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Are you tired of being manipulated yet?

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posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Trump has magical powers. He divides people like Moses did the Red Sea.

Neither magical powers nor the parting of the Red Sea are attributed to Moses in the Bible.

Trump doesn't have magical powers either. He is however a demagogue who employs the dehumanization and othering of various groups to stoke irrational fear among his base for political benefit.

“Stoke irrational fear”, like he was stoking a fire? Either way, you have to search for weird metaphors to shoe-horn your nonsense onto reality.
edit on 5-7-2018 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: notsure1

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: Grimmley

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: underwerks

I get it Trump isn't very likable I didn't vote for him but to say its all Trump IMO isn't correct. Hillary called half the country deplorable and the media calls Trump supporters Nazi scum. The division is on both sides the difference is the media is far left leaning and plays on peoples emotions. They've demonized people who support the president as people you can't even have a respectable debate with you just need to protest and yell.

I can't blame them they've been told Republicans and Trump supporters can never be apart of society and the only way is if their side wins so they can ignore them and push their policy. Compromise is dead

Trump could end all of it. By doing nothing more than the job a president is supposed to do. Namely by trying to represent ALL Americans and not just the ones who voted for him.

If Trump came out honestly trying to work on compromise between people and refrained from insulting those who disagree with him, a large part of the media and public vitriol would evaporate.

But he doesn’t want that. The constant attacks build him up and solidify him in the eyes of his supporters. And that isn’t something he’s going to throw away.

He actually said that at his inaugural speech and his first state of the union address, but guess what everyone was throwing tantrums, protesting, rioting, and saying "he's not my president". No one from the Democrats wanted to work with him on anything, in fact they have called him every name in the book, made false accusations, and have attempted to block, every piece of legislation he tries to get done, even ones that gives the Democrats what they wanted. just to say No. Not to mention the entire corruption of various federal governmental agencies, as well as the bias in the MSM. So how do you purpose that he can fix this to be everyone's president? If they are not going to work with him, and do nothing but attack him, over and over again.

As I said before, he’s going to have to make concessions. He’s going to have to do a few deals that he doesn’t come out on top of in the name of bringing people together.

He’s going to have to make a sacrifice with some of his policy. Which isn’t going to happen because he’s still under the umbrella of the GOP.

Thinking about all this may make some Trump supporters angry, but that’s the path to a less divided country. I would actually support Trump if he honestly tried to diffuse the current political craziness, instead of ramping it up every chance he gets.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: Grimmley

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: underwerks

I get it Trump isn't very likable I didn't vote for him but to say its all Trump IMO isn't correct. Hillary called half the country deplorable and the media calls Trump supporters Nazi scum. The division is on both sides the difference is the media is far left leaning and plays on peoples emotions. They've demonized people who support the president as people you can't even have a respectable debate with you just need to protest and yell.

I can't blame them they've been told Republicans and Trump supporters can never be apart of society and the only way is if their side wins so they can ignore them and push their policy. Compromise is dead

Trump could end all of it. By doing nothing more than the job a president is supposed to do. Namely by trying to represent ALL Americans and not just the ones who voted for him.

If Trump came out honestly trying to work on compromise between people and refrained from insulting those who disagree with him, a large part of the media and public vitriol would evaporate.

But he doesn’t want that. The constant attacks build him up and solidify him in the eyes of his supporters. And that isn’t something he’s going to throw away.

He actually said that at his inaugural speech and his first state of the union address, but guess what everyone was throwing tantrums, protesting, rioting, and saying "he's not my president". No one from the Democrats wanted to work with him on anything, in fact they have called him every name in the book, made false accusations, and have attempted to block, every piece of legislation he tries to get done, even ones that gives the Democrats what they wanted. just to say No. Not to mention the entire corruption of various federal governmental agencies, as well as the bias in the MSM. So how do you purpose that he can fix this to be everyone's president? If they are not going to work with him, and do nothing but attack him, over and over again.

As I said before, he’s going to have to make concessions. He’s going to have to do a few deals that he doesn’t come out on top of in the name of bringing people together.

He’s going to have to make a sacrifice with some of his policy. Which isn’t going to happen because he’s still under the umbrella of the GOP.

Thinking about all this may make some Trump supporters angry, but that’s the path to a less divided country. I would actually support Trump if he honestly tried to diffuse the current political craziness, instead of ramping it up every chance he gets.

