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Parliament incident: Armed police surround driver after vehicle 'hits several pedestrians'

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posted on Aug, 14 2018 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
There is, or used to be, a convention that suspects were not named before they had been formally charged. Until then, the standard formula was "a man is helping police with their enquiries".

edit on 14-8-2018 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 01:57 AM
link a few updates

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said there was "no doubt" talks would take place over what changes should take place to make the area safer. It follows the arrest of a man, named locally as Salih Khater, accused of trying to ram Parliament in a Ford Fiesta - where three people were left injured. Since the Westminster Bridge attack in March last year, Ms Dick said there had been an increase in the number of armed officers and barriers in place to protect the capital’s political heart. But the commissioner, speaking ahead of a series of unrelated dawn raids that took place in south east London, this morning said: “As with anything there is a balance to be drawn.”
so they want to make it pedestrian access only now which i guess would cut down on possible car attacks and also names the attacker finally but hey at least they were through in their investigation

the man suspected of ploughing into cyclists outside Parliament is a Sudanese immigrant who loved Western music and football. Addresses in the Midlands were being searched on Tuesday night as police investigated Salih Khater, the 29-year-old arrested on suspicion of preparing an act of terror As the UK national remained in police custody, details have started to emerge about the suspect, who lived in a small flat in Birmingham and described himself as a shop manager.
guess he went dark on facebook in 2011

The suspect is believed to have been spooked by an ambulance as eyewitnesses said the driver appeared to be in shock as he was pulled out by armed cops and led away in handcuffs. The man was arrested on suspicion of terror offences and taken into custody at a South London police station, but refused to cooperate with cops. Westminster onlookers said the driver rammed through a group of cyclists waiting at lights, seriously injuring one and leaving bikes strewn across the road. A builder said: “There were ten to 15 cyclists and he went through them. He kept driving on and smashed into the gates. “There were about three or four cyclists left on the floor. There were people chasing after him.”
so unless he really hated bicycle riders they are going with terrorism ,seem the ambulance following him spooked him into acting early

Police have been to the Bunna Internet cafe and taken away a computer, and other items in plastic bags. Khater moved to another flat in Hall Green, Birmingham but was reportedly seen regularly at the internet cafe, including on the day before the attack. According to people there he rarely conversed. One said Khater's father and brother had died within a short space of time. His former landlord said he always paid his rent on time. A local barber, who did not want to be named, told The Telegraph: “He always comes to the Sudanese coffee shop next door. I think the last time I saw him was last week."
was not known to mI5 and was not on any ones radar

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: DISRAELI

That convention still holds true when evidence and an investigation is underway i.e. there is a chance of incriminating an innocent person. In this case what he did, his arrest and all that was broadcast on live TV pretty much. Besides, putting a name to his face may also help uncovered evidence in this case.

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: paraphi

The convention was that a suspect would not be named until he/she was charged. As recently ventilated in the Cliff Richard case. The public interest argument is that if a suspect is named more victims might come forward but then there is the trial by media argument.

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