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Preventing War, and Finding Destiny: 2 Birds 1 Stone

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posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 01:39 AM
War is a major historical event for any species. It's also a major catastrophe as it is a symbol that a species is still in it's evolution towards a higher perception of our existence.

It's abunch of noise and sadly we have to admit that we want to subconsciously hear it. In understanding our environment we must admit that sounds are subconscious clues to a mystery called destiny.

Sadly with weapons of war that make noise they too have clues to our future and we want to listen to it.
Obviously some people want to hear machine gun fire, some people want to hear heavy artillery exploding in the distance. And who can't enjoy jets flying over head? Or an Apache helicopter coming over the top of hill to save some fallen comrades?

Point being here is that ammunition in the armory wants to be relevant in our investigation for our future. And the only way it can be have it's opinions heard is to agree with a young man who wants to hear machine gun fire off in the distance while holding a 50 cal sniper rifle.

When those 2 entities agree then the last contract made has to be soldiers wanting to hear a lieutenant giving commands to infiltrate extract and make sure no comrade is left behind.

The next part is sad and we all have to admit it. The entire country has to sub consciously want the drama of a national leader sadly debriefing them that the country is at war.

If we accept that all these contracts are apart of our sub conscious want to hear new details in our investigation of where our destiny lies. Then we can prevent war by having all the gears of war in a safe environment where gun shells and missiles can be set off without killing anyone.
This can be done in a desert if invading buildings are needed then bunkers can be built to throw grenades in.

If your with me this far then you know the last problem is going to be the medical staff needing casualties to stick needles and medicine in. Meaning without those needles and medicine or medical staff we could get away without injuries.

But that can be handled without needing war. It comes down to who sub consciously wants to be sympathized for for going to war and getting injured.
In the end we can reach a god consciousness. We have to see it for what it is!

So in one way or another if someone across the ocean sub consciously knows he or she is supposed to die from a bullet fabricated in the United States then the only way we will ever prevent war is to awaken people to the sub-conscious nightmare that creates war just to kill a few people who are married to weaponry from another country.

And that is also true for our own soldiers.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: metalholic

Obviously some people want to hear machine gun fire, some people want to hear heavy artillery exploding in the distance. And who can't enjoy jets flying over head? Or an Apache helicopter coming over the top of hill to save some fallen comrades?

Who are you hanging around with . Constant shelling for instance broke a lot of men during WW1 and other wars .
edit on 25-10-2016 by hutch622 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-10-2016 by hutch622 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: hutch622

They mass produce a game called medal of honor which is an original game that Call of Duty is a copy and paste of! The mere fact that those games were and are popular sales is a fact that somewhere in minds of man war looms because ammunition wants to be relevant and the reaper reaps his contracts with peoples lives through the gears of war.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: metalholic

They also mass produce monopoly .

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Did you not ask me who wants to be around war like environments? I replied with logical reason and yet your conversation dead ends on a board game when the OP is clearly about steps to be taken to remove the bloodshed and welcome in unification and leaving behind the planet to go rape another until our advancements bring us to reaping meteorites instead of living planets.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: metalholic

Did you not ask me who wants to be around war like environments?

No .

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: metalholic

Obviously some people want to hear machine gun fire, some people want to hear heavy artillery exploding in the distance. And who can't enjoy jets flying over head? Or an Apache helicopter coming over the top of hill to save some fallen comrades?

Who are you hanging around with . Constant shelling for instance broke a lot of men during WW1 and other wars .

Obviously you were not clear with your interest in my social group.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: metalholic

Metalholic, with respect, this OP is the very reason why Einstein, when quoted, did not only say “Everything should be made as simple as possible," but also continued "but no simpler.”

It is, in short, a massive over simplification, and in the case of a great many, in fact MOST of the human race, inaccurate in the extreme.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

So you do not care to know that ammunition in an armory is made up of electrical currents which have magnetism and in the event that one of those missiles or bullets wipe out and or kill a single individual that it was the magnetism between 2 electrical bodies having contracts with one another that induced a war.

Meaning you do not care for our world to grow past 1998. It's 2017 btw 2 months off but still.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: metalholic

Do you know what the difference between metaphor and tenuous, barely coherent bull crap is?

Here's some proof that I have moved past 1998...pseudo scientific mysticism such as your statement above does not move me. Clear, precise, analytical processes however, which reach detailed and specific conclusions, which paint the future with a fine tip, rather than a broad and fuzzy edged brush, that moves me.

What you are doing here has no more relevance to the situation than a rose petal has to nuclear defence.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I fail to see the comparative it sounds to me like your mad that no matter what age you are you can understand the post. Which means you are still focused in on gods and kings where by you believe only certain groups should be educated past the average person and women should not be allowed to read. All because someone wants to upgrade their vocabulary lazily by stealing from someone else because they don't have the time to log off ats and do it their self.

Even a child understands the question can I do it again Reincarnation hello! I'm trying to point out that a collective group of people could save the world from a third world war.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: metalholic
a reply to: TrueBrit

I fail to see the comparative it sounds to me like your mad that no matter what age you are you can understand the post. Which means you are still focused in on gods and kings where by you believe only certain groups should be educated past the average person and women should not be allowed to read. All because someone wants to upgrade their vocabulary lazily by stealing from someone else because they don't have the time to log off ats and do it their self.

Utter hogwash. Well done.

Even a child understands the question can I do it again Reincarnation hello! I'm trying to point out that a collective group of people could save the world from a third world war.

You are correct. A collective could prevent a Third World War. However, if they have any hope of achieving said aim, they are going to have to communicate in a concise, effective and efficient manner. And for you information, my son appears to have a better grasp of grammar than you do, which is why I doubt your statement regarding the readability of your post, or the clarity of your message.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Your maturity is showing!

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