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CNN Doxes Elderly Trump Supporter, Harasses Her, Accuses Her Of Working For Russian Trolls

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posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: burntheships

I was a fan of Dr. Ben Carson.

Yes, happy to see Ben where he is now.
He would have made a great POTUS as well!

But in all honesty, The Clinton's are so dirty
and tawdry.....Trump in many ways was very well
suited for the job against her...he fights back.

edit on 22-2-2018 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 06:39 PM
better toe the line or cnn will dox you and show up at your house!

posted on Feb, 23 2018 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: verschickter
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

You´re so desperatly clutching on straws, you should take a step back and read the # you are writing, seriously.

You should be ashamed, justifying that she now has a crosshair on her back, because she supposedly ran a supporters page. It shows you and your kind have lost the last bit of sanity.


Step back and read what I am writing? OK let's.

I wrote "

If this woman was hosting a facebook pro trump webpage,''

So, was she? Yes she was as stated in the article offered by OP

I wrote ''

then is it not easy to consider that she is already anti-CNN? ''

Do you find this to far fetched? As a follow up to that sentence I pointed out this-

''I cannot find one person on this website here who is pro trump and not antiCNN''

Do you find that to be an incorrect statement? Can you? I read a lot of ATS and cannot recall having ever, found one pro trump supporter here who is not also anti CNN. So, I do not see it as unreasonable to make an assumption that this woman who is hosting a pro Trump facebook chat group to also be anti CNN. Do you find it unreasonable?

I then continued

So, if she was ambushed, that is they just showed up in her front yard, why did she not call the police immediately about the public disturbance they were creating in the street in front of her house.

The notion that CNN harassed her at her home is what was laid out by the OP and the source provided, not me. In that sentence I asked the simple question , if she is pro trump and anti cnn, why is it that she was out there in front of her house engagining with them? If she was being harassed, if they had just shown up to her home and called to her from the street''come out come out where ever you are'' why did she come out and visit with them? Why did she not just call the cops if she felt she was being harassed? If CNN is the enemy who twist everything to fit their own agenda, why did she engage with them knowing that that is what they would do. Especially if they were being rude and intimadating?

Oh wait, I already said that in the next two sentences
[quote If she already considered CNN an enemy, why is it that she even came out of her house to engage with them. Why is it that she asked them to ''report'' certain things to the public for her? ]

So that gets us, in this stepping back and reading what I wrote, to my last sentence

No, she was not being harassed, she was taking part in an interview.

Here, I summed up my considerations on the OP. OP said she was being harassed. I suggested that that might not be the reality of the situation and posted my reasons why.

You say that she now has a cross hair on her back and claim that I am justifying that. No, you are wrong. I am not justifying that she has a crosshair on her back but rather questioning if she did. Unlike others in this thread I am not jumping to the conclusion presented by OP and the source that this woman does have crosshairs on her back.

I read the artcle, watched the video, subtracted what was obviously hyperbole on the part of the source and weighed the incident from both sides and found the OP and the source from which it was drawn, wanting. And pointed out, all within the context of available information, my reason why.

If I agreed that she was harassed or that she had crosshairs on her back, I would also agree with you, that defense of those actions would be disgusting. However, I do not agree that she was being harassed.

If you would like to refute any of my considerations above, then please help me keep my sanity which you have pointed out that I and all those ''like me'' seem to have lost.

And just who are 'my kind'', that are so disqusting?

posted on Feb, 23 2018 @ 07:05 PM

And just who are 'my kind'', that are so disqusting?

It´s pretty clear that you have a fixed standpoint and won´t move one inch even if it´s obvious that CNN crossed the line this time (again). The could have stabbed her and you would probably defend them either way.

Because they are on your "team". But because you want to safe face, you can´t admit it´s how it is. Those kind of people.

