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medication and sleep paralysis

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posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 04:51 PM
The most significant sleep paralysis episode I ever had was after I had been taking way too much Advil (Ibuprofen) and not getting proper sleep. I suspect that it had something to do with triggering the event, but I'm not a doctor. I got better sleep and lowered my Advil dose and it never happened again.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: penroc3

There is a way you can easily set up your own "sleep study" (of sorts). This is a thing I tried when I thought there might be abductions or attempts in the middle of the night.

I used a cheep activity monitor that has a sleep monitor built in...that's most of them.
Every morning I get a report from my device that tells me how I slept. The one I have detects three levels of sleep, and reports the times and duration of each throughout the night.

When I started using my device it was for use as a Heart monitor, but when I noticed the sleep monitor, I started using it to "see" if my sleep was really being disrupted in the wee hours of the night.

Turns out, I was experiencing a disruption...funny thing is; it went away in just a couple of weeks from when I started monitoring...hasn't come back yet, after several months.

Anyway that is one way you can self-monitor.
good luck.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: penroc3

My theory on why you feel so much more connected during your half awake half sleep sex... You are in a lower brain frequency. Most likely theta. This is where your spiritual connection to your outside world is. You can literally become telepathic and feel things outside of your body in theta.

This is what mediation aims to do. Is balance your consciousness. It's hard to still the mind at first but it's just like anything else. The more practice the better you get. In this case it is really healthy for you as well, not just your mind either, your body and soul as well.

Give it a shot, try to do it everyday for like three months. I think it will help your problems.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: penroc3

How does prazosin work for nightmares?

Prazosin is an alpha-adrenergic blocker originally used to treat hypertension. "The reason we think it works in the setting of nightmares is that prazosin crosses the blood–brain barrier, so it gets into the brain and kind of dampens the norepinephrine effects, which we think contribute to nightmares," he said.Mar 12, 2012
Prazosin Relieves Nightmares and Sleep Disturbance in PTSD

What happens if you take too much prazosin?

For this drug to work well, a certain amount needs to be in your body at all times. If you take too much: If you take too much prazosin, you may experience a large drop in blood pressure, with symptoms such as: extreme dizziness. lightheadedness.

Is prazosin a sleeping pill?

Prazosin (Minipress and generic), a drug that was developed to treat high blood pressure, has been found to be useful in managing sleep-related problems caused by PTSD. ... Prazosin is the most thoroughly studied drug in regard to PTSD and sleep among the class of medications known as alpha-1 blockers.

Are you prescribed it because you also have high blood pressure, you also have PTSD, or did the Doctor give it to you only as a sleep aid? I ask because there's so many options for sleep ranging from too mild for most to too heavy for most. If it's scrictly for sleep, have you tried antihistamines, specifically doxylamine succinate (Unisom and a Wal-Mart brand sleep aid)? It's more expensive than Benadryl or Tylonal PM and the like which are diphenhydramine hydrochloride, 25-50mg. I personally need 75-100mg of Benadryl or Unisom to make sleep suggested and possible when I need to get to sleep, otherwise I'd stay awake beyond the standard time people stay awake before getting tired, enough time to crash without forcing it, which is incompatible with a daily schedule and job. I still struggle with it and only get 4-5 hours of sleep a few times a week. I get ready for work hating life and resisting it with all of my being, then tell myself that as soon as I get home, I'm going to sleep. Of course, by then I'm hopelessly up for the day regardless.

There's a popular group of controlled prescription sleeping aids like Ambien and Sonata. They can cause enjoyable mild hallucination and relaxation but can be addictive to people who cant resist taking more. How are you about having a good drink shortly before bed? Does that work for you or keep you up even though you drank it with the mindset of relaxing into bed? Marijuana helps marijuana smokers get to sleep tremendously because they're much more tolerant to the mind altering effects and don't stay awake with an overactive mind. For someone to start using THC that doesn't already at least occasionally for sleep doesn't sound like it'd work very well.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

I stop by at this site once and a while. I created an account today because of you and I usually like to just lurk. Can you give more information or PM me, I would like to learn more and dive down the rabbit hole that you are explaining.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 12:47 AM
I have sleep paralysis sometimes, dont see much beings though.
But whether the beings are real or not, you can always work on the core problem, fear.
Fear is what is triggering your fight/flight/freeze response which increases your cortisol levels, causing insomnia.
There are mindfulness/meditation/relaxation technices that reduce the fear. It takes time and effort to get them to work, but they do work.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: tjocksteffe

When I was going through a severe make or break your life stressful time last year, I started getting sleep paralysis. It manifests in slightly different ways from person to person.

I'd fall asleep in my bed, but as I'd start to cross over, I'd hear the weirdest buzz or zap noises. Occasionally voices whispering to each other, saying a word to me, or talking outside of the door in the hall even though I only live with one person. I have two young black chihuahuas from the litter my sister's dog had before she moved and even though I rarely let either sleep in my bedroom at the time, I'd get terrorized in my sleep by a small black dog in my bed. I know, it all sounds very weird but I'm telling the truth. I blame it on the stress. I believe that I was actually asleep when hearing the sounds, that they'd be in a dream of me not asleep yet.

The dog would be in my bed shortly after I fell asleep, but in my dream, I'm simply in my bed and falling asleep still, not actually asleep but I really was. Sounds confusing but my mind was tricking itself into thinking I wasn't asleep yet in my nightmares. The scenario would be close to identical to my bedroom, but after having a couple of them, I'd notice small things that were different etc. It'd growl, wait a few seconds, and rush me. My arms would be really heavy and i'd either be frozen while being attacked, maybe able to roll over, or I could barely move an inch. On one occasion it bit me on the finger hard and woke me up but my finger really hurt for a couple of minutes.

