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posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 05:17 AM
I have a legit question. Why is it that when discussing politics, both sides of of the spectrum have to devolve into schoolyard bullies, calling each other childish names like "Dims", "libtards," "racist deplorables and so on? The respect for political ideologies has disintegrated, and seems no one can have an honest debate without falling into the "You're an idiot, my beliefs are CLEARLY the correct ones? ' Grow up! Don't let them do this to you! On either side!, There has got to be a way to discuss these issues without turning into a schoolyard brawl.
Holy mother of God!
We are polar opposites. Get together your #!
I'm not saying we should all treat each other like rainbows and unicorns, but Jesus Christ. I feel like it's Its' moving us in a direction I May not be to follow.

GROW UP. It is absolutely possible to respect one another's beliefs.
A lot of people think Trump is an asshat out to set the world of afire. So many others think he's sent from The Lord Himself.
And the I think about the blind. ANd disable and homeless
Who knows what will happen. I want to have faith in him, as I have tried with previous Presidents.

edit on 7/18/2018 by Slinki because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/18/2018 by Slinki because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/18/2018 by Slinki because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: Slinki

People are attracted to chaos and black and white with good guys on one side and bad guy on another.
And people are attracted to be with other people that have a common goal.
Its always been like that.. And with the internet, people can put out over the top rants, and the snowball becomes bigger much faster then it used to do.
edit on 18-7-2018 by Spacespider because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 05:35 AM
It is called stupidity.
And it starts with a religious belief that my God is the true God.

People are just fkn stupid.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: Slinki

When people act like that,that is your first clue on who to avoid and not waste your time with.
I scroll by more posts than I read.

Look at it as a blessing and a test of patience.

Its easier to get worked up and lose your mind on the internet,than it is to go for a walk and relax.
Thats how I see it anyways.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: Slinki
I have a legit question. Why is it that when discussing politics, both sides of of the spectrum have to devolve into schoolyard bullies, calling each other childish names like "Dims", "libtards," "racist deplorables and so on? The respect for political ideologies has disintegrated, and seems no one can have an honest debate without falling into the "You're an idiot, my beliefs are CLEARLY the correct ones? ' Grow up! Don't let them do this to you! On either side!, There has got to be a way to discuss these issues without turning into a schoolyard brawl.
Holy mother of God!
We are polar opposites. Get together your #!
I'm not saying we should all treat each other like rainbows and unicorns, but Jesus Christ. I feel like it's Its' moving us in a direction I May not be to follow.

GROW UP. It is absolutely possible to respect one another's beliefs.
A lot of people think Trump is an asshat out to set the world of afire. So many others think he's sent from The Lord Himself.
And the I think about the blind. ANd disable and homeless
Who knows what will happen. I want to have faith in him, as I have tried with previous Presidents.


Won't happen anytime soon...if it did? We'd have a single party...which.....we are trying to go to a unified planet eventually...but we have a looooooooong way to go yet where the whole world of politics, ideals and religion are all on the same page.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: Slinki

Because one side doesn't believe in government. One side doesn't believe in compromise. One side believes their own opinions are facts. How can you have a civil discussion with someone who does NOT respect your vote because they think their own opinion is a fact. You just can't.

Here is a very good article explaining what is going on in this country. But it is written with words. Reading words requires a certain level of je ne sais quoi to fully appreciate. Something most people today are unwilling to even consider to be a possibility because words only have meaning when spoken from a particular commanding authority. Words on their own have no meaning. Who is speaking the words is just as important as the words themselves.

edit on 18-7-2018 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 07:25 AM
All of the left/right fighting just sounds like sheep bleating to me.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: Slinki

Because one side doesn't believe in government. One side doesn't believe in compromise. One side believes their own opinions are facts. How can you have a civil discussion with someone who does NOT respect your vote because they think their own opinion is a fact. You just can't.

From the outside: Both. Both sides are incredibly stupid right now.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:39 AM
Grow up? That seems apt as the discussion is pretty much kindergarten material.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: Slinki

Because one side doesn't believe in government. One side doesn't believe in compromise. One side believes their own opinions are facts. How can you have a civil discussion with someone who does NOT respect your vote because they think their own opinion is a fact. You just can't.

From the outside: Both. Both sides are incredibly stupid right now.

Agreed, and both sides think that their ideology is fact. God forbid a country of 330~(America) have different opinions (EU is around 500~m)... and that goes beyond the "two" we are offered, which ironically have very little differences at the end of the day.
edit on 18-7-2018 by CriticalStinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 10:43 AM
I just think the name calling and whataboutisms are childish.
Civil discourse... a thing slowly inching towards extinction?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: Slinki
I just think the name calling and whataboutisms are childish.
Civil discourse... a thing slowly inching towards extinction?

The internet gives some people the balls to say things they wouldn't say in person.

You won't hear the extreme end of what you read on here at a party (most of the time).

That being said, I think that anonymity has helped push moderates towards more extreme viewpoints. Many people find outlets that share their opinions, keeping them in a bubble. It's hard to say where we are going considering we are in such a new age. Hopefully people learn how to balance what they take in and put out.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:18 AM
If it wasn't for the mudpit and the contentious discussions, I wouldn't even bother to log on.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Slinki

I think it's best to always be on the side of more freedom.

That way, anyone you're arguing against has to defend less freedoms.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 04:54 PM
Yeah, well, you're about as well to beat your head about a 20 foot thick wall as to try and explain that to a right-left paradigmic thinker. Just being honest with ya.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: Slinki

They're Making America Great Again.

Apparently this is achieved through the tactics you mentioned above.

You've heard of 4D chess, yeah?

Well this is 20D chess.

Unless you're totally woke, you won't get it.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Slinki

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

It's really disappointing, isn't it? Formerly good friends, good people, now at each others throats over political bull#. When did we become so political that we would endander life-long relationships? That we would endander work relationships? What seems important to me is that WE -- the collective US -- stay together. The government (pick your nation) is not on YOUR side, not really. They need you, but a proper symbiosis involves give and take on both sides. Most of us don't see that. WE -- the collective US -- have to find a way to work together and not let the various governments draw us apart, where we are weak and ineffectual.

It's like relationships. I have been happily married for 30 years. It has involved several negotiations. I negotiate for what I need. My Bride negotiates for what she needs. We love each other deeply and to the exclusion of everything and everyone else. WE need to negotiate what we NEED and stop pick, pick, pick, picking on every #ing thing. YES ! I'm angry.

p.s. just so you know............. these "moderator" tags aren't required. They are elective.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 07:24 PM
Thank you all for participating in my thread.
I appreciate it.


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