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Kansas, Kobach, Trump's Wall and the Future

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posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: BubbaJoe

originally posted by: Kapriti
a reply to: BubbaJoe

You can find it in Wikipedia, but his conversion to the Catholic Church was a big deal and much reported years ago.

I found it thank you, but his beginnings were evangelical, and the Catholic Church does have an evangelical arm. I don't like Brownback, and personally think he and Kobach are both idiots. The tax cuts Brownback put in place in Kansas, are literally killing the state.

Just read the difference between Pence and Kaine.

Both Catholics.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: pthena

Thanks to you, I just ruined my laptop screen! And my stiletto heel is now stuck in it! I should have used the shoe you gave me. hahaha .... oh, Lordy, are we in for a ride.... or is it we have been taken for a ride....

Average Americans, notes EPI’s Bivens, have been paying what amounts to an “inequality tax.” Rising inequality since 1979 has cost households in the bottom 90 percent roughly a fifth of what their incomes would be today had inequality remained at pre-Ronald Reagan levels.

Much of that evidence rests on what Bivens calls “simple arithmetic.” The numbers show clearly, as his paper puts it, that “the gains at the very top of the income distribution in recent decades have come essentially straight out of potential gains at the bottom and middle.”

"Simple arithmetic"? ..... I coulda just written up my observations.... well, their facts do indeed bolster my observations... the title of my paper was, "We Done Been Screwed".

Those ads might as well come with one of those hypnotic circle pictures that swirl around and tries to hypnotize you so you believe everything they tell you. I guess enough people don't need that circle, they're just born gullible.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: desert

I haven't done the research, maybe we need a Common Sense party, with an honest to god purity test. As an independent who voted my usual spit ticket, this election just about my head explode.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Annee

This was the VERY FIRST TIME this neighbor had ever spoken to me. I had met his adult kids and grandkids, but only when we were all outside during an eclipse and some fireworks.

This was a deliberate "assault" on his part - he waved, walked over, we made small talk and I said nice to meet you, and turned to go back home, and literally to my back he shouted "WHO YOU VOTE FOR!"
I turned and looked at him.

"Who you vote for!"

Now perhaps I should have said its none of your business or I don't want to talk about it, but this seemed to be an important point he wanted to make.
So I made an exception. I don't talk politics with anyone else other than my Cuban friend (who loves to talk about it), one of my long-time family friends, and my mom. That's it.

I've avoided it with pretty much everyone else, and stayed away from the politicrap on FB. This is the only place I really expound on my ideas. I know what you mean.
This, in any case, was a productive outcome for our immediate neighborhood, however. He told me he had spoken to the guy across the street too - I don't know that he's EVER spoken to ANY of us before. So - if it brings us together, which it did, and he uttered hope and best wishes for us all for things to get better, well, that was pretty remarkable.

So I opened up to him. Like I said, then neighbors have been seeing me out (if not seeking me out) and choosing to talk to me...
In any case, this guy is a FAR CRY from any of the nasty members on here. He did no gloating, just offered his hand and some neighborly friendliness. We'll see.

Obviously we'll all be watching the results as they unfold around us while we sit on our hilltop and stay vigilant.
At least there haven't been any riots here. The nights are perfectly still, and the SUPER MOON this morning was fantastic from our viewpoint.
Let's hope the full moon does some GOOD work this time.

edit on 11/14/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Good for you. My upstairs neighbor hung his Trump sign. Made my blood run cold. But, it will never be mentioned. He's a good neighbor. Far more important.

I have people on my Facebook who post pro Trump propaganda from FOX. They have no clue who Trump is as a person. All they know is the FOX propaganda. I just delete it.

It is what it is. Just has to play out. No need to pit neighbor against neighbor IMO.

Do I wish him well? NO. I have not changed my opinion of him or the political Right.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

I saw your post last night. "spit ticket"? Did you mean to write "split ticket", because you're an independent? If not, then, here, I am giving you a Good Humor Award....
.... always followed, of course, by a .... I have never heard that phrase before, but I love it!!

And you know what? I woke up this morning in a better frame of mind, actually laughing..... and that's before they put me in my straight jacket for the day..... ok, so here's what I found so funny upon giving it more thought.....

Yesterday I also read some of 60 Minutes Trumpa interview (and, no, I am not misspelling the name.... you gotta ask a friend from Portugal, or maybe Spain, too), and Trumpa said this

"I’ve done a lotta big things, I’ve never done anything like this. It is so big, it is so-- it’s so enormous, it’s so amazing."....

OMG! You're the President of the most powerful country in the world, and you JUST NOW realize exactly what you were running for! You are a joke, Mr. Trumpa. You are a Trojan Ass sent by the enemy of The Little People. And now all the people out to get us storm from inside, ready to, well, get us. Everyone who last funded and ran your campaign..... Koch-influenced Mercer, Bannon, Bossie, and Conway.... and everyone who now is on board with you and you are choosing to directly work with in your administration... I laugh at all of you!!

