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Why would North Korea start a war with the United States?

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posted on Jul, 28 2017 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

You clearly know not nearly enough about the situation to be making an informed opinion about agreeing to go to war there there, while I dont have the time to walk you through it one on one that many details. If you're truly interested in being informed I've beaten all this stuff to death here:

And you clearly cannot recognize the war has never stopped. So there is no ignoring, it's been there my entire life.
As much as I love reading, and I will check out your thread, how can I take you seriously, when you lament about war tactics to a country we have been at war with for over 50 years?

posted on Jul, 28 2017 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

At war "still" by design because that's what the perpetual war machine wants. The whole game is about having "cause" to have military bases there. SK is part of the Empire, as is any place that has US bases present.

The whole issue now is NK is finally about to be in a position where they cant be total whipping boys, and we just cant stand that.

Like I said, give SK a few nukes and we could pull totally out of there and they'd be fine. Sure they may have the occasional border skirmish in their little Asian 'you insulted my family honor' bloodfued, but that's their problem. it should be up to them how to manage it.
edit on 28-7-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

At war "still" by design because that's what the perpetual war machine wants. The whole game is about having "cause" to have military bases there. SK is part of the Empire, as is any place that has US bases present.

The whole issue now is NK is finally about to be in a position where they cant be total whipping boys, and we just cant stand that.

Like I said, give SK a few nukes and we could pull totally out of there and they'd be fine. Sure they may have the occasional border skirmish in their little Asian 'you insulted my family honor' bloodfued, but that's their problem. it should be up to them how to manage it.

Not quite. The whole issue is now NK can strike first.
Do you really think it's because of other countries the NK do not have electric lights?
Do you think it's because of some blood lust from the USA that the NK doesn't have anything? Yet their country still stands with the same dynasty, when so many other governments have fallen due to the hand of the US?

The fact you want more nuclear armament scares me.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

NK launches a nuke = INSTANT death. Game Over. They'd be gone FOREVER in less than 20 minutes.

While it wouldn't be as much of a bitter situation is the US wasn't there agitating the situation even further, perpetually.

Read my thread. I bring up other case studies such as India/Pakistan. Why aren't we there doing the same thing?
Total hypocrisy on this issue. Korea is all about one thing: military empire vassals states.

NK supposedly the aggressor yet they haven't nuked SK (what the whole headache is about to begin with), but oh yeah they're just going to launch on the US for no good reason other than for the hell of it when they'd be a glass parking lot in 200 minutes afterwards.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

NK launches a nuke = INSTANT death. Game Over. They'd be gone FOREVER in less than 20 minutes.

While it wouldn't be as much of a bitter situation is the US wasn't there agitating the situation even further, perpetually.

Read my thread. I bring up other case studies such as India/Pakistan. Why aren't we there doing the same thing?
Total hypocrisy on this issue. Korea is all about one thing: military empire vassals states.

NK supposedly the aggressor yet they haven't nuked SK (what the whole headache is about to begin with), but oh yeah they're just going to launch on the US for no good reason other than for the hell of it when they'd be a glass parking lot in 200 minutes afterwards.

We are not in a cold war with India or Pakistan.
And you need to brush up a bit more on the NK's aggression to others in the area.

As an aside:
Tactics are an interesting subject to study, as is world history, and war history.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Thanks for the link, to your own thread.

Your links in your OP are, a you tube video equivalent. Another thread from you, and a final thread by you.
I have yet to quote myself, It's the sign of a bad position.
But I have faith in my fellow ATSers.

The second thread you post has the OP referencing other ATS threads; The first thread only references yourself, only your self. The second has no references, but two deleted you tube videos. Truth every one of them I know.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

It's all about empire. Pakistan wont have us there nor needs us there. India wont have us there nor needs us there.

SK doenst need US there but they have US there.

We gonna spend billions of our resources there hell why should they. We saved them long ago and they "owe" US anyways. The SK people there they dont really want us there. They've had riots over it. But politicians are different creatures.

Meanwhile they have more money, more industry, more friends, more allies, better communications, etc, etc, etc while if there was a full scale invasion we'd be right back there again and the NK 'allies' politically would have to give them the cold shoulder. So yeah give SK a few nukes just to be sure, let them man their own DMZ, and we're around if they need US. Problem solved. None of their neighbors they might choose to hassle have less people, less industry, less resources, less money than them. While with US out of the equation they no longer have any excuse to be hostile which would further isolate them internationally if they chose to. As long as we're there they have their excuse to be pricks, and we have our excuse to be pricks back, and on and on and on it will go. Oh, and we get to keep out forward projected military empire encircling the Asian continent (which is all its really about for US).

