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If humanity was quarantine and labeled a outlaw species...

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posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: buddha
do what they did to mars! please!

Very interesting.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: prevenge
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13


You have to ask the planet security space systems to allow updated images of the sensitive LUNAR/MARS sites and to take off the S.O.H.O S.D.O and L.U.C.I.F.E.R Vatican telescope "special filters" first.

They may however request the species unites FIRST before any further level updates to species awareness is provided...
So, mankind?

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 05:17 AM
Keep in mind planetary borders.
If they exist...

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
It is understood that protection at the border is required.

But there are better ways to vett the situation.

For example a request can be made by the U.S. to MEXICO to pre vett and prepare all requested paperwork for the individuals fleeing the ignorance permeating in Coezacotal lands, sadly to begin to enter AMERICA legitimately as U.S. citizens.

In return the U.S. would provide farm land near the border for the individuals at the border to be temporarily stationed upon, until the process is completed of welcoming the immigrants into the NEW WORLD...
Christopher Columbus was immigrant? And so were many of Americans elders?

It would be a joint effort between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and MEXICO.
This effort keeps the children connected to their parents with electronic/paper/plastic records and with DNA records.
All must remain on the farm(s) until citizenship processes are complete.

Hybrid temporary reservations. NOT internment camps or concentration camps as this is more history to be written.

Who wants to have a trash name in the future because of what their ancestors are doing now

To 1, it does not seem to be an impossible task with the funding potentials present in current day.
But if it is...?


posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13

You have to ask the planet security space systems to allow updated images of the sensitive LUNAR/MARS sites and to take off the S.O.H.O S.D.O and L.U.C.I.F.E.R Vatican telescope "special filters" first.

They may however request the species unites FIRST before any further level updates to species awareness is provided...
So, mankind?

So...just what are those telescopes supposed to see with the filter removed?

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: majickJimi

It has been my experience that secret societies like the Freemasons, O.T.O., Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn, etc. don't tend to share anything, and are NOT typically connected except through common elements of each (though that is a lot). I have NOT seen much desire to control the world; most who are working with Western Ceremonial Magick have enough intelligence to know that "controlling the world" is not desirable, from either side.

Wow you have not seen much desire for anyone or any group to control the world.

My only thought to that comment is, are you in a secret society? lol

It has been established time after time, so many scholars agree, that so many groups in this world have been working tremendously to gain control over the world. And now they have worked so much in that direction that the secret societies have infiltrated almost all of the world governments, but it is all flying right past you. That is humorous. That people are obviously working together to control the world and people like you are so blind to it, that even when it happens and we have a one world government, you will still ignorantly deny that it is even happening.

I mean that either you are not being dishonest and you are part of the evil ambition to rule over the world, or, you are incredibly naive, or just really really stubborn and egotistical. But humorous to me anyhow, because I have heard SO MANY educated people speak the truth about this that it shows how little study you have done, or, again you are just being dishonest like the rest of them. That would be such a waste of time for me to gather evidence and show you it I mean it is such a pathetic thing to argue about - it is so silly to deny such a well known truth. You have to be lying. I mean this is not argued about even with the people of no faith. 99% of the whole world understands this, I cannot believe you are that ignorant to say what you said so you must be on their side.

Listen to me - It Is Easy For Me To See The Dishonesty In Your Heart. You Mislead People By Lying To Them. That Is What You Believe In. but to me you are just a complete coward because you are to scared to step up for the truth, that is why you have sacrficed your soul for magick - because you hate God. Well I understand that you hate God and under NO Circumstance will you EVER speak the Truth. However to me that is being a coward, it is not going to give you occult magical powers of evil, it is just going to make you look like a complete coward because you in your mind made a choice that you did not want to share the Truth with your own species, you are a Sellout. I See right through you. That is the problem when you don't believe in being truthful - your soul is like a window and people like me can see right through it, lol.
edit on 19-6-2018 by MatterIsLight because: You're a Magick Liar; A Coward who is too Scared to be Truthful.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 12:49 PM
Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law.

originally posted by: MatterIsLight

Wow you have not seen much desire for anyone or any group to control the world.