I have never liked clowns, except for one that was on tv and could twist balloons into fun, cute shapes to amaze children. You are a clown, Trumpa the Clown. Although I still want to avoid you, but I can't because you're my pres, I will watch and laugh as you try to twist things into clever little presents for us and everyone else on this planet.

You see, you are a Clever Clown, so we need to be aware. Haha right now you say you want certain things to stand, because "it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done." ....hahaha.... what you're really saying is that all Pres Trumpa needs to do is appoint Supreme Court judges to overturn those laws. What a twisted, ugly balloon gift you intend to give us.

Oh, and hahaha now The Wall is The Fence. hahaha Already not so big and beautiful, just like you hahaha You, Huckster The Clown.

And one of your favorite clown assistants, Smiley Conway, comes out and says that people need to be "careful" about how we criticize you. Pointing my finger at you and laughing will be good for me. And a collective finger pointing and laughing would be good, too.

ETA I forgot to add, I need you, Bubba, just like we all need each other to help turn back the madness. I need your Bubba humor and wisdom. We can all point and laugh together.
edit on 14-11-2016 by desert because: ETA

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Kansas is undoubtedly the most economically devastated state in this entire union.

no it is not
not even close in income
not even in the top 10 in those below the poverty line
did you just make that up?

TextBe that as it may, I am doing what my 'calling' directs me to do - which is to continue pointing out EVIDENCE that the policies that Kansas has been forced to accept have ruined our state. Of course, the state was handed to Trump anyway, despite the fact (or because of the fact) that west of Junction City there is no intelligent radio.

The state has been "forced" to do NOTHING. You were out voted. There are approx 700k gop voters in the state there are approx 400k dem voters in the state and approx 500k unaffiliated. The dems had a chance to capture the 500k unaffiliated but did not.
When you lose and the winning party makes policy it does not mean the state was "forced".

The Kobach immigration policies you have chosen to highlight have been reviewed by courts up to and including the supreme court. Some of those policies have been deemed unconstitutional and some amazingly have remained. Is the supreme court wrong for allowing some of the policies to remain?

Keep on calling out those in rural areas of your state, they do not have the numbers to change your electorate....ironically it is those in what you have described as the portion that has common sense that rained on your parade. And even hillary now regrets the basket of deplorables comment. Hard to insult them one day then ask for their vote the next.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: desert

Yesterday I also read some of 60 Minutes Trumpa interview (and, no, I am not misspelling the name.... you gotta ask a friend from Portugal, or maybe Spain, too), and Trumpa said this

"I’ve done a lotta big things, I’ve never done anything like this. It is so big, it is so-- it’s so enormous, it’s so amazing."....

I keep saying read Trump in transcript. Don't listen to him. Read the text version.

I admit, there is something about him speaking that mesmerizes and draws you in. Kinda like a charismatic preacher in a church. Many have drunk the Kool-Aid of the Pied Piper.- - - even if it leads them to their doom.

I find it very sad.

edit on 14-11-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Kansas is undoubtedly the most economically devastated state in this entire union.

no it is not
not even close in income
not even in the top 10 in those below the poverty line
did you just make that up?


The state has been "forced" to do NOTHING. You were out voted.

Incorrect AGAIN!

There are approx 700k gop voters in the state there are approx 400k dem voters in the state and approx 500k unaffiliated. The dems had a chance to capture the 500k unaffiliated but did not.

This is correct. They failed to campaign. Somewhere on here I have pointed to that, I believe it was the New York magazine that said "here's what they missed. They ignored Kansas."

I understand that.
We still have, nevertheless, been FORCED to accept that the electoral college does not split the votes proportionally. THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE SUCKS. IT SUCKS. THAT IS THE BLOODY POINT.

omg. I know how it works. I know the rules. I know the Dems failed to even bother courting them. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THERE WERE NO VOTES FOR HER! It's fantastically spectacular that you don't acknowledge that as rigged voting ---- when all they get to listen to is Beck, Jones, Limbaugh, etc, and the candidates don't even SHOW UP to set the record straight. YES.


WHy in the hell do you people not comprehend that I am talking about what we need to do to FIX IT.

holy hell this sucks.

When you lose and the winning party makes policy it does not mean the state was "forced".

You don't know how the electoral college works either? Do you? See, they don't dole out the electoral votes in proportion to the number of individual votes in each state. If Trump won by 20 votes over her, he STILL would have gotten ALL of the electoral votes.

But I'm not suprised you don't understand this.
YES. We were "forced."

He's done now, though. And you still won't understand why, but - well - that's not your fault. It's the fault of your local school district.

Grow up man.
I provided sources for the numbers, and you chose to ignore them, or responded prematurely, or as just unaware. As in "ignorant" - unaware of how it works.

edit on 11/14/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: desert

OMG! You're the President of the most powerful country in the world, and you JUST NOW realize exactly what you were running for! You are a joke, Mr. Trumpa. You are a Trojan Ass sent by the enemy of The Little People. And now all the people out to get us storm from inside, ready to, well, get us. Everyone who last funded and ran your campaign..... Koch-influenced Mercer, Bannon, Bossie, and Conway....

