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Good ole ATS compilation

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posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:11 PM
Mods - Didn't know where to specifically put this, feel free to move to correct forum.

I wanted to make this thread for all of the ATS users that came here for a reason. Conspiracies, UFO/Alien, myths, legends and beyond.

I want to assert that if you have anything political to bring to this thread, please stay away. I'm this thread almost as a tribute to users that have brought us well written threads that really get our minds to think. Thus, I've chosen 10 threads that I really enjoy and hope you will to. Considering as of late, I myself as well as many others that are tired of the political mud pit this site has recently succumbed to. I present to you, a great reads to help try and bring ATS back to its roots.

mirageman posted this very well written thread called Rendlesham forest... A Christmas story from 1980

This thread really stood out to me due to the significant of the situation and all of the multiple eye witness accounts. Here is a quick excerpt from mirageman's thread

Christmas Night 25th into 26th December 1980 – after reports of strange lights in Rendlesham Forest, three USAF security policeman are sent to investigate a possible downed aircraft from the nearby twin bases of Woodbridge and Bentwaters. One of the men, SSgt. Jim Penniston claims to have touched an unidentifiable black triangular craft with strange glyph like markings and received a ‘binary download’ from it. Nearby John Burroughs described it as a bank of lights in the forest whilst Ed Cabansag was further back and describes a similar experience to Burroughs. 26th December 1980 – During daylight Penniston returns to the site and makes plaster casts of 3 equidistant indentations in the ground. Later that evening after further reports of lights in the forest a female shift commander ventures out into Rendlesham Forest , her patrol vehicle stalls and then a ball of blue light flies through the vehicle leaving her deeply traumatised and she is sent home.

This is an excellent read read! Thank you for this mirageman.

Egyptian statue on Mars

Here is a very intriguing thread brought to you by iammonkey. thank you.

We've all seen the endless Mars anomalies threads, But this one truly stood out.

Here is an excerpt :

While looking at pictures of mars. There was something on the picture that grabbed my attention. Here’s the link to the original. The two black and white pictures on the left of the last set of pics are from mars the rest are in Egypt

You have to see this one, if I recall correctly this is a rather new thread. Unfortunately it may have been caught up in all the madness that has been here of late.

One of my favorites comes from Skyfloating, remarkable work I must say.

Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain

This one is about

Welcome to a tale of Time Portals, Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Extraterrestrials, Subterranean Civilizations, The Holy Grail and Paranormal Phenomena surrounding a Mountain bordering Germany and Austria called "Untersberg".

A fascinating read! Thank you, Skyfloating.

A wild story of reincarnation. This one, brought to us by maddy21.

3 year old recalls past life, identifies killer and location of body

If you have ever been skeptical about reincarnation, this may sway your thoughts.

A 3-year-old boy in the Golan Heights region near the border of Syria and Israel said he was murdered with an axe in his previous life. He showed village elders where the murderer buried his body, and sure enough they found a man’s skeleton there. He also showed the elders where the murder weapon was found, and upon digging, they did indeed found an axe there. In his book, “Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today,” German therapist Trutz Hardo tells this boy’s story, along with other stories of children who seem to remember their past lives with verified accuracy. The boy’s story was witnessed by Dr. Eli Lasch, who is best known for developing the medical system in Gaza as part of an Israeli government operation in the 1960s. Dr. Lasch, who died in 2009, had recounted these astounding events to Hardo.

Thank you for this thread maddy21, it was a true mind bender.

Swamp Ape/Bigfoot, some compelleing video taken in Jan. 2015

Most of us love our classic tails of bigfoot, here is a thread from GArnold, to say the least it is a very interesting video

Thank you, GArnold

Ahhh, the famous Battle of Los Angeles

Brought to you by, mirageman, again lol. Another astounding thread!
Nice work.
This one is a doozy

As the President slept in Washington a huge alien spaceship appeared over Los Angeles during the early hours of February 25th 1942. Pearl Harbor had just been attacked a few months before and there was a genuine fear of Japanese raids on the west coast of America. But this was something else. In Culver City and Santa Monica this huge object appeared in the sky around 2 am local time. Minutes later the air sirens broke the silence, a blackout was initiated, and the citizens of Los Angeles looked at the skies in fear. Soon Air Wardens and the local Artillery were in action as defensive forces were scrambled. As the beaming searching lights slashed through the night sky they all began to converge on one thing. A giant unidentified object, described by some ,as a huge lantern hanging in the sky. The Army's 37th Coast Artillery Brigade illuminated the darkness as they bombarded the object for over 30 minutes. Hundreds and hundreds of rounds were expended in attempts to bring the object down. Many citizens were injured as shell fragments fell across Los Angeles and tragically a small number of citizens (6) lost their lives. The object eventually glided over Long Beach and slipped out of view over the Palos Verdes hills as the guns fell silent.

