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Humdrum Conundrum

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posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird


Funny you should mention monocles! At a gathering of friends which I recently attended, it was decided by several drunken chums, that they ought to band together and get me a monocle for Christmas! Rum... tis both a wonderful and terrible substance!

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight


I think it is important to understand that I am incredibly lonely, but also that I am not, as people are fond of saying when they have not been stranded out of time, in unkind and emotionally desolate places, "onto a good thing". If I was, I would take it in a heartbeat, but that is not the situation in the least.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I know we disagree about much, and there is certainly no love lost between us, but I do genuinely feel for you if you are lonely.

The stuff you post on ATS makes me think you are in a niche market relationship wise though.
You frown upon people who have sex outside of a deeply committed relationship, you state you want only 'atom level' yearning love, you have Victorian ideas of being a gentleman such as laying your cape over a puddle so your lady may protect her shoes or whatever, all of which is alien to most people these days.

You've disagreed with me in loads of threads over the years regarding recreational sex, how you are so pious and pure of spirit, blah, I know you know exactly what I mean.
Well guess what, if that's how you talk in real life it wouldn't surprise me if that puts the average woman off you.

You say you have female friends, are they single? Why are you not out having a pint with them, some decent food somewhere then cozy up on the sofa with a bottle of wine at the end of the night?

The way you talk about sex on the forums I'd run for the hills if I was a girl wanting a fun friendly night out. The impression you give is desperation for some powerful 'atom level' love connection at the expense of some fun getting to know someone first.

I say lighten up and stop thinking people are whores if they enjoy friendly no strings sex, because if your female friends know that is how you feel I'm not surprised they back off..I would.

If your standards of sexual decorum and perception of 'manners' are such that you deny yourself any fun prior to developing that love then I don't know what to suggest.
Maybe join a local evangelical Christian church and you might find someone who wants the same?

Either way I'd suggest lightening up and be less full on with your moral righteousness because that will scare the average girl away.

I hope you find happiness but you have to ask yourself if it's been so long now maybe there are changes you may need to make yourself, like being less uptight and full of yourself?

Best of luck sincerely, but women and the world will not change back to the historical era of chivalry you appear to be living in your mind.


posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: TrueBrit

I know we disagree about much, and there is certainly no love lost between us, but I do genuinely feel for you if you are lonely.

The stuff you post on ATS makes me think you are in a niche market relationship wise though.

So it would seem.

You frown upon people who have sex outside of a deeply committed relationship, you state you want only 'atom level' yearning love, you have Victorian ideas of being a gentleman such as laying your cape over a puddle so your lady may protect her shoes or whatever, all of which is alien to most people these days.

I think it is more accurate to say, that although I personally do not see any benefit to physical intimacy without more to it than that, I do not consider myself some sort of moral bastion with regard to these things, only starkly aware of what does and does not work for me personally.

You've disagreed with me in loads of threads over the years regarding recreational sex, how you are so pious and pure of spirit, blah, I know you know exactly what I mean.
Well guess what, if that's how you talk in real life it wouldn't surprise me if that puts the average woman off you.

Heh... would those be the same average women (were any such thing to exist) who claim they want someone loyal, someone committed, someone emotionally aware, the same average woman who is often heard to express dismay at the wandering eye and genitals of their partner? Ironic, is it not?

You say you have female friends, are they single? Why are you not out having a pint with them, some decent food somewhere then cozy up on the sofa with a bottle of wine at the end of the night?

I have female friends, but no, they are not single, generally speaking. There are not many single ladies in my social circle, and as far as I know, not many single ladies in my area either.

The way you talk about sex on the forums I'd run for the hills if I was a girl wanting a fun friendly night out. The impression you give is desperation for some powerful 'atom level' love connection at the expense of some fun getting to know someone first.

I simply object to the idea that getting physically intimate, is something someone ought to do before getting to know a person. I like meeting new people. I just do not like going to bed with people at the drop of a hat, without any significant emotional investment.

I say lighten up and stop thinking people are whores if they enjoy friendly no strings sex, because if your female friends know that is how you feel I'm not surprised they back off..I would.

That is NOT a fair assessment. I do not think people are whores unless they get paid to go to bed with people. Furthermore, it is not the case that I dislike people or think poorly of them because of their choices. I simply disagree with their choices, know that they are not such as I would make for myself, which is an entirely different thing, as you know.

