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posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: Metallicus
Maybe people should stick to the issues instead of disrespecting each other and the President. Also, I am tired of non-US citizens telling us how we should do things. We ain't Europe / Canada.

I don't see why. Americans have been interjecting their opinions on Canadian topics for a long time. I appreciate that they are interested in our country.

I am trying to suggest things that we can stop doing things that annoy people. When you comment on someone else's country it is like a mother-in-law giving advice to a new mother. It isn't welcome and it tends to piss people off regardless of the good intentions.

I think a lot of Americans get overly upset when outsiders comment about their country but that should not be a reason for no one outside the US to comment.

If someone calls out your nation then you can defend it or you can agree their is a problem, what tends to happen though is any critisim of the US is met with anger and abuse and that solves nothing.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: Metallicus
Maybe people should stick to the issues instead of disrespecting each other and the President. Also, I am tired of non-US citizens telling us how we should do things. We ain't Europe / Canada.

I don't see why. Americans have been interjecting their opinions on Canadian topics for a long time. I appreciate that they are interested in our country.

I am trying to suggest things that we can stop doing things that annoy people. When you comment on someone else's country it is like a mother-in-law giving advice to a new mother. It isn't welcome and it tends to piss people off regardless of the good intentions.

Well if interest in your country pisses you off that's on you. Sorry but it's true.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: Metallicus
Maybe people should stick to the issues instead of disrespecting each other and the President. Also, I am tired of non-US citizens telling us how we should do things. We ain't Europe / Canada.

I don't see why. Americans have been interjecting their opinions on Canadian topics for a long time. I appreciate that they are interested in our country.

Opinions on poutine, mockery of 'aboot,' following the NHL, and watching reruns of Dudley Doright on Cartoon Network hardly matches the level of interjected opinions Canadians frequently take into US politics.

BS Burd. You are one of the people I was thinking about with posts in Canadian topics and it goes WAY beyond the mundane.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

Great sentiments but there are forces of nature at work here. There's a lot of right wing elitism, fandom, and outright ad hominem. I would prefer discussions based on facts and critical thinking. But instead we have posturing type arguments.

What I mean by right wing elitism is there are many people on the right who just smugly think, "left wingers are idiots and just don't get it." The standard right wing response to any criticism is "the left does it too" is so old and boring it makes me puke. Assuming the left is "wrong" is a prejudice and bigotry poisoning every political discussion.

What I mean by fandom is arguing one side over the other without reason. It's like rooting for your favorite NFL football team. I heard someone argue Trump presidents already made this country great. I said by what measure. Unless our discuss have some rational bases in reality it's just posturing or pissing contests about who is right.

And in case you don't know an ad hominem attack is one that attacks the person and not what the person is saying. Yes, liberals want public policies you may not agree with if you are on the right but you don't have to call someone a "moron", "idiot", etc... It doesn't add to your argument. If you say raising taxes is bad because it slows economic activity that's reasonable. But if you say "your an idiot for raising taxes" then that's an ad hominem attack.

Politics are pretty much a big waste of time in this country. It doesn't matter who is in office. Every year the righ get richer and poverty increases. The lobbyists define domestic policy and the CFR defines foreign policy. Nothing has change in our country's government for 30 years. The cabal of billionaires rule this country. Everyone else is an economic slave.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: intrepid

In fairness, I tend to follow geopolitical news more than the average American does, so I'm not exactly talking out of my ass. I don't think the rest of the world realize that a goodly share of liberal policymaking in the United States stems from whatever Europe and Canada have done. To that end, some of what I'd call those country's more harebrained schemes get a little bit of preemptive ridicule and criticism from me when they're passed. That and I'm an asshole who enjoys fomenting chaos and self doubt in others.

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