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Social Justice Warriors in the 80's...

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posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 10:35 AM
I was watching the old Australian show, DAAS Kapitol, and just laughed when this part came on. Had to clip it..

Not much has changed in 30+ years. well, except it's gone from a comedy to a drama series. But still, just goes to show, you can't fool someone with a university education... lmao

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: badw0lf

I dunno about 'wankers' in the UK, in the states there wasn't as much social justice clamour, except maybe abortion clinics.

Everyone had living wage jobs, they could afford rent, a nice car, hobbies and vacations, and still save money.

There was no need to clamor about social justice. The 80s were good times, between the 60s strife about endless war in Vietnam, gubment corruption (like Nixon) and the period we're in now (same as back in the 60s and early 70s, maybe worse).

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: badw0lf

reminds me of this clip from KITH

*coops black anger.*

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I remember the 80's here in Aus, and there was little if any publicity given to protesters, except the Aborigines who had a valid right to be heard. Tent Embassy in the 70's and 80's in Canberra was all over the news.

My take on this with the clip was the destruction of historical things, the manifestation of justification and the inference that being university educated made you the morally superior citizen.

None of that was prevalent in my recollection, apart from smarmy gits who pervaded any social realm, but this episode of DAAS Kapitol epitomises what is occurring today, quite prophetically. I think..

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: badw0lf

reminds me of this clip from KITH

*coops black anger.*

OMFG !!! "I'm sorry, just, naked fat black crippled dykes are hard to find!"

Holy smokes, I just choked on my wine !! hahaha

Never seen this show. We're a little bit secluded down under.

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 12:06 PM
I was such a Richard in the 80s and the 90s!

I went to school with one of their sisters and he would brand us with tennis balls as we walked on the footpath after the school bus. He showed the girls no mercy on pelting that ball.

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: badw0lf

Kids in the Hall was awesome, I was really young watching it but I'd try to catch it as much as possible, usually repeats that would come on CC.

Such a great cast of hilarious dudes.

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
I was such a Richard in the 80s and the 90s!

I went to school with one of their sisters and he would brand us with tennis balls as we walked on the footpath after the school bus. He showed the girls no mercy on pelting that ball.

One of the DAAS ??

By the sounds of it, has to be Paul. lol, he always has come across as a tennis ball throwing punk. Would have been awesome to heckle him during the Big Gig days, and chuck one back at him.

I do miss good news week though.

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: badw0lf

Yup lol.

You know what strikes me when I see this, besides a flood of memories of them Busking in the city before making it big?
I am perplexed at how hysterical people have become about "SJW's" or anything else really. Its like if you have an opinion you are militant about hippies, sporty folk, conservatives, social justice kids, fascists, homo's, pinkos, greenies.

It's all gone too far the last few years.
Back in my college and uni days, you were just really a kid, a young adult with a growing social or political conscience, but more committed to drinking and hooking up with occasional tutorial thrown in.

Really strange how personally invested people have become in their political, religious or social identities and belittling anyone that is different.

I blame the interwebz. It's all gone overboard and just pretty much annoying.

IDGAF about what stupid outrage the the SJW in Berkley or the REDNECK Nazi in 'Bama have performed lately, and we now exist in a sick collective that dissect, mock, judge humiliate or attack every example of any event or person that a decade ago I wouldn't have known nor cared about.

Truth is , all the mocking on ATS and anywhere else on boards around the web is just people making themselves feel better about themselves and their chosen identity and tribe at the expense of someone else.

It's about self delusion and self congratulation

OK I just out irony-ied my irony and anyone else's goddamn irony.

Long live the DAAS!

edit on 23-9-2017 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

I agree hey.

I think half, most in fact, of the problem is the internet links so many people together. 15 years ago it was SMS on your stupid phone (as opposed to your smart phone) and before that it was word of mouth. each one proves to be more effective in getting a message out to many people, but also getting a message out to the wrong people.

idk.. I was never into social disobedience. I was just disobedient. I could never stand socialists. and I knew a few. same with nationalists. it was the middle ground, erring on the side of what I knew, what I felt. I never took up a cause, in fact, I lost a few. I was supposed to be a veterinarian. Save da pooches and kittehs.. :/ but I left school at 13, worked in rubbish jobs, became homeless, all that jazz.

In that time I met all walks of life, and only a few people stick in my mind. and they were not warriors or activists. Those people, whom I knew, are dead now. funny how living on the streets, activism, and hard drugs, does that.

I just sit back in my tired little reality and watch what I saw before come true.

So the DAAS vid made me laugh and do a double take. So long ago, was it like that then? Surely not, not to that extreme.. yet here we are now, don't need an ancient comedy show to play out. Just go to youtube and search the latest protest.

Haha it is classic that you knew these guys. I had read how they used to busk before hitting it big time, more or less. I'd give my right arm to have a video of them back then. but alas, they were the times before smart phones (as opposed to your stupid phone) and so many moments never captured.

Thank god for that though !!! lol

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