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Refuse The National ID Card!

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posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 11:21 AM
The US / Mexico wall is a reality. Construction began during the Clinton administration. It is often refered to as a "fence" but in some places it is actually three layers of steel standing 14 feet tall. That sounds more like a wall than a fence, but maybe that's just me.

I have to get to work, but will check in later to see where this goes and talk more about the "internal passport."

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 11:22 AM
Here's an article I ran across. It's discussing possible North American integration. Imagine.. one BIG American superstate from Southern Mexico to frosty Canada.

I'm not diggin' it.

Border talks called `Disturbing'

Blue-ribbon panel looks at North American integration


02/14/05 "Toronto Star" - - OTTAWA—An influential tri-national panel has considered a raft of bold proposals for an integrated North America, including a continental customs union, single passport and contiguous security perimeter.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
The US / Mexico wall is a reality. Construction began during the Clinton administration. It is often refered to as a "fence" but in some places it is actually three layers of steel standing 14 feet tall

In Nogales, AZ, I remember watching Mexicans climb right over that wall. It was crazy.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Obviously, I have a problem with anya sort of government tracking device on any car of mine.

I agree with you 100% You gotta love how they present things to us. Take micro chips, for example. They talk about how great they are to implant in your dog (in case he runs away) or into your kid (down in Latin America). If the kid gets kidnapped, he can be located. Sounds great, right? Those uses are logical enough. What they don't tell you about are the dual uses and the dubious entities implementing them.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I hearya. I will not give in, though, to that pessimism. Those who look away and refuse to keep fighting the good fight, to the very last, will one day be sorry.

The problem with this tactic is that standing out marks you. Just posting in this forum gives points toward your 'terrorist' designation in the TIA system. Government is likely to give itself enough rope to hang itself, at which time people can act. In the case of national ID vs. staying off the grid, you would have to be off the grid from birth. Otherwise, an otherwise categorized citizen who should have a drivers license (national passport) (age, vision parameters) is far more conspicuous than a citizen with a drivers license.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 02:17 PM
i heard of communities in North America who are "off the grid" so to speak. most are NWO conspiracy theorists like ourselves

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 09:38 PM

You're 2 steps ahead of the game! This thing they're planning is an American version of the EU, a Pan-American Union. Well, that's what I hear they're calling it now.

Imagine, no more borders between Canada, us, and Mexico. One giant nation, along with some of Central America (maybe even some of South America). We'll all be one big happy family.

I recently re-read 1984, and that book and what's going on now has got me buggin. Is anyone familiar with the book? Do yall remember how it was Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia? Call me crazy, but that's what I see eventually happening IN REAL LIFE!!! The EU's already real. They want an American version. Weird, huh...

Speaking of that book, I feel that the stuff that's happening now is far worse than what Orwell wrote about. BTW, I heard that Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, had a brother who was in the UN or something like that. Huxley supposedly said that his book wasn't fiction, that the stuff he wrote about would actually happen one day. Maybe I should start a thread on this...

Anyway, that's how I see it.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 02:13 AM
Every day it gets more and more obvious what is happening. But did the average person cry out when they charged dumb gang bangers under a New york state terrorism statute? No why would they they are gang bangers and deserve whatever they are getting!!
People need to wake up they are dividing us and taking us piece meal. Even if you don't agree with someone elses opinion if their rights are being infringed stand with them or your rights are next.
Remember that United we stand divided we fall quote. Without it we are nothing but bite sizes pieces for the juggernaut.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by halo_aura
The problem with this tactic is that standing out marks you. Just posting in this forum gives points toward your 'terrorist' designation in the TIA system

Because of my work, I'm quite visible out here in the real world.
I wouldn't doubt it if they have my name on some list. Bottom line is, you either stand up and fight, in every way you can, or you roll over and ALLOW them to control YOUR destiny.

[edit on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka


You're 2 steps ahead of the game! This thing they're planning is an American version of the EU, a Pan-American Union. Well, that's what I hear they're calling it now.

It'll be interesting to see how we are maneuvered into position for that to happen. Right now it seems an impossibility. But then again, so did a massive attack on US soil (9-11).

BTW, I heard that Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, had a brother who was in the UN or something like that. Huxley supposedly said that his book wasn't fiction, that the stuff he wrote about would actually happen one day.

Excellent book.
Required reading for all students of Dystopia, which happens to be most relevant at this time. Huxley was a spook. He was involved with certain '___' ops and disinfo, if memory serves.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 12:35 PM
Hi all, Im a new member. Here's an article a friend of mine sent me. Hope this isnt something thats already posted

House approves electronic ID cards
Published: February 10, 2005
By Declan McCullagh
Staff Writer, CNET

The U.S. House of Representatives approved on Thursday a sweeping set of rules aimed at forcing states to issue all adults federally approved electronic ID cards, including driver's licenses.

Under the rules, federal employees would reject licenses or identity cards that don't comply, which could curb Americans' access to airplanes, trains, national parks, federal courthouses and other areas controlled by the federal government. The bill was approved by a 261-161 vote.

The measure, called the Real ID Act, says that driver's licenses and other ID cards must include a digital photograph, anticounterfeiting features and undefined "machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements" that could include a magnetic strip or RFID tag.

The Department of Homeland Security would be charged with drafting the details of the regulation.

States would be required to demand proof of the person's Social Security number and confirm that number with the Social Security Administration.

Another portion of the bill says that states would be required to link their DMV databases if they wished to receive federal funds. Among the information that must be shared: All data fields printed on drivers' licenses and identification cards, and complete drivers' histories, including motor vehicle violations, suspensions and points on licenses.

Civil libertarians and firearm rights groups condemned the bill before the vote. The American Civil Liberties Union likened the new rules to a "de facto national ID card"....

The group warned that it would "empower the federal government to determine who can get a driver's license--and under what conditions."


SIDE NOTE : Applied Digital Solutions of Palm Beach, Fla., is hoping that Americans can be persuaded to implant RFID chips under their skin to identify themselves when going to a cash machine or in place of using a credit card. The surgical procedure, which is performed with local anesthetic, embeds a 12-by-2.1mm RFID tag in the flesh of a human arm.

RFID tags are miniscule microchips, which some manufacturers have managed to shrink to half the size of a grain of sand. They listen for a radio query and respond by transmitting a unique ID code, typically a 64-bit identifier yielding about 18 thousand trillion possible values. Most RFID tags have no batteries. They use the power from the initial radio signal to transmit their response.

MasterCard has been testing an RFID technology called PayPass. It looks like any other credit card but is outfitted with an RFID tag that lets it be read by a receiver instead of scanned through a magnetic stripe.

ADS is running a special promotion, urging Americans to "get chipped." The first 100,000 people to sign up will receive a $50 discount.

-Here's a couple verses I'm sure a lot of u are familiar with, which match up nicely with whats being said in the article. Revelations 13:16He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or[f] the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Thanks for the link and comments. It's defintely a states rights issue and I'm all for states rights. Why, I wonder, are the majority of Republicans supporting this crap?! Are 95% bought off by the powers that be? Guess so.
Any other time they'd be screaming bloody murder over Federal intrusiveness. But hey - in Bushworld, black is white, night is day - don't you forget that, useless feeders!

As far as the chips go, I've often wondered if it will someday culminate in the Mark of the Beast as predicted in the bible. My money's on it. Thanks for that scripture, btw.

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