If your standards of sexual decorum and perception of 'manners' are such that you deny yourself any fun prior to developing that love then I don't know what to suggest.
Maybe join a local evangelical Christian church and you might find someone who wants the same?

Either way I'd suggest lightening up and be less full on with your moral righteousness because that will scare the average girl away.

I hope you find happiness but you have to ask yourself if it's been so long now maybe there are changes you may need to make yourself, like being less uptight and full of yourself?

Best of luck sincerely, but women and the world will not change back to the historical era of chivalry you appear to be living in your mind.


I am not full of myself. I really do not think very much of myself at all, as it happens. I am also known for being incredibly laid back, funnily enough. I think it is strange that one ought to be seen as uptight, just because one is of the opinion that sex is not a thing to be engaged in casually, for temporary fulfillment. Its just the way I happen to roll, which in and of itself, makes me no different to anyone else. We are all operating according to how we, as individuals, see and move through the world. I am doing no different.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

You really dont understand how they knew you were interested . They be witches i tell you , for instance they can tell you have been to the pub just by the way you close the car door . And dont ever let them catch you looking at someone prettier than them because if they do you will find out witches also know voodoo .

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: hutch622

See thats the thing.

I have never, EVER given a woman cause to be upset with me about a wandering eye. My focus has always been legendary with regard to the ladies.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

On a serious note she apparently knows of your interest . If shes not avoiding you or giving obvious hints that she is not interested perhaps there is your answer . A question for you . Do you or her initiate your talks , do you go where she goes or vice versa or is it we all meet at the pub kind of thing .

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Do you need me to help you out? I could stand outside a pub like Augustano de Bergerac and feed you awesome lines while you're on a date with her:

TB: Your dress looks amazing, do you know where it would look even better?

TB's Date: Teehee, no True Brit, tell me?

TB: Prior to me informing you of where your highly appealing outer garment would be even more desirable allow me to digress into a short monologue, laced with lively turns of phrase and colorful metaphors, regarding the criticality of socio-liberal politics and the necessity of the proletariat to manifest its desires via the implementation of progressive taxation a la the theory of a personal hero of mine, John Maynard Keynes. As he has been so noted to say on many occas....

*TB's Date tries to swallow a pint glass*

edit on 25-11-2016 by AugustusMasonicus because: Zazz 2020!

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Allegedly, this conversation happened between herself and her friend MONTHS ago. So during the time between then and now, we have hung out quite a bit, and I would say that its about even stevens, as regards to how many times I was invited to hang out, and how many times I contacted her with the intention of hanging out. I was not the one who suggested going to Halloween as one part of a two part costume, herself being Maverick from Top Gun, and myself being Goose, with hilarious results!

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus


I only enter into ridiculous monologue upon invitation in the physical world. I find conversation much more satisfying when two people are having it.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
I only enter into ridiculous monologue upon invitation in the physical world. I find conversation much more satisfying when two people are having it.

Then take her out guv, this way we can get all the juicy details later.

And we like juice here at ATS, it's almost as good a warm soul to feast on.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Seems like she put a bit of thought into the Halloween thing , and she chose yourself as the partner . I predict happiness and 8 children .

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: hutch622


In all probability, she chose me because I was available to do the thing!

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

LMAO, sex just temporary fulfilment.
Why is that bad in your mind?

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

Because it is not what I need, or want.

It's like the difference between chart music and heavy metal, RnB and Classical. If the only music that existed on the earth was chart and RnB, I would gravitate toward silent places.

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Cool, not what you want, just personal preference.
I hope there is the perfect chaste girl out there for you.
Good luck.

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 08:14 AM
Love her forever and necer stop no matter what because if you dont your selling yourself short. Do that first and the rest is easy.

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 08:20 AM
You know the one cause when you look at her youll see everything she is all at once and nothing that you dont alredy love.

posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: TrueBrit

You really dont understand how they knew you were interested . They be witches i tell you , for instance they can tell you have been to the pub just by the way you close the car door . And dont ever let them catch you looking at someone prettier than them because if they do you will find out witches also know voodoo .
do they know how to tell wwhen the teacher is worrking on water did they notice i have theyre only voodoo doll what about there measuring stars. I know girlfriends are important but i am the one man the earth needs.

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