Here is one example, he was opposed to DACA, but he did say he would sign a bill for DACA amnesty if congress would make it law, they didn't and blamed him. He was actually opposed to DACA, yet was going to compromise with them to actually try to fix things. Again, How many times can anyone attempt to work with people, when they are unwilling to work with you? I do agree with the statement he can get worked up, however, that still does not equate to the level of hate the man gets either.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: Grimmley

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: underwerks

I get it Trump isn't very likable I didn't vote for him but to say its all Trump IMO isn't correct. Hillary called half the country deplorable and the media calls Trump supporters Nazi scum. The division is on both sides the difference is the media is far left leaning and plays on peoples emotions. They've demonized people who support the president as people you can't even have a respectable debate with you just need to protest and yell.

I can't blame them they've been told Republicans and Trump supporters can never be apart of society and the only way is if their side wins so they can ignore them and push their policy. Compromise is dead

Trump could end all of it. By doing nothing more than the job a president is supposed to do. Namely by trying to represent ALL Americans and not just the ones who voted for him.

If Trump came out honestly trying to work on compromise between people and refrained from insulting those who disagree with him, a large part of the media and public vitriol would evaporate.

But he doesn’t want that. The constant attacks build him up and solidify him in the eyes of his supporters. And that isn’t something he’s going to throw away.

He actually said that at his inaugural speech and his first state of the union address, but guess what everyone was throwing tantrums, protesting, rioting, and saying "he's not my president". No one from the Democrats wanted to work with him on anything, in fact they have called him every name in the book, made false accusations, and have attempted to block, every piece of legislation he tries to get done, even ones that gives the Democrats what they wanted. just to say No. Not to mention the entire corruption of various federal governmental agencies, as well as the bias in the MSM. So how do you purpose that he can fix this to be everyone's president? If they are not going to work with him, and do nothing but attack him, over and over again.

As I said before, he’s going to have to make concessions. He’s going to have to do a few deals that he doesn’t come out on top of in the name of bringing people together.

He’s going to have to make a sacrifice with some of his policy. Which isn’t going to happen because he’s still under the umbrella of the GOP.

Thinking about all this may make some Trump supporters angry, but that’s the path to a less divided country. I would actually support Trump if he honestly tried to diffuse the current political craziness, instead of ramping it up every chance he gets.

You just ignored my comment about the EO. You just believe what you want to believe and people give you facts you stick your fingers in your ears and say La la la la

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft

originally posted by: notsure1

The media really is the enemy of the American people.


Then we need to again look at who owns the media and what their agenda is for the American people.

Hint: What do Fox, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, HBO, New York Times, Facebook, and many more, all have in common?

Please do tell...

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: network dude

I really do wish that you and others who are currently thinking like you, would look at yourself from an outside perspective. Is this the kind of person you really want to be? Intolerant of others political ideals if they don't match yours? If that's you, I suppose you are just being true to yourself, but I seem to remember how the left was the more compassionate ones, who cared more for others. You and a large portion of the left just seems like angry little people who lost a fight and want someone to blame for your weakness.

Here's Don Jr at the Montana rally in progress (Toronto Star's Daniel Dale live tweeting):

Donald Trump Jr. on Trump critics he sees on TV: "People in far-off lands who hate our guts. They hate our freedoms. They hate our religion. They hate everything about us. These people are more concerned about their feelings...than the safety and well-being of our kids."

Reading that, can you honestly argue that it's anything but fearmongering demagoguery?

Donald Trump Jr. warns Montana voters to be wary of Jon Tester donors' "New York money."

If that was somebody you knew personally, saying some bull# like that to your face, you'd call him out on it. His "New York money?" What the actual #.

Don Jr is chip off the 'ol block. That perfectly exemplifies Trump rhetoric. Speaking of chip off the 'ol block, this is how Eric Trump talks about Democrats:

I've never seen hatred like this. To me, they're not even people. It's so, so sad. I mean, morality is just gone. Morals have flown out the window. We deserve so much better than this as a country. You know it's so sad.

Here's some more from Mr. Civility himself from just now:

Trump with another threat: "Democrats want anarchy. They really do. And they don't know who they're playing with, folks."

edit on 2018-7-5 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Is English not your first language? I'm just curious because I assumed it was but apparently the exceedingly commonplace phrase stoking fear is a new to you.

Everything I said about Trump is entirely accurate. He is absolutely a demagogue and frequent fearmonger.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian
a reply to: underwerks
You two have really outdone yourselves in this thread.
The levels of cognitive dissonance displayed here is of the highest levels. Sadly I don't have all day to dissect it. As I find modern liberalism and TDS fascinating.
But I digress.

Everything I said about Trump is entirely accurate. He is absolutely a demagogue and frequent fearmonger.

Just like the religious zealots of old.

