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Are we going to see World War III very soon?

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posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:28 AM
I was wondering if you think we are going to see World War III very shortly, and if so who will be on which sides.

I mean obviously it would be this if we had to ally countries together

USA, Lebanon, Israel, and Britain vs. Syria, North Korea, Iran, and Russia(?)

Where do you think these other countries would fall into place?

Saudi Arabia
All of Europe

Overall what do you think would come of it.

I am just very curious on everyones oppinion, i mean we can all see that the world currently has a ton of tension in it. Many Anti-American western countries now, but would they really support say Iran? I believe Russia would fall in with Iran Syria and NK because of its ties and alliance to Iran.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:31 AM
What makes you think there would be only 2 'sides' this could be an every country for themselves war for all we know if it ever, God Forbid, comes to fruition. And to answer your question of who would come out of it, no one. I think war on a large scale needs to be prevented at all costs.

Finally, I think we need another JFK or for someone with my (15 year old) generation's ideals to come into office...but that's a topic for another day.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:36 AM
well the way the world stands now i dont see this being a total melee but i could actually see more than two sides i suppose. However, don't multiple sides usually combine in order to fend off a greater threat? In the end this would result in a two sided war. But we could create multiple sides if everyone wants to.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
USA, Lebanon, Israel, and Britain vs. Syria, North Korea, Iran, and Russia(?)

Where do you think these other countries would fall into place?

Saudi Arabia
All of Europe

I don't think Lebanon will be on the side of the US and Israel.
Israel occupied Lebanon for almost 20 years and has been violating Lebanese airspace with warplanes since their pull out in 2000 and the Lebanese forces have been firing on them.

I don't think Egypt will side with Israel, they probably go over to Russia/Iran's side.
China will most likely side with Russia and Iran also.

India will almost certainly side with Great Britain and the US. Pakistan will probably go on the other side.

Japan will be on the side of the US or will be neutral.

Europe will probably be neutral or fight on the side of Britain.

Don't know about Saudi Arabia but I doubt they would fight for Israel and their population would not be likely to defend the US.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:59 AM
i only put lebanon on the side of the us because they aren't gonna side with Syria since they are pissed at Syria

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 02:04 AM
If the US is involved then NATO is involved. That means just about every major nation in Europe. Hell, even France would probably have to side with the US. They would risk their own countries by NOT getting involved.

Also, Australia, South Korea, and Japan would both fight on the side of the US as well as Canada.

I doubt China and India would get involved, but if they did, they would be fighting each other.

Sudia Arabia would side with the US most likely, Egypt - who knows, not like it matters.

Pakistan would only fight if India was fighting, and they would fight India.

Over all, Russia would probably fall. They have very little conventional force projection, and thus would be fighting a defensive war and giving the Allies the initiative. They would also claim only one major ally - China - and it is doubtfull China would get involved at all. China would have too much to lose and sole world superpowerdom to gain (think US after WWII with every other nation in ruins).

If you speak of a nuclear war (which it would almost undoubtedly become) The US has the advantage in both number and sophistication in this, both in terms of the weapon it's self and delivery systems. However, the first to attack would have a huge advantage, as most of the stationary targets of the otherside would be lost (ICBMs mostly, along with every military base and industrial center).

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 02:11 AM
but do you guys think we will have world war 3?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 04:24 AM
Other then the fact we are already fighting WW3.
What will be the trigger for another global war?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
but do you guys think we will have world war 3?

Not in the true sense of the word.

As it was said above, I believe we are already fighting WWIII. To be technical though, I would consider the war on terror WWIV - with the cold war being WWIII.

The way I see it, I doubt any of the major powers today ever clash. I mean, what does Russia have to gain by fighting NATO? Absolutely nothing, and the same goes for NATO countries. Both sides understand that outright war between each other is not in eithers intrest. In WWII, their was land to be gained, and the leaders of each nation had little to fear. Now adays, the first action in a real war between US and Russia would be total thermo nuclear war.

It is understood by both sides that in order to "win" (defined here as rendering the othersides military useless) nukes MUST be used. For instance, in order for NATO to prevent Russias massive numbers of tanks from over running Europe, US military doctrine (as well as NATOs) allows the use of nuclear weapons on them. There is simply no way that the NATO powers could "win" otherwise. On the flip side, Russia would have to nuke the US main land in order to shut down our industrial capacity. While the US could bomb Russias manufacturing plants with conventional ordinance, Russia would only be able to hit us with nukes.

