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Searching for the Austin, TX. serial bomber

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posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: auroraaus
Just wondering if anyone else gets undertones of the Washington Sniper case here?

I had the exact same feeling as I stated in this post from a few days ago:

Another explosion in Texas, possibly a package bomb from the same terrorist that killed and injured others last week.This reminds me a bit of the the DC Snipers, at least I think it was those guys, that were using their vehicle to target individuals, in that people are rightfully scared and don't know when/where the next attack will take place.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 12:19 PM
The EU is the mastermind behind this series of bombings in Teas. The aim is always the same for the EU. Bring down Trump and install a politically correct EUROgovernment in the US.

As the EU and the British did with Kaczinski the "unambomber" so they are repeating now with this Texas serial bomber.

The fact though, is that the EU has no chance of shifting the political balance away from Trump before November's elections. The same as they didn't have a chance at shifting the balance against Putin, even with all those sanctions and idiotic cryouts.
edit on 20-3-2018 by Flanker86 because: c

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 01:41 PM
Seems to be Military or Ex military that has experience with EOD. Seems to know how to use chemicals that are not easily traceable but safe and dependable enough not to have any accidents. Also seems to have a wide range of knowledge to create different types of explosives and place them in a covert manner.

Gotta think what is going to get him is just knocking on doors of former military in the area that fits the profile. Bet he knows this too, look for a big bang when the right door is kicked.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: seattlerat

originally posted by: auroraaus
Just wondering if anyone else gets undertones of the Washington Sniper case here?

I had the exact same feeling as I stated in this post from a few days ago:

Another explosion in Texas, possibly a package bomb from the same terrorist that killed and injured others last week.This reminds me a bit of the the DC Snipers, at least I think it was those guys, that were using their vehicle to target individuals, in that people are rightfully scared and don't know when/where the next attack will take place.

Wasn't there a specific target and everything else was to cover the trail? or am I thinking of another case?

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: auroraaus

I think there are two different tracks to look at. One, the Washington D.C. Snipers. Two, the anthrax letter bombs, after 9-11, 2001. This morning's Fed Ex conveyor explosion, may or may not be the same A---Hole, at work. Mailing a package bomb into Austin ain't the same thing as planting one there.

I did contact a local Austin T.V. news feed, and suggested the scrubbed 2nd bomb. I didn't know about any thunder busters, but the Feds say that these are electronically detonated. So it may add up. My take is thunderstorms notwithstanding, Mar. 20-22 will be his reconnoitering window, and the 24th to 26th, will be the next "PLANTED" bomb. Of course, with people more aware, a package bomb may just sit around for a couple of days.

I gotta wonder if he, or they, aren't getting wound up for a really big one on April Fools Day??? If that Fed EX bomb hadn't triggered on a conveyor belt, it would have been delivered today or tomorrow, the 21st. So it wouldn't have fit into his original schedule.

Regardless of the Gov't propaganda, we still don't know for sure, who mailed those anthrax laced letters. Hatfill didn't, and "Irwin"?? killed himself, rather than go through the Hatfield's gauntlet. And there were other players with access to those Gov. stocks of that powdered pestilence. It must have originated in either a U.S. or a WWII, Japanese laboratory, as it was the Ames, Iowa strain. And just like with this morning's conveyor belt explosion, they weren't intended to contaminate such a wide spectrum of victims.

My money is on the Fed Ex incident being some kind of copycat, and that the next highly targeted bomb will go off on the 24th of March, in a rough circular pattern in Austin.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: Flanker86
The EU is the mastermind behind this series of bombings in Teas. The aim is always the same for the EU. Bring down Trump and install a politically correct EUROgovernment in the US.

As the EU and the British did with Kaczinski the "unambomber" so they are repeating now with this Texas serial bomber.

The fact though, is that the EU has no chance of shifting the political balance away from Trump before November's elections. The same as they didn't have a chance at shifting the balance against Putin, even with all those sanctions and idiotic cryouts.

pshaw. this is obviously staged by gun nuts to take the focus off reforming gun laws.

sorry, couldn't resist -- especially on a site where every mass shooting prompts a ream of threads about false flags and obama taking your guns away.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 08:03 PM
another bombing this evening, Tuesday, so the timing theory may not be correct.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: roadgravel

A pyrotechnic, instead of an explosive?? Maybe some copycats are joining into the party. My timeline is for the reconnoitering to occur tomorrow, and Thursday, with the next explosive device set to go off, on the 24th.

If the Weekend is a no go, from too many people staying at home, then Fri. 23rd and Mon. 26th, will become the prime dates.

I have a bad feeling that April 1st, or April Fool's day, will be the climax, with a much larger bomb. But this is a Sunday, so maybe the 2nd will be it.

edit on 20-3-2018 by carpooler because: April Fool's Day

posted on Mar, 21 2018 @ 03:13 PM
Death by Cop; or Death by Shakespeare??

What a way to use the Ides of March. Mark Antony?? Condit. That herd of Freddies, managed to flush him out, before he took his own life. Personally, I just wish Pres. Trump had ordered the Feds to stand down, as long as Austin remains a Sanctuary City. I would have let those locals stew in their own juices. Maybe some trusting illegals, would have seen something and turned him in on their own.

They've admitted that the pyrotechnic military flare wasn't his doing. So the Good Will Store incident was only a random screw up.

But I still like my timeline, and I bet they won't relax until well after the coming weekend. By blowing himself to pieces, any confederates will know that they weren't compromised by him being interrogated by the Feds. So we will just have to wait and see.

posted on Mar, 21 2018 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: carpooler
a reply to: auroraaus

My take is thunderstorms notwithstanding, Mar. 20-22 will be his reconnoitering window, and the 24th to 26th, will be the next "PLANTED" bomb. Of course, with people more aware, a package bomb may just sit around for a couple of days.


My money is on the Fed Ex incident being some kind of copycat, and that the next highly targeted bomb will go off on the 24th of March, in a rough circular pattern in Austin.

Looks like you were spot on because it looked like he was driving around then parked. The cops watched for a bit then he drove away. They cornered him, approached to the vehicle, and then the bastard blew himself up.

In the early hours of Wednesday, local and federal officers took up positions around a parking area near a hotel in Round Rock, about 20 miles (32km) north of Austin.

As they waited for tactical teams to arrive, the vehicle started to drive away and officers pursued it.
When the vehicle eventually pulled over, armed officers approached, but the suspect then detonated a bomb, injuring one officer. Another officer opened fire., news, March 21, 2018 - Austin bomber: Deceased suspect named in Texas blasts.

I would have liked to see some map dowsing! But more importantly, I am glad the suspect is gone.

Here's to hoping that there are no more undelivered packages out there.

posted on Mar, 21 2018 @ 06:17 PM

Thanx, I have put up some map dowses, on Malaysia Air M H 370's hijacking and the TWO legs of its final flight into a watery grave. Even posters on ATS have dissed this up one side and down the other. Even to the point of armchair theorists saying that eyewitnesses didn't know what they were talking about. In truth, I only got the first leg, from the Straits of Malacca to a remote landing field, in the northernmost province of India. My cohort dowser who lives in Australia, got the second flight down the West Coast of India, out over the Maldives, and finally, off into the British Protectorate Waters, well East of Diego Garcia Island.

I did contact a local Austin T.V. news station, but they never got back to me. I guess things didn't heat up enough for them to go out on a limb.

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