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Political bickering is childish.

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posted on May, 24 2018 @ 02:08 PM
In order to create interesting content about anything X-files related or similar, you need to use the creative and logical sides of your brain and be really careful about how far you're willing to take it in order to strike the right balance. Sometimes it's easy sometimes it's not.

Also it really helps to have new info or at least a new take on something or to find something obscure yet very compelling.

To make divisive political threads all you need is an opinion and an attitude - which is far easier to formulate on the spot.

The path of least resistance is the path oft traveled. Creating something new and interesting requires a bit of work and thought, so you won't see that very much...

posted on May, 24 2018 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

"One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."


posted on May, 24 2018 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

It's one of the main reasons why I've taken a break from ATS. The political bickering and ignorance of the current administration has become absurd and ridiculous to say the least. Our party system has become so partisan it's done absolutely nothing to pass legislation the majority of Americans need and want. Anyone can easily see how political parties have caused division and bias just by reading the numerous political posts here on ATS. The values this country was founded on and the rights of its citizens are being trampled upon. We have lost our sense of logic and truth when the people of this country start making excuses to defend blatant lies, immoral behavior and irresponsibility, lack of self-control, childish bullying, and an incompetency of our system of laws and governing in our leaders. Our President and representatives define our values and credibility in the world.

It's amazing how representatives who are now retiring start chirping the truth when they no longer have to satisfy their base to keep their job. Our two-party system keeps both sides from speaking their mind. If they don't tow the party line they're black balled or their political base considers them traitors to their party.

if America would trash the two-party system, institute term limits, and remove money and lobbying out of politics, we would see more legislation passed based upon the will of the people. More good-will negotiating when it comes to legislation. No more division and finger-pointing. No more career politicians, and it would enable representatives to speak their mind instead of towing a party platform. Only then will our government truly be "by and for the people."

posted on May, 25 2018 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

I agree with you, part of me cannot shake that this is just another very successful psyop, by crowning Trump the system has invigorated the right, they are so invested in him winning they have turned the blinders on, the left have taken the polar opposite and are having trauma induced meltdowns.

The system has regained a huge amount of faith, people that would be otherwise skeptical of government are now full blown supporters, it's unnerving to watch happen.

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