My only thought to that comment is, are you in a secret society? lol

And my thought is "Do you really know WHAT a secret society IS??!"

It would appear that you are confusing "secret society" with "covert group". There are actually only a few secret societies, and rather quite a lot of "covert groups". You should learn the difference!

And, yes I am a member of a secret society, for about the past 50 years. I even get to call myself a high level adept (whoopee).

How about you?

It has been established time after time, so many scholars agree, that so many groups in this world have been working tremendously to gain control over the world.

Yep, I've seen all of that, it is all misunderstandings, misinterpretations, deliberate distortion of aby real truth gained. Seriously man, do you really thing that one of your scholars could gain any significant information from a true secret society.

While it is true that much of the teachings common to all are freely available to anyone, the serious / significant stuff is still locked up tight, and not available to even your scholars. It doesn't matter how many of them agree; agreeing with a falsehood only shows the lack of knowledge...sorry about that, but in this instance; your scholars aren't.

And now they have worked so much in that direction that the secret societies have infiltrated almost all of the world governments, but it is all flying right past you. That is humorous. That people are obviously working together to control the world and people like you are so blind to it, that even when it happens and we have a one world government, you will still ignorantly deny that it is even happening.

Again, you confuse covert group
and secret society.

There is not much that get past me, and in this context; nothing. True secret societies like the Golden Dawn, Argentum Astrum, OTO, Thelemic Golden Dawn ARE NOT in the business of global domination but rather concerned with the evolution of mankind toward unity with God.

Although there are two groups that are seriously vying for global control; but you have never heard of either of them and are not likely to until it is far too late.

I mean that either you are not being dishonest and you are part of the evil ambition to rule over the world, or, you are incredibly naive, or just really really stubborn and egotistical.

None of the above. You are so fogged by conspiracy theory that yo cannot see the world for what it truly is. Thus when someone comes along trying to tell a difficult truth, you attack out of your own lack of knowledge.

But humorous to me anyhow, because I have heard SO MANY educated people speak the truth about this that it shows how little study you have done, or, again you are just being dishonest like the rest of them. That would be such a waste of time for me to gather evidence and show you it I mean it is such a pathetic thing to argue about - it is so silly to deny such a well known truth. You have to be lying. I mean this is not argued about even with the people of no faith. 99% of the whole world understands this, I cannot believe you are that ignorant to say what you said so you must be on their side.

So many educated people speak what truth? You can't be referring to anything applying to a secret society; they're secret! So, again I must presume that you are confusing secret society with covert group.

AND, It is NEVER a waste of time to gather evidence! Although, in this instance it is highly unlikely that you can gather any at all.

ETA: Yeah know you should probably go ahead and show the evidence you have, links will be fine.

Listen to me - It Is Easy For Me To See The Dishonesty In Your Heart.

You poor blind fellow.

your soul is like a window and people like me can see right through it

Actually, I'm standing in front of a mirror; that which you perceive is yourself.

Love is the law, love under will

edit on 6 19 2018 by majickJimi because: (no reason given)

edit on 6 19 2018 by majickJimi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: majickJimi

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13

You have to ask the planet security space systems to allow updated images of the sensitive LUNAR/MARS sites and to take off the S.O.H.O S.D.O and L.U.C.I.F.E.R Vatican telescope "special filters" first.

They may however request the species unites FIRST before any further level updates to species awareness is provided...
So, mankind?

So...just what are those telescopes supposed to see with the filter removed?

Ryugu 😎

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13

originally posted by: majickJimi

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13

You have to ask the planet security space systems to allow updated images of the sensitive LUNAR/MARS sites and to take off the S.O.H.O S.D.O and L.U.C.I.F.E.R Vatican telescope "special filters" first.

They may however request the species unites FIRST before any further level updates to species awareness is provided...
So, mankind?

So...just what are those telescopes supposed to see with the filter removed?

Ryugu 😎

Do ya think you could be a wee bit more explicit?

Just a few I know what the hell your talking about.

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