I´ve noticed this very often, especially you.

posted on Feb, 23 2018 @ 10:52 PM
Tell you what...I thought Millennials were just the most (synonym for cat - Y)+ified bunch of people that the world had ever known. Since this last election though, it seems like they have some competition in the later Baby Boomers up to those born on the cusp of the transition into the greatest generation the world has ever known (you know who we are...I mean, the world looks up at us so darn much it needs a neck brace!). These people, who are currently at an age that they fill the majority of higher level political and executive level business positions, grew up in the shadow of the big scary USSR and the totally imagined inevitable doomsday event that the Cold War was supposed to be culminating to but that never came. Going thru childhood & adolescence seeing superhero dad & able-to-fix-anything mom terrified by this real life big bad wolf. Years later while establishing independence they remain followed by the invisible lurker in the bedroom at night in the form of entertainment culture and technologies of the day through a string of secret agent titles where the protagonist is a licensed-to-kill hopelessly patriotic American who is all alone up against an invincible criminal mastermind from some fictional communist nation suffixed by, "-istan," or, "-ovia," or, "-onia," or, "-eria," or, "-akia," a major plotline in books and more often in movies and television where we found this force opposing 99, Maxwell Smart, James Bond (well, UK), Ethan Hunt... Musicians were loudly opposed to things and ideas that came from Moscow, our government and economy was always personified/portrayed as the good guy and free man and theirs as evil incarnate, a way of quickly identifying bad guys in all forms of media was simply giving a character a slavic accent or even more often by showing him do nothing more than referring to a partner or colleague as, "comrade." Drills for atomic attacks during the daytime and at home were conducted where you practiced covering your eyes and exposed skin and curling up into a ball should you see the flash that comes seconds before an atomic blast, fireball, and shockwave or at the sound of sirens you timed yourself getting into your family's bomb shelter or the closest community provided "shelter." And lastly, just as the word that means, "a bundle of sticks," is thee most insulting thing you can call a macho, tough guy who is ridiculously oversensitive about his being portrayed as weak or as anything but masculine, just as calling a hardcore feminist, "toots," or, "baby," or a boss approaching his female employee and smacking her butt nice and hard while complimenting her shapely figure and breasts which he confers on her as her reward for some recent professional accomplirecent is to certain types of people just about as offensive as it can possibly get, these scenarios I describe here pale in comparison to just how insulting it was mageneratoon to this generation to be discovered to be a Russian sympathizers or a supporter of communism while, "communist," was the most controversial thing you could be labeled. This all accompanied the most psychotic and paranoid witch hunt since...well, since the witch hunts and the system which saw promoting citizens monitoring their neighbors closely and government purging of any sympathy for Russia would become known by a term that, no millennials, has nothing to do with a slightly familiar to your generation blonde supermodel matchmaker (millennials are all like, what's, "Singled Out!?" lol) or her comedian cousin who was a household name more recently but instead came from the surname of a man with an unclear reputation and who was possibly quite a monster... whom your generation should know better than anyone you have ever learned about as he is the perfect example of just how it can go when you get too quick to point fingers and condemn this or that like your generation is policing everything people say and write and its terrifying to our generations that it is a criminal offense in several western "free" nations now to SAY certain things that are "mean." (Sidenote it shouldn't matter if the klan itself wants to have a Colored People Haters parade through your town, Neonazis want to perform the salute of the Roman Empire and Third Rich, someone wants to say gay and lesbian people are less than human, or even that people with any disability or genetic disorder- the blind, deaf, those with Down's Syndrome, MS, autism, etc. should be sterilized, interred, or hell even euthanized. What you Millennials don't understand as obvious as it should be is that the generations before you saw intolerance too. And you aren't the first people to witness racism. And there have been others who beat you at saying that women are equal or that insulting people for having brown skin is not nice. Your social media abuse, your lack of socialization, your mistaking your opinions and feelings as important in the grand scheme of things, the Facebook/Twitter originating narcissistic tendencies to see how you feel about every lititle thing as A. Revolutionary B. Righteous C. Pioneering D. Exemplary are reasons that all work together explaining why you don't accept that we and those before us even went through the exact same things and we are absolutely sure 100% that it is so, SO much better a world to live in if you let people say anything they want, yes even things as ugly hateful and ridiculous as the aforementioned examples I gave when the alternative is picking and choosing what is and is not ok for other human beings to say with their own mouths and instead of learning to stand up for yourself and affirm your worth as a person building confidence, giving the government and law enforcement the responsibility and incomprehensible power of making sure, on penalty of criminal punishment, that you go through life and never have to run into anyone who says anything negative about you. It creates such an artificial and fake life and my God when the concept of confidence does not even exist since there is no self esteem, no race, no gender, no more attractive between morbid obesity and hourglass figure or defined strong would be like that recent movie I never saw but where people don't have feelings except a few whom the government executes so when they find out they feel, they try to hide it...The Insubordinates or....ugh...The Divergents, right? Real life where EVERYONE has feelings but everyone understands they had better not ever mention their feelings, opinions, or awareness that these things exist at all. And my God young people, how can you ignore a message that was the basis of entire compositions and films from 1984 to Brave New World to Planet of the Apes to Soylent Green to Molieres satirical theater to Euripides and Revelations...even the Book of Enoch which is the oldest one I can thank of that even starts out with Enoch excusing himself to the readers of ancient times saying this is a book whose message is meant for a "remote genernation" for off in the distant future (and with Jesus quoting Enoch more than all other books of the Torah combined, a vote of confidence from the highest source possible works for me). Back on topic tho, the three children of a couple whose names I can't recall fight to this day to clear their parents names after McCarthyism took their parents in a different but related scenario people should know (shame on me). (Continued below..)

