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Fits and seizures - Under the dome

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posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: JustMike

Cheers for chiming in

She has been going for a lot of tests and scans recently, they want to find out what triggers them. They thought she was making them up for a while.

They tried sleep deprivation at first, though I'm not exactly sure where they are up to in terms of testing her. Alcohol seems to bring on a lot of them.

She's worked on and off with the medical services for a while but it seems this time she is going for it full swing (thankfully) so hopefully they can get to the bottom of it.

I'd say the fits come in waves, she has heavy fitting for 10-20 minutes then doses off a bit then they return, it's usually in the more relaxing periods just before seizures she slurs words, sometimes shouting.

I suffer from migraines, would you say your epilepsy wasn't too indifferent from a migraine attack? Just curious, I always thought their was some kind of similarity.

Again cheers for your post, I haven't the foggiest about the truth behind her "seeing the other side" it's the first time I'd ever seen it or heard of it being with her, I usually skeptical but it did give me the heebie jeebies.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Yeah, I've heard that before and when I was working in a bar one of the regulars who has fits was telling me about the aura's and that he is going to have one soon.

Still shocks most people even if they are fully prepared for it.

In your opinion would you say her "seer's ability" is down to delusion?

She had me convinced lol, looking back though she may have been pulling my leg.

I felt like Fox Mulder at the time, she isn't the story teller type though I guess you can never really tell, Mulder was taken for a ride a lot hence why I felt like him haha.
edit on 2-1-2017 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Yeah, I've heard that before and when I was working in a bar one of the regulars who has fits was telling me about the aura's and that he is going to have one soon.

Still shocks most people even if they are fully prepared for it.

In your opinion would you say her "seer's ability" is down to delusion?

She had me convinced lol, looking back though she may have been pulling my leg.

In my opinion, its a hallucination.

In a seizure the brain is misfiring. You end up connecting disparate brain regions. This is the source of are sensing in real time a misfire. The presence of the aura is actually a mild early seizure where perceptions are being created through misfiring across circuits that aren't intended to be used in that way. Like a memory being activted. Some people see sounds and hear colors as their aura.

What your friend experiences is a cognitive mind trying to make sense of input that isn't really intended to happen due to this misfiring. Her memory of this is likely skewed as her cognitive functions tried to make sense of the input.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 11:56 AM
An experience i have had:

i was really cold and climbed into a warm shower. I stood there and let the water hit my neck and roll over my shoulders and enjoyed the bliss of water that is right on the edge of "too hot". I was quite relaxed, having just woken up. Its like being a child in the womb....we are pleased by having warm water on our skin.

I then took a step backwards so the water would hit my head. The pleasure of this was overwhelming. My eyes were closed, and I saw bright flashes in front of my eyes. It look like if you did a cross section of a human brain. When you look at a CAT scan in crosssection. It was amazing. It was like i was seeing my own brain in electrical flashes in front of my eyes.

It could be that this is what happened to me. I've tried, but failed, to recreate it. But it was a very cool experience, and something I have read about. When you are relaxed you can create moments of heavy neural response that can cross over into your visual awareness.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 12:20 PM
Nope. I have Temporal Lobe epilepsy and I have not seen anything like that. I have seen some strange things that were colorful and I often hear some weird horn like sounds but nothing that can't be explained. I control my epilepsy by diet, I am intolerant to all the meds they tried on me. I just can't eat some foods and must eat others to keep the episodes away.

My epilepsy does not give me full blown seizures though. I do not know what those people experience. I did have one big seizure many years ago, while brushing the snow off the car. I found myself on the ground full of snow everywhere, I do not know how long I was there. I got up and tossed most of my meds into the garbage, except, of course the epilepsy pill which actually altered my metabolism so I got more and worse seizures.

2500 dollars worth of medicine each month which were killing me was replaced with some asparagus, cabbage, and lowering intake of certain foods that stimulate neurotransmitter creation. It is a little boring, but well worth it. It actually costs about twenty bucks a month to treat my disease in foods I have to eat, and those foods replace more expensive foods I had to give up. Net savings of about twenty five bucks a month to treat my epilepsy naturally.

I don't have full blown epilepsy though, it might not work for others who have much higher seizures.

I kind of like the colors, it is a natural high that is far better than any drug I ever took. But I hope I never see them again. They are far too distracting.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

That makes sense.

Your shower experience, any chance you nearly blacked out due to temperature change/blood pressure?

I only ask because when I was younger I used to be heavy into left-handed cigarettes and what you described reminded me of a buzz I used to chase.

Basically oxygen starvation but for a brief second you'd get a euphoric high, kinda like standing up too fast but a lot stronger.

I don't know, the brain is a fascinating thing, we as the observer are usually in for the ride of our lives trying to contemplate what the hell is going on with our body.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Hmm, she didn't have many fits when she was dieting and eating regular healthy meals. What she consumes might play a big part in it.

She's been on a few different pills over time too but she hasn't exactly stuck to the regime all the time. I've already learnt a few things that may help her.

I suffer from migraines, when I get a full blown attack parts of my body go numb and my vision gets well funky. Swirly lines and blind spots. For about half an hour I usually feel manic... Maybe giddy describes it better.

So I can relate on the free buzz, I always said people pay good Money to feel like that. Doesn't half take it out of you though and I know epilepsy is a lot worse.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: rickymouse

Hmm, she didn't have many fits when she was dieting and eating regular healthy meals. What she consumes might play a big part in it.

She's been on a few different pills over time too but she hasn't exactly stuck to the regime all the time. I've already learnt a few things that may help her.

I suffer from migraines, when I get a full blown attack parts of my body go numb and my vision gets well funky. Swirly lines and blind spots. For about half an hour I usually feel manic... Maybe giddy describes it better.