You wan to be an imperialist, blow up millions of people across the globe per decade as usual we can have that discussion. Although I doubt you'll enjoy it. But here goes on topic: attack NK and MILLIONS of people will die on both sides in less than a year. Maybe to the tune of NK nuking SK as a 'doomsday machine' last ditch move, which will get them nuked back by US, and there you go nukes launched in the 21st Century all because 'all of you' just had to swing your dicks all over planet earth. And at that point with the rest of the imperialist BS we've done across the planet the past 50 years, the US will deserve to be nuked by the rest of the world. So good luck with that.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: randomtangentsrme
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Thanks for the link, to your own thread.

Your links in your OP are, a you tube video equivalent. Another thread from you, and a final thread by you.
I have yet to quote myself, It's the sign of a bad position.
But I have faith in my fellow ATSers.

The second thread you post has the OP referencing other ATS threads; The first thread only references yourself, only your self. The second has no references, but two deleted you tube videos. Truth every one of them I know.

Dude in my thread that went on for 9 pages, I had half the site come at me with every argument and I took em all head on. Tons of materials linked in. Trolls and the whole 9 yards. I'm not even sure what thread youre talking about.

Going thru it all again every detail with an imperialist / war monger / whatever is a complete waste of time, but call it a sign of a weak position if you want.

Meanwhile I have plenty of material in this thread, challenges in this thread that none of you have taken on so yeah clearly you're a waste of my time.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 12:50 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

It's all about empire. Pakistan wont have us there nor needs us there. India wont have us there nor needs us there.

SK doenst need US there but they have US there.

We gonna spend billions of our resources there hell why should they. We saved them long ago and they "owe" US anyways. The SK people there they dont really want us there. They've had riots over it. But politicians are different creatures.

Meanwhile they have more money, more industry, more friends, more allies, better communications, etc, etc, etc while if there was a full scale invasion we'd be right back there again and the NK 'allies' politically would have to give them the cold shoulder. So yeah give SK a few nukes just to be sure, let them man their own DMZ, and we're around if they need US. Problem solved. None of their neighbors they might choose to hassle have less people, less industry, less resources, less money than them. While with US out of the equation they no longer have any excuse to be hostile which would further isolate them internationally if they chose to. As long as we're there they have their excuse to be pricks, and we have our excuse to be pricks back, and on and on and on it will go. Oh, and we get to keep out forward projected military empire encircling the Asian continent (which is all its really about for US).

You wan to be an imperialist, blow up millions of people across the globe per decade as usual we can have that discussion. Although I doubt you'll enjoy it. But here goes on topic: attack NK and MILLIONS of people will die on both sides in less than a year. Maybe to the tune of NK nuking SK as a 'doomsday machine' last ditch move, which will get them nuked back by US, and there you go nukes launched in the 21st Century all because 'all of you' just had to swing your dicks all over planet earth. And at that point with the rest of the imperialist BS we've done across the planet the past 50 years, the US will deserve to be nuked by the rest of the world. So good luck with that.

It's interesting, I get your point.
Has one of these countries asked us to leave? Can we leave? We've had a number of presidents either side, but the bases stay. . . Where I'm at, I know of two bases that have been closed, The ballet I worked for had storage in one.
It has been in vogue to close bases, why not those overseas?

You are going to extremes all over the place. Non of which relate to me.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

You mean like how we did nothing during WWII until a much smaller country like Japan horribly attacked Hawaii?

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 04:59 AM
OP asks the question - "Why would North Korea start a war with the United States?"

Answer- Because they are lunatics. Mad as a box of frogs.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: paraphi

There's an offended box of frogs that resents your comparison.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: uwontbelievethis"North Korea has hailed as a success its latest test of an intercontinental ballistic missile describing it as a "stern warning" for the US."

North Korea has hailed as a success its latest test of an intercontinental ballistic missile describing it as a "stern warning" for the US.

What some view as a "warning" I take as a threat.

The game has been upped. Could Kim make a second firing and have success ? What he has done, is make the world infinitely more dangerous for himself. He has made the need to stop him more urgent for the US, and the World. We are not the sole target in his sights.

A bargaining chip? It will come back to bite him, and likely to kill and finish him in all probability.

"Never as a child do I remember a little kid picking a fight with a big bully. It may have happened but I never saw it happen."

You have to remember the Occidental man runs on Logic, the Oriental on Pride and Honor, that is, their perception of honor.

edit on 29-7-2017 by Plotus because: add to comment

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 08:17 AM
Never as child do I remember some kid constantly threatening a bully and implying that soon he was going to annihilate the bully as North Korea keeps stating. It sort of makes north korea the bully. I was always taught when getting bullied and threatened the best way to to stop it was punch them in the mouth.

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
I think NK is being goaded by some other nation and NGO groups.

I agree with this. In fact, I was just about to say that it's all a setup. I think that Russia and China are pushing NK's actions behind the scenes.

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