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woodwardjnr Blue Owl

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posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: NicksMum

I am so sorry for your loss of your son, Nick. We didn't talk much on the music thread, but spoke through songs. I cried for two days when it was announced he had passed, I cannot even imagine yours' and your husbands' grief and stress. My condolences to you and yours.

♥ Much love, empathy and grace to you. ♥

He was very much loved here.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Night StarThanks Night Star
No I haven't ventured much into ATS as yet, I am sure I will in the future. I am still busy catching up with the threads that Zazz sent me, a lot of reading! I have to admit to still feeling obsessed with everything Nick, and still like to re read all the lovely comments about him. It makes me feel a bit closer to him.

You all sound so clever, and write so well on here I feel a bit out of my depth. I will venture further in time, and thanks for the encouragement.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: DaphneApollo
a reply to: NicksMum

I am so sorry for your loss of your son, Nick. We didn't talk much on the music thread, but spoke through songs. I cried for two days when it was announced he had passed, I cannot even imagine yours' and your husbands' grief and stress. My condolences to you and yours.

♥ Much love, empathy and grace to you. ♥

He was very much loved here.
Thank you so much...he certainly loved his music. I miss the sound of his music banging away when he thought we were out. x

edit on 25-4-2017 by NicksMum because: spelling !

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: NicksMum

Hello NicksMum, I'm so happy to see you here.
I didn't speak with Nick much, just a little...but I did read much of what he wrote. I thought he was lovely and also cried with the others when I heard of his passing.

I'm glad you're here because he was so well loved and respected, and another reason too. So many of us have formed close friendships and share our joys but also our sorrows. There is an entire support system here for you if you ever feel the need to reach out and get to know some of us better.

Many of us are either currently dealing with something traumatic or we have in the past. We will do our best to share and relate with you. My friends here have been the most loving individuals in my life at times recently and also the most helpful.

The harsh truth is that we will always live with our grief, but talking about our loved ones is crucial for some healing to occur. The people in your real life may shy away from the topic of your son for fear of wounding you further.

Here you will find kind souls who understand, and will either make you laugh or cry...but they will love you unconditionally, in an almost magical way.

*Mom to Mom hug*

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 11:33 PM
I was reminded of a post by Woodwardjr recently when I decided to bump an old thread of mine.

He said -

Both my father and brother are drummers so I can appreciate the skill involved in the art.. A family dinner normally desends into to some type of rhythmic hammering away with knives and folks. I join in on the wine glass as cowbell.

I remember laughing out loud at that. Then I visualized it in my head, it's totally something I would do as well. I then replied "Haha that's cool, star for you". He truly made people smile.

Before that, he also introduced me to a joke I had never heard till then.

what do you call someone who hangs round with musicians? A Drummer.

LOL D'oh!!!

Thread is HERE.
edit on 26-4-2017 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: NicksMum

You're not out of your depth. You will fit in perfectly. Jacy summed things up quite nicely about how so many of us here have been through traumatic things and how we are all here for each other etc.

Take your time reading through Nick's posts and the posts from his ATS family. They are treasures for sure. When you are ready to explore the site, let us know. I have a special thread I think you might like. Zazz pops in and loves us all in there, well...I'm assuming all of us. LOL


posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: Wookiep
I was reminded of a post by Woodwardjr recently when I decided to bump an old thread of mine.

He said -

Both my father and brother are drummers so I can appreciate the skill involved in the art.. A family dinner normally desends into to some type of rhythmic hammering away with knives and folks. I join in on the wine glass as cowbell.

I remember laughing out loud at that. Then I visualized it in my head, it's totally something I would do as well. I then replied "Haha that's cool, star for you". He truly made people smile.

Before that, he also introduced me to a joke I had never heard till then.

what do you call someone who hangs round with musicians? A Drummer.

LOL D'oh!!!

Thread is HERE.
Read this to my husband, made him laugh xx

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: NicksMum

If it helps, when i first joined ATS i was scared to death to post anything. The people here were/are so smart, it can be intimidating to put an opinion up

but there is the alert feature...we don't tolerate bad manners very well here. If you see bad manners, just alert the mods and a cleanup discussion will ensue.

posted on Apr, 27 2017 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: NicksMum


He's remembered with much fondness, and respect. There are members here who are very special people, who everyone likes and respects, he was one of them, and still is.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 11:59 PM
Mam, I have to say that my interaction with your son was minimal. I do, however, distinctly remember when he first became a member here. He was always, at least to my knowledge, always very respectful.

I still remember his last post and how much strength and courage he portrayed. He will be missed, man and I just hope you know that he and his family are in our thoughts here at ATS.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 11:12 AM
A thread in Nick's memory.

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