 San Diego event as it was presented a few years ago.

The USAF is in charge of the Norad Airspace not the Navy show. Special Access. The Aliens have their corrupt agreement with the USAF Generals according to Charles Hall so they are free to mess with the USN and the American People.
edit on 23-7-2019 by GarySanders because: (no reason given)

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