So I can relate on the free buzz, I always said people pay good Money to feel like that. Doesn't half take it out of you though and I know epilepsy is a lot worse.

One of the main foods I try to moderate is Tyramines. They are often created by aging food, some of them are triggers for my condition, I can't break down dopamine well, that comes usually from consuming glutamates or glutamines. That is a hereditary thing though, having to do with the COMT genetics. A lot of foods used to give me migraine like headaches, but from studying this a real lot I found that there were a few different types of headaches I was getting, having different causes, and I have learned a lot of how to tell them apart and natural ways to treat them. Now, these ways work for me, everyone is different and they may not work for others. I really don't care if they work for others, they work for my daughters and I and that is why I spent a lot of time identifying the types and possible causes of these things. If you do not consume the companion food you get a headache. I have about five years testing and researching this stuff and it works for me. I still cannot take care of a headache easily that comes from a rapid change in Barametric pressure, I used to use triaminicin to treat those, but they have taken them off the market because of their use in making meth.

I guess the majority of my headaches stemmed from low enzyme activity, directly related to epigenetics. I have had thousands throughout my lifetime, and am pleased when I no longer get many of them anymore. I do still have a bad neck from several problems with hurting it, so those headaches do need one aspirin pill yet. Actually one regular aspirin seems to work better than two, which is extremely strange.

I actually found scientific research on how most of the stuff works, which is kinda nice as it allows me to use different ways to do the same thing. A chemical in the onion works almost the identical way as an aspirin for stopping blood platelets from sticking together. Also grapefruit Juice has similar effects.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Yeah, I've heard that before and when I was working in a bar one of the regulars who has fits was telling me about the aura's and that he is going to have one soon.

Still shocks most people even if they are fully prepared for it.

In your opinion would you say her "seer's ability" is down to delusion?

She had me convinced lol, looking back though she may have been pulling my leg.

I felt like Fox Mulder at the time, she isn't the story teller type though I guess you can never really tell, Mulder was taken for a ride a lot hence why I felt like him haha.

Actually, the colors and what they call an aura almost always precedes my seizures. I would get those and black out consciously, but I could still drive the car. I would come to and almost get in an accident from the awakening. I could not find my way to where I was going when I had those, I would come back into consciousness and turn, but go right back out again from turning my neck with the whiplash. Then I would find myself on the other side of town. I equate that to what I used to call zoning out, driving a long way and zoning out till something triggers you to wake up. Our subconscious can drive yet we do not realize that we are consciously asleep. I utilized this on repititious factory work also, you can work in automatic mode and the day goes by way faster. You need to wake back up when you need to though.

So, I understood what was happening in that state, but I lost control of it. My conscious was shutting down but my subconscious was still going. I feel that this is what happens to some people when they have a few drinks and can't remember what they did the next day. Heightened energy use can cause a section to turn off and we are not consciously aware of it. Actually there are medicines that do this and they are used for surgery. You are conscious but not able to recall what was being done, this also blocks pain. The mind is capable of making chemistry like that and this is covered in fight and flight chemistry. Have you ever seen someone who is dying and you talk to them and they respond but are out of it? I have a few times, their conscious mind is shut down.

I came across an accident one time and a few of us guys were talking with a guy trapped inside of the car, he seemed dazed but was slowly talking and he was answering questions. We asked him it it hurt and he said no. His car got broadsided by a semi and it was all smashed up. The ambulance driver got there and said he was dead, we said he was talking just a few minutes before and the guy said that guy was dead on impact. When they dragged him out of the car, there was no blood but the bones in his legs were like rubber, they bend like dragging a piece of spaghetti over the pot and his arm bones were pulverized. We were telling this guy jokes and he was smiling and chuckling. It kind of makes you wonder. But the ambulance driver saying that guy never talked to us was completely wrong, the three of us, people who had never met before, talked about this after they hauled him up. We were trying to keep the guy's mind off his pain. I do not know who trained those ambulance workers not to listen to people who were there. Their knowledge kept them from seeing something they should have paid attention too, they blew us off.

Guess what, this same thing happens when you go to the doctor or emergency room, I have experienced seeing it happen many times. People's knowledge they hold blinds them and steers them to see what they think is real.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: Namdru

Cheers for that.

It could be she is making it up, she is seeing specialists and their notes indicate probable epilepsy triggered by excessive drinking and/or stress.

It is kinda freaky having someone tell you the future and things about family members that have past that they are apparently in contact with. Strange stuff.

It's claimed everyone is over there and she talks with them often, although she shouldn't talk about what they tell her too much.

Gosh, who are "they"? Sounds like your friend has a real gift. Personally the idea of folks probing my gifts with wires or clinically induced sleep deprivation gives me the heebie geebies. Have you seen "Stranger Things"? Anyway...

I do hope your friend is in good, sane hands.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Ever stand up real; fast and yu see spots moving around.

That is not your eyes but your brain signals getting into your optic nerves and you see something that is not there. Kind of like L.S.D. you see all sorts of things patterns and such but it is your brain signals getting into your opitic nerve system

Same thing happens when people have mild seizures or fits, their brain is firing off and it gets into their optic nerves and they see stuff.

edit on 2-1-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Yeah I've experienced that quite a bit when younger, experimenting with illicit substances. Though I think some of it was down to poor diet and dehydration, with a touch of sleep deprivation.

I've had similar experiences with migraines too.

I wouldn't advise people to go chasing it though, a few times I freaked friends out by "blacking out" and having a mini fit..
Uncontrolled spasms that stopped when the blood finally got some blood around the body.

One of the reasons I quit that lifestyle.

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