posted on Feb, 23 2018 @ 11:13 PM
This is all just a perfect storm and explains why these people from this generation and in positions of major influence have this unsquashable fear where in their minds, the boogie man or big bad wolf will always take the form of Russia. It has been programmed so long and in every possible way that it won't ever be forgotten but it helps to explain why us gen x people just can see Russia as anything other than a nation of friends. We may see some of lingering movie characters do the whole Russia vs US thing but it remains strictly an occurance in fiction. While you would expect the Millennials to be even further removed from such sentiments and where it was absolutely the case that as generations died off recently, racism became less and less prevalent to near non-existent...well, that suddenly stopped in its tracks and turned around because of the millennials unfortunately. Well, this topic has done the same. Why? Because unlike all other generations where people thirsted for knowledge and were responsible for their own, Millennials don't have any real zest for knowing and what they do know they expect to simply show up and knowledge happens, there is no active work of knowledge acquisition because of my generation who made the mistake of thinking the internet was going to create a race of superkids with god like intelligence lol we did not know it would only empty the streets to ghost town like by 330 pm Instead of kids socializing face to face in a healthy way till moms and dads began shouting out the front doors (which was our smartphone and it worked fine) and our expectation for computers to socialize and raise them and the internet to educate them instead just created a generation of clueless selfish self centered kids who do not even have the ability to critically think but that coupled with the fact they DO HAVE a severely inflated sense of self worth and cuz of it are way super sensitive and not in a good caring way, just in a incompetence from debilitating emotional weakness way. So they get very emotional and charged and angry and violent over anything that conflicts with the norm. This often goes into politics and the most pathetic part is they get so so emotional and angry over fascism, capitalism, patriarchy, etc but have no clue what these things are and worse have no idea that they don't understand. You cannot point out that they don't know or should learn because they are trained to work together to destroy you if you do. So the most influential and simpleton pop culture controlling people happen to be those late era boomers who are terrified of Russia at the very instinctual core and a feat they will never overcome. But because the simpleton millennials doubt understand even the ideas of the existence of corruption or that government indiscretions and if they did wouldn't even know how to research or investigate it, instead they are told trump is a meanie pants and immediately a generation who never even mentioned the name trump claim he is the devil himself and go as far as committing suicide and self immolation at his election. And now where this irratona fear of Russia AMD blaming them as the go-to political opponent internationally, a generation that should have never even known about the USSR vs America sentiment have adopted it and are nursing it back to 1960s health and likely will go much farther than was gone in the Cold War and there will be devastation I have a feeling all stemming from a cultured of hate and mistrust that came,about for no reason whatsoever aside from government and economic competition and metaphorical penis size contest amongst international arms companies.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 04:15 AM
So I watched the video.

* she wasn't doxed
* she wasn't harassed
* she wasn't accused of working for Russians

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: Porquenolosdos
So I watched the video.

* she wasn't doxed
* she wasn't harassed
* she wasn't accused of working for Russians

They not hearing that tho.

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