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A government is only as useful as it's societal foundation.

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posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 09:24 PM
The title is pretty much self explanatory.

As below, so above.

First clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also

What is the function of the government? They are to serve us, not us, them. That's why we pay them,...and the we pay them a lot. Our founders knew what taxation without representation looked like. Its a shame we don't recognize it today.

How is the government to serve 323.13 million individual citizens and residents? The only way is by preserving individual liberties, respecting individual rights to life, property, and pursuit of happiness, and enforcing equality under the Law (not social or economic equality). Ideally, this should be done with minimal intrusion into our privacy. A good servant knows when to make himself scarce.

What are ways that government should not operate? They are not to serve as bodyguards for the majority/minority/special interests. They should not use legislation as a device for social engineering. They are not here to guarantee our retirements, and wipe our asses for us. They are not to tell us how to think, what to feel, or how to live our lives.

These days, America has become polarized. The left has legitimate criticism against the right, as does the right against the left. Regardless, neither side is willing to remove the log from their own eyes before advising their brothers.

Your problems are your problems. You can't blame anyone else. The same goes for the nation. America's problems belong to America. Most of them are self inflicted.

Maybe rather than trying to one-up the opposition, we should stop taking the criticism of others for granted, and examine ourselves. Then we'll have a stronger foundation to stand on, as humans. Maybe then we'll have the courage and sensibility to take the middle path (politically, socially, philosophically, spiritually, etc).

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriestWhat is the function of the government? They are to serve us..

That is what you want it to be.

The current function of government is to milk you of everything you've got.. to serve them.

It's like the mob.

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 09:29 PM
It is not just our government that is messed up. It is our society that has gotten out of whack. I do not know how to fix it, it is way above my knowledge. We have become entitled and led to believe technology will fix our lives and make things better. Simple is better, I do like the social media, but also know it is dangerous for our society. Psychopaths gain confidence on social media and people feel more confident when they find others that share their beliefs. Moving too fast with liberalism is going to destroy our country and set us back into a bad place.

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

Not what I want it to be. What I want is irrelevant. More important is, what government should be. I can live with the fact that our current government is parasitic, but I will not be dissuaded from my principles. Without my beliefs, I am just another piece of decaying organic matter in the universal compost heap that is which point, none of it has any meaning.

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I think the solution rests in individual transformation. As individuals, we should have a purpose, and what better purpose than to seek and vet the truth? This takes energy, so naturally, society will not change over night. Most people are complacent with their socio-psychological status in life. The best thing you can do seek the truth yourself, and influence others to do the same. Social media is the pamphlet of the 21st century. Rather than spinning the propaganda of certain political ideologies, propagate the truth. Never mind how monumental of a change is needed. Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 10:34 PM

A government is only as useful as it's societal foundation.

Then Trump, with his pornstar mistresses, twitter addiction, and total narcissism is the perfect representation of American society and culture. Not a pretty picture is it?

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: olaru12

The truth isn't always pretty. It certainly isn't painted red, white, and blue.

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

Some of us just want to be left alone and want to leave others alone.

Government makes this impossible.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

If only more people could handle being left alone for a while. Most can't.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Metallicus

If only more people could handle being left alone for a while. Most can't.

When you provide a pet with regular food, water and shelter they cease to be able to take care of themselves. The same thing happens to humans with too much Government.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

Politicians become corrupt and owned by the power of money for no other reason than that they buckle to pressure.

The super wealthy, powerful and influential are putting more pressure on politicians that we the people are so in a sense, it is our fault that they gave up representing us years ago.

While we the great unwashed, cant match the bribing power of the elite, we nevertheless are able to use entrapment and other forms of coercion that the elite may or may not use but which would be appropriate for us.

edit on 23-4-2018 by Azureblue because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

I think its beyond being influenced or pressured by the elite/cabal.

I suspect they are hand picked and paid something like a wage.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

Sorry, not trying to stifle you. Just venting.

I agree with your principles of what a gov't should be. Unfortunately most people are dumb as a door-nail.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: Azureblue

I think its beyond being influenced or pressured by the elite/cabal.

I suspect they are hand picked and paid something like a wage.
- "I think they would prefer "A token of Appreciation"

we, the great unwashed need to identify cheap but effective ways of putting pressure on politicians that don't take much time. Writing "my will" letters is one such way.

I read some time ago the have what are called boiler rooms in Israel where groups of people go and spend an hour or two phoning up and lobbying politicians. Much like a call center. They rotate people through the boiler room for several days each week.

Just imagine if people organised meet ups where they met as a group somewhere for a coffee and chatted while each person was tailoring a My Will letter or email or phone message, or they made a call to their local politicians that are supposed to represent them and voice the concerns of their electors.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: olaru12

A government is only as useful as it's societal foundation.

Then Trump, with his pornstar mistresses, twitter addiction, and total narcissism is the perfect representation of American society and culture. Not a pretty picture is it?

And you, right in the middle of the whole thing.

How narcissistic of you guys not realize ya do the same thing everyday on ATS with 69,000 posts?

Yeah we want idiots representing us. Like the last admin.

Porn star is a hit against the 1st Lady.

What "society and culture" are you talking about, anyway?

Be specific.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:18 AM
our government is merely a reflection of ourselves...
if it's corrupt, it's only because that same corruption is in so many hearts of the people.
if it's self serving, it's because so many people are self serving.
those within our gov't are just members of we, the people, who we have saw fit to exalt because we saw qualities within them that we identified in. they made promises that we want to see come into being.
if our gov't is sick, it is because we are sick.... it's just reflecting that sickness back at us.
and, that sickness isn't just confined to one party, or one group, to just the rich or the poor... or this race or that...
no more than the flu epidemic can be confined to just one section of the nation.
we are all infected....

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

Well said. The best we can do is realize that our government is our mirror image, and work to correct ourselves. In doing so, we will inevitably have a beneficial influence on our brothers and sisters. If evil is contagious, the so can be love. It took me a long time to really understand such a simple truth, but it is a goal worth pursuing, even if the change takes centuries to achieve.

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