This needs to stand on its own.

It's unlikely I will accept Trump, himself, as anything but a bad joke. His administration is the American Taliban.

I never really accepted Bush "W" as president either (even though I voted for him first term) - - - because he wasn't really president - - Cheney and Rumsfeld were.

But, unlike Bush "W" I think Trump's ego will prevent him from standing back and letting his advisers run things.

It is what it is - - - for the next 4 years. I'm watching what foreign leaders do.

edit on 14-11-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Annee

I like that... Trump is himself a bad joke. lol

What I believe about Trumpa's ego, is that he has a very damaged ego, an ego so beaten up to a small pulp, that he has had to compensate with a much bigger persona, and at times (mildly on his show---"You're fired!", and ramped up--- during his recent campaign) a bombastic, tough guy, "law and order" persona. In a public setting, some sociopaths are not likeable, some are highly likeable. incarcerated sociopaths who have murdered can be highly likeable.

The public unlikable sociopath we automatically avoid. It is the likeable sociopath that is dangerous. Trump was a likeable one, a charmer, a conman.

So, what I see happening, because I saw it happen as the campaign progressed, Trumpa's ear was bent by the last person around him. He is neither the same person nor the same candidate he was when he came down the escalator in July 2015. Personally, I see him very much guided by what others tell him. He is in a position of power he neither has been in before nor understands.... he will do what his advisors tell him to do. I hope I am wrong.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

You provided no sources for the crap you posted about kansas
26th in income
and like I posted not even in the top 10 in states with residents below the poverty line.

so you just lie?

lol your "forced" explanation is the electoral college?

ok so you cede the local and federal rep elections? because the electoral college has NOTHING to do with that your dems lost those elections on their own

were I to have seen a single dem post on the evils of the electoral college prior to the election your point may have validity
there were none
your point has none

you are salty because you are in a red state that voted red
imagine that

and now the rules must be changed(tho you had no issue with said rules prior to ballots being cast)because the fed is forcing people on you?


kind of like the fed forced the irs or the epa or the doj on people for the last 8 years?

oh and as to the radio you so plainly hate....there is this little thing called advertising and it kind of drives the programming on said radio stations
no ad revenue means no programming
there is high plains public radio out there it is npr....guess they dont go far enough left for you eh?

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Somehow ... Yoder won in JoCo. If intelligent radio prevents people from voting for God's awful mistakes like Republicans, how do you explain that?

posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 11:54 AM
This is for those individuals who keep thinking I don't understand the Electoral College and that I should suck it:

This came to me via email.

On December 19, the 538 members of the Electoral College will meet to choose our next President. By that time, it is expected that Hillary Clinton will have roughly two million more votes than Donald Trump.

The American people clearly chose Hillary Clinton to be our next President. The Electoral College should respect democracy by choosing her.

Add your name: The Electoral College must choose Hillary.

While it is highly, highly unlikely that this will happen, there is nothing unconstitutional about it. Roughly half of all states have no laws binding their Electors to follow the popular vote of their state. Further, according to the National Archives [regarding the ELECTORAL COLLEGE], "no Elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged."

No matter how unlikely it is that we will win this fight, we must oppose and resist Donald Trump at every turn. This starts with opposing the injustice of Trump taking office despite Hillary Clinton winning far more votes.

Sign if you agree: The Electoral College should respect democracy and elect Hillary Clinton President of the United States.

Keep fighting,
Chris Bowers

I rest my case.
edit on 11/15/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 12:03 PM
In passing, I glanced at someone's post that said something about Kevin Yoder. This thread is not about Yoder, it is about Kobach and his racist policies.

Yoder is a different subject. He is supportive of Brownback's tax plans, yes. But he's also a person who answers emails, states his case, and thanks people who write to him with concerns. He is a Republican, so it doesn't surprise me that he is the tax-fan here. He's not an idiot, he's just on the other side.

So - that's all I have to say about Yoder. And in terms of the Kansas Supreme Court, ALL of the 'activist' judges WERE RETAINED.

And THAT's all I have to say about the Supreme Court - on the ballot was an effort to throw them all out, too! And NOT ONE of them was unseated.

So - yeah.

Back to Kobach and the Wall.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 02:54 PM
Well, ain't this a hoot.

Kobach said the immigration advisers were also looking at how the Homeland Security Department could move rapidly on border wall construction without approval from Congress by reappropriating existing funds in the current budget.


lol "without approval from Congress" ..... lol... same thing any Presidential admin would do..... lol.... course if it was Obama.... lol....

Someone once told me that Republicans spend just as much as Democrats, just on different things. lol "Build that Wall!!"

Well, if Trump is gonna get his Wall, I want a plaque with my name on it, like walls that are built from donations.

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