It sounds silly and I'd try to psyche myself out while it was happening for a couple of days by telling myself it's just a stupid little dog, but the problem is that you really cant move to defend yourself and you feel scared or paniced. It also has a definite creepy factor because it seems like you're awake, can't move, and there's an entity present that scares you and wants to hurt you.
edit on 2/21/2019 by r0xor because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: r0xor

my BP is fine, not great but normal.

VA doctor put me on the prazosin and remeron for ptsd, i got injured in a messed up kind of way that thankfully left me with only scars that i can hide most of. but i would have reoccuring dreams of the scenario that would play out the same or different but always ended the same, me getting stabbed.

not going to far into details but i was in a hand to hand fight with someone and got a knife stuck thru my palm, i walked away but the other guy didn't.

that is kind of the reason i get so scared when i see shadow people in these episodes because i know first hand(no pun intended) what people are capable of. maybe some guilt thrown in as well

i tried the ambian tonight and it seemed to help so thats good. but i was a dreamless uneasy sleep.

i have tried everything from melatonin to triazolam as well as some other 'natural' options

the really scary stuff comes and goes and im in a period of time that they or it are here, apparently.

its hard to logicly know what you are seeing isn't real when it is happening and sometimes i question if it has meaning but in reality it just sucks.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: r0xor
a reply to: tjocksteffe

When I was going through a severe make or break your life stressful time last year, I started getting sleep paralysis. It manifests in slightly different ways from person to person.

I'd fall asleep in my bed, but as I'd start to cross over, I'd hear the weirdest buzz or zap noises. Occasionally voices whispering to each other, saying a word to me, or talking outside of the door in the hall even though I only live with one person. I have two young black chihuahuas from the litter my sister's dog had before she moved and even though I rarely let either sleep in my bedroom at the time, I'd get terrorized in my sleep by a small black dog in my bed. I know, it all sounds very weird but I'm telling the truth. I blame it on the stress. I believe that I was actually asleep when hearing the sounds, that they'd be in a dream of me not asleep yet.

The dog would be in my bed shortly after I fell asleep, but in my dream, I'm simply in my bed and falling asleep still, not actually asleep but I really was. Sounds confusing but my mind was tricking itself into thinking I wasn't asleep yet in my nightmares. The scenario would be close to identical to my bedroom, but after having a couple of them, I'd notice small things that were different etc. It'd growl, wait a few seconds, and rush me. My arms would be really heavy and i'd either be frozen while being attacked, maybe able to roll over, or I could barely move an inch. On one occasion it bit me on the finger hard and woke me up but my finger really hurt for a couple of minutes.

It sounds silly and I'd try to psyche myself out while it was happening for a couple of days by telling myself it's just a stupid little dog, but the problem is that you really cant move to defend yourself and you feel scared or paniced. It also has a definite creepy factor because it seems like you're awake, can't move, and there's an entity present that scares you and wants to hurt you.

You are totally describing the feeling and experiences you have right before having an OBE.

You are right on the verge. Seriously. I've heard stress can trigger them, never has for me but i have had all the symptoms you are talking about.

This is 100% what happens when your brain waves lower into the trance state.

I've heard my name yelled into my ears, heard people screaming, heard the buzzing, heard the whispers, i feel vibrations and swaying sometime. 90% of the time i meditate myself into this state on purpose.

Next time you are in this state seriously seriously seriously abandon all fear. you are completely fine. I've felt like my body was going to explode from vibrations and snapped out of the trance to make sure i was ok. I've never been hurt or damaged or attacked in anyway. In fact i think i have healed injuries on myself.

Well i've been attacked. But I think since i had a ton of experience fighting or just thinking demons and monsters off in my lucid dreams as a kid i know im in complete control.

Lose the fear, relax into the trance state and get comfortable. It is a very very comfortable place to just relax once you lose the fear. Feel the bubble of consciousness fill up around your body. Make it thick, if its just at your feet or your head take your time to push around till it completely engulfs you.
At that point you can just stand up and your having an OBE.

If you end up getting vibration or the buzz, relax into that as well. Let it engulf you and increase the vibration and the pitch of the sound in your ears should get super high and loud. Don't be afraid, make it as intense as you can and you will pop out of body.
This all can feel very physical but it is only happening in your consciousness. Your consciousness is infinite and you will not hurt it. It is not part of your body.
When you are out of body. Just remain confident and fearless and understand that you have complete power over your manifestation.
If you're fearful you will manifest bad situations and beings (but you can change that instantly), if you are confident and fearless you will manifest meaningful and great experiences.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: booyakasha
Excellent post but our the Beings real or what you project when you are having OBE ?

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: booyakasha
Excellent post but our the Beings real or what you project when you are having OBE ?

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 09:07 AM
thats a great question.

What is real?

Everything is real. Everything you can see, touch, taste, smell, hear, or feel is real on some sort of level. Your consciousness is the one decoding the "external" world from the inside.

What level of real is the question.

The beings i populate my dreams with are real. Are they physically real. Well, not on our physical plane of existence, but on lesser dense dimension they are. They talk to each other like they are. They believe they are real. But since we have mastered that plane of existence we can manipulate them with just our thoughts.

Im still figuring it out. I could be wrong.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

Can we make them change there ways so they can feel love, life and unity ?

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: HepCat

you know im not sure. I think they either show up to feed off fear or are created by fear itself.

Every time i've come across negative entities I have either fought them and struggled if i was unconfident or just went into confidence mode where i know im the creator of my reality and think them away or pull some telekinetic super hero moves and they just run away or disappear.

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