So where does that leave the world? In a "war" of which their are two parts:

First there is the grab for power. You see China picking up oil deals in venezuala (spl?) and Iran. You had Russia and France selling weapons to Iraq for oil, and trying to use the UN to prevent the US from invasion. There is also the EU, formed to deal with larger individual countries on an even playing field. Then you have the US, becoming ever greater allies with former soviet states, and becoming very close with India.

Then there is the second war. This is a war of culture. The western world - and specifically Europe and Russia - are under a cultural invasion from Islam. Russia, as is typical of her, is very hardline - they will not tolerate it and the terrorism that it has brought. Europe on the other hand, with it's liberal imigration policies coupled with EU citizenship, allows all of these Arabs the freedom to join through Turkey (for instance) and then move to France.

What you are going to see in about 15-30 years is a backlash. Europeans will realize that half their country is now Arab and Muslim, and they will feel the cultural and social implications of that. Slowly, their own laws will allow the growing Arab population to take them over, using their democratic systems.

So there you have it. The war on terrorism, which I believe history will show was WWIII or WWIV much as WWI was originally called The Great War, is both a cultural war (Islam vs Christianity, Democracy vs Islamic law) and the new cold war where in each party tries to gain more power then the other without actually confronting the enemy.

My prediction - the war lasts 100 or so years, in the end Europe falls, though Russia prevails while the US and China try to claim different parts of the middle east and Africa (which will be the next great focus).

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: xpert11
Other then the fact we are already fighting WW3.
What will be the trigger for another global war?

World War I was fought in just two regions of the world, in Europe and the Middle East, while also being fought in European colonies in Africa (the Union of South Africa in 1915 sent troops to Namibia to topple the German colonial administration in that region and eventually put Namibia under South African control, and the British, French, and Belgian troops battled German troops in German East Africa, Cameroon, and Benin). By contrast, World War II was a truly global conflict, fought in not just Europe, East Asia, North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Basin but also Southeast Asia, western Pacific, and Hawaiian Islands. In the view of Joseph Micallef, the Global War on Terror qualifies as World War III because the US fought al-Qaeda and its affiliaties in not just the Middle East, North Africa, and the Hindu Kush, but also the Indian subcontinent, maritime Southeast Asia, Nigeria, and the Horn of Africa. Still, in recognition of the differences between World Wars I and II in regional scale, a few historians argue that a "World War" no longer has to require such worldwide and large scale aggression and carnage.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: Ryanp5555

The president of China is flying to Russia next week to coordinate strategy with Vladimir Putin.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 10:47 AM
The ICC just issued an arrest warrant for Putin so it's heating up .

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Ryanp5555

The answer is probably yes, indeed it's already started in all but name. Western arms manufacturers are fighting eastern arms manufacturers and using Slavs as the fodder.

We go back to the good old days of the Cold War and we see USA and Moscow / Beijing had clear rules for fighting proxy wars and used joke countries to do the fighting in or with, now we get fighting actually taking place on one of their borders and inside what was considered the jewel in the crown of the old USSR, Ukraine.

The West needs to back off from taking it right into the heart of the old USSR. Mark my words, no good can come of it!

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Ryanp5555

I think when it happens a lot of innocent people will die, and those common folk that live, will not be any better for it.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
The ICC just issued an arrest warrant for Putin so it's heating up .

It would be nice to know what to look for with each step closer to world war III.

I remember before Russia invaded Ukraine we were told to look for when blood supplies are being brought up to the border.... that means they were ready to go.

Little things like that must happen before we get to the world war III point.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Ryanp5555
I think this is what WW3 looks like.The plandemic, currency wars, cultural wars. The globalists are destroying our country from within, the USA has always lead globally but it seems there is a NWO coming about.
I think a WW3 event could happen but for now proxy wars biological and cultural wars are happening and at the moment the USA is being dismantled and destroyed from within. A more conventional war may turn nuclear. It feels like we are currently losing, if we were keeping score. I pray the USA prevails. The death of the dollar is my biggest fear now, without it being tied to the sale of oil globally seems like the way things are headed. To me this is the front line of WW3.

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