The day before Roswell

Most people know about the incident that happend in Roswell New Mexico in the summer of 1947 but not many know this.

06/27/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Arnold Insists Tale Of Flying Objects O.K. -..."It's God's truth - I will swear it on a Bible." 06/27/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - SALEM WOMAN SIGHTED DISKS -...sighting the mysterious silvery disks sailing along in the sky... 06/27/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Picture of '7 dots' proves latest in flying disk case -PICTURE SHOWS DOTS -MANY SEE DISCS -ILLUSION POSSIBLE 06/27/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Objects Seen Several Times -...traveling at an unbelievable speed 06/30/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Lads Declare They Saw "Flying Disks" 07/01/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Pastor Fears Confrere Errs in Air Mystery -"the millennium is neigh because of the appearance of the "flying saucers." 07/02/47 - OREGON JOURNAL - Flying Disk Reported Above Fort Stevens -..."There is a flying disk right now over Fort Stevens. It was dazzling bright and saucer- shaped. Everybody in the annex saw it." ...Mrs. Seado was asked to call another of the witnesses, preferably a man, to the phone... (editors note: lmao) 07/02/47 - OREGON
edit on 21-2-2017 by slapjacks because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:11 PM
This is a great one as well, the events leading up to the crash at Roswell New Mexico. Thank you, A51watcher.

I've got one more left to share, one of my favorites actually. 62 Children meet alieans in Zimbabwe

This one is from, muzzleflash. Thanks for this thread. Here is a video on the incident

Again, I've made this thread for all of us that came here for a specific reason. Truth, and denying ignorance.

I'd also like to thank all of the thread authors that have provided us with the above threads, Thank you.


posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: slapjacks

The Zimbabwe school kids has to be one of the most compelling and intriguing cases of all time.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

That it has, that's personally my favorite UFO/Alien encounter I know of.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: slapjacks

Hahah! Can't believe that came up again!
Thanks Slapjacks for that!

I wrote that 12 years ago around when my daughter was born.
I didn't even bother to use proper capitalization or punctuation back then.

My, how things have changed since then.
I appreciate the Nostalgia and I also really liked all of the threads you linked in the first post.

I made my account here on ATS originally because of my interest in UFOs and 'Secret Govt' related topics.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: slapjacks

Hahah! Can't believe that came up again!
Thanks Slapjacks for that!

I wrote that 12 years ago around when my daughter was born.
I didn't even bother to use proper capitalization or punctuation back then.

My, how things have changed since then.
I appreciate the Nostalgia and I also really liked all of the threads you linked in the first post.

I made my account here on ATS originally because of my interest in UFOs and 'Secret Govt' related topics.

No no no, thank you for that.

It's users like you and others that have brought this content that ATS was founded on.

I made my account here on ATS originally because of my interest in UFOs and 'Secret Govt' related topics.

Exactly why I joined.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 11:02 PM
Great threads!!!!! I mainly joined ATS for the various mysterious subjects such as these.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: slapjacks

This has been tried by both myself and Agent008 . Both these threads have died out somewhat so its good to see someone else taking over . Pretty sure the rendlesham forest one was mentioned

posted on Feb, 22 2017 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: slapjacks

Nice compilation!! I found the site initially while looking for conspiracy stuff - can't recall specifically which one - and found so much information here. Then, the discussions on virtually anything, and it's been a favorite site for some time now. I like the other discussions, too, as far as that goes, but it's the "weird stuff" that's the most interesting. The personal stories alone are fascinating. Where else could we talk about such things?

posted on Feb, 22 2017 @ 04:00 AM
I originally found ATS because my sister-in-law remarked "They say the world is going to end in 2012", and I was trying to discover what she was talking about.
However, this was the thread that kept me lurking for a couple of years;
What's going on at Yellowstone?

posted on Feb, 22 2017 @ 02:43 PM
All right I will throw down some threads.

misskat1 Created an Awesome thread over 16 pages long called TELL YOUR CREEPY FOREST STORY

it has contributions from members of ATS of their various weird and frightening woodland encounters.

theutahbigfoothunter Created a thread where they document their experiences near skin walker ranch called

SKINWALKER: OUR EXPERIENCES the author talks about their encounters with mischievous entities toying with them

and encounters with a phantom police cars in the desert of UTAH. A special guest drops into the thread to analyse the

pictures and talk about entities that can follow you around. Good Stuff.


mirageman provides many links and a lot of information in his post with pictures. His post is what I would call a top

notch ATS post with a great deal of effor and research.

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