Thinking about all this may make some Trump supporters angry, but that’s the path to a less divided country. I would actually support Trump if he honestly tried to diffuse the current political craziness, instead of ramping it up every chance he gets.

You can't be serious?
That's like asking the person you just randomly started punching in the face to stop hitting you back once you started getting your *** kicked. Sorry but you all need a spanking. Least you could do was take it with a shred of dignity.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Is English not your first language? I'm just curious because I assumed it was but apparently the exceedingly commonplace phrase stoking fear is a new to you.

Everything I said about Trump is entirely accurate. He is absolutely a demagogue and frequent fearmonger.

That wasn’t my point. Over your head and under your knees, I suppose.

Yes, entirely accurate, but only in post-modernist piffle. “Othering” and fear-mongering, and even abusing the term “demagogue”, but only when Trump does it. Yet you and your media handlers have spent more time than anyone appealing to fear, tradition, emotions, prejudices and passions.

posted on Jul, 7 2018 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: notsure1

No one can be manipulated without their consent and cooperation. Folks are "manipulated" by their own thoughts and attitudes. And it's "both" sides.

For example, hating the illegals for taking our jobs but not the critters handing out H1B visas like they're candy...

Or hating your neighbor for getting a few bucks to feed themselves and keep a roof over their heads but not the critters handing out corporate welfare like candy for private jets and caviar...

Or hating on the hard working neighbor up the street for getting a few extra bucks back via the Earned Income Credit but not the corporations getting MILLIONS of tax dollars in unearned tax "credits"...

Or hating on the loving gay couple for "destroying" marriage but not the heterosexual couple cheating on each other or beating each other...

The media may be our enemy, but not our biggest enemy. That would be ourselves.

Entirely not can and are manipulated by just about everything around you.

Everyone is being manipulated all of the time.

Few break free and the most enslaved are those who believe it never happens.

The simplest manipulation is body and how it reacts...we all have things we absolutely cannot decide when the body is out of whack.

The mind even more so.

The latest batch of experiments are underway and the scientists marvel at those who claim simple decisions are where it all manifests.

You CAN get more control and life throws us varying levels of manipulation...but we can and are ALL manipulated..beyond belief.

posted on Jul, 7 2018 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: intrepid
"Are you tired of being manipulated yet?"

"Define manipulated."

You can only be manipulated if you let someone do it. Think instead of needing to be told something on ANYTHING.

Who manipulated you into believing that load of garbage ?

Wishing it was so does not make it so.

Most people who have thought this way are worse off in some ways than a devout believer in any religion.

Blind belief and born with eyes closed.

posted on Jul, 7 2018 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: ParasuvO

Good points -- I'll give you that! But I wouldn't call natural realities "manipulating."

If it's cold outside, I have plenty of options -- I can put on a jacket or go inside or build a bonfire or just suffer through it. I know cold for what it is and deal with it accordingly.

But it doesn't softly whisper in my ear that it's really warm... or somehow convince me that it's wet... or otherwise twist my thoughts and feelings to something it's not. It's just darn cold and I know it!

posted on Jul, 7 2018 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: ParasuvO

originally posted by: intrepid
"Are you tired of being manipulated yet?"

"Define manipulated."

You can only be manipulated if you let someone do it. Think instead of needing to be told something on ANYTHING.

Who manipulated you into believing that load of garbage ?

Wishing it was so does not make it so.

Most people who have thought this way are worse off in some ways than a devout believer in any religion.

Blind belief and born with eyes closed.

I don't "wish it so." I make it happen. Use your grey matter. It works wonders.

posted on Jul, 8 2018 @ 11:38 AM

Why is everyone so weak minded they let the media control their emotions?

Who lets the media do that? The unintelligent? I think most folks if a sound mindset if they see something on the news, will use more than once source to verify it. Also it's clear you yourself are affected - since you think people attacking others in MAGA gear is a common occurrence. Couple of stories on this.. and now it's a "thing?" Funny.

Also this is obviously a shot.. again.. at any media that doesn't kiss Trump's butt. Another day, another "lets bash the left!" thread.

How about admitting that ALL NEWS SOURCES tell their stories with a bias to suit their agenda. Hell, even the supposed super neutral WikiLeaks ends up having an agenda, and publishing those things that would hurt those they oppose. Fox news is more inaccurate, more often, than CNN - yet all I hear is how evil CNN is. Open your eyes... you make these threads claiming that more liberal media is the enemy of the people, but the right media is JUST AS GUILTY. You just conveniently ignore it because it supports what you support.

No one should get that emotional over news. With the availability of worldwide Internet, you can (and should) get the full story on anything before going up in arms about it.

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