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Defending Our Super Hero's Blindly

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posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:14 PM
Over the course of the year, we have witnessed people at odds with the current election process, and have watched the entire process divide, not just the country, but the world.

It's amazing we put so much faith, responsibility, and trust in leaders that have absolutely nothing in common, with the common people.

We fawn, defend, immortalize, and justify our leaders like they are our best friends, or better yet family, but in reality these people have more money in their petty cash draw, then most citizens are even worth.

• How many of us get paid 100k-500k for just a 30 minute speech?
• How many of us have body guards?
• How many of us have an expense accounts on the tax payer’s dollar?
• How many of us have the same health insurance coverage that our elite politicians have?
• How many of us can do something illegal and get a free pass, or hire attorneys for $600+ an hour?
• How many of us have people drive us around in limos, helicopters, and planes?
• How many of us have people that do our hair, make-up, and pick us up when we collapse?
• Other than bodily functions, most of us have nothing in common with the elite, so why do we pick a superhero, and defend them?

There are countless threads on ATS, with members fighting each other about how great their candidate is, but if we actually take a step back, these people have nothing in common with us, so why do we respond this way?

The fact that we as a majority do not hold our leaders accountable for poor performance, illegal doings, and fleecing people’s hard earned tax money, is beyond me personally. What I see is people choosing a side and then blaming the other side when things go bad, but in all reality nothing seems to change.

Each side seems to play the naïve populace against the other side, and no one ever is held accountable, at the top.

When we are going to work, in the morning, thinking about how we are going to pay our bills and just stay afloat, we have politicians that are making more in 30 minutes, while in public office giving speeches, than their average constituent’s make in 10 - 20 years. This is just a drop in-the-bucket example.

So the next time we are at the store wondering if we should get the generic brand, or even thinking about how we are going to make ends meet, our elite leaders are living the fat and comfortable life, while divide the ignorant.

What does it take for the masses to really wake up, and see the corruption/imbalance for exactly what it is?

I would really hope that we stop seeing sides and look at the money trails, and corruption.


edit on 20-10-2016 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:24 PM
I think it's a problem with our two-party system. There seems to be a group of "Royal Families" in America, and presidential nominations will almost always go to one of these rich well-to-do families. we have problems because all we get is the two schlubs that the parties have presented as the most likely cantidate to win them the presidency, not the person that will be the best at being president.

So naturally we get to this presidential race, where nobody but the most polarized of supporters actually likes either candidate.

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:29 PM
"Defending Our Super Hero's Blindly"

I only defend one superhero, thank you.

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

These are not the Super-Heroes I was looking for.

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

We let them get away with more because they are in charge more? They push the big buttons, whats a few casualties?

most of us have nothing in common with the elite, so why do we pick a superhero, and defend them?

There are countless threads on ATS, with members fighting each other about how great their candidate is, but if we actually take a step back, these people have nothing in common with us, so why do we respond this way?

We have been conditioned to it, by the superhero genre. Its Comical, but how many superhero movies has hollywood made? Each of these sells us the notion that a super being defends the little people, fighting crime and corruption to keep us all safe.

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

i do not defend my super heroes blindly - i defend them with the crystal clear clarity of vision that only obamacare rose tinted varifocals can offer - while fighting for truth , justice and the merkin way *

* if you are unable to detect sarcasm - please call the carebears - they MIGHT help you

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: Realtruth

i do not defend my super heroes blindly - i defend them with the crystal clear clarity of vision that only obamacare rose tinted varifocals can offer - while fighting for truth , justice and the merkin way *

* if you are unable to detect sarcasm - please call the carebears - they MIGHT help you

Carebear's are they on the ballot?

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

Bias toward accepting an unacceptable state of affairs, starts with phrases like "I don't care who started it" and "Right, you can ALL get to detention after class then." Many young people first experience authority from their parents, and parents have a difficult job to do. In this day and age particularly, parents who work simply cannot physically be expected to also be perfect arbiters of justice in the home, although some appear to cope better than others.

Then the school system gets hold of them, a system which gives not a single damn whether it functions in a useful way or not, as long as it LOOKS like it does. Sure, individual teachers and staff may be driven ideologically to educate and empower, but many teachers, especially those who have been doing it a long while, can become hardened and cynical as a result of their experience, not just with the kids, but with the administration of the school. In this environment, justice is as alien a concept as it would be in some prison yard. Yes, someone might get shanked, but in the end, unless the guards give a damn, it's unlikely to be dealt with right. The social hierarchy, jocks, nerds, and all the places between are filled, and no matter the rights and the wrongs of it, many young people see narcissists and psychopaths do really well in that environment, leaving everyone else to ruin.

They learn early, that as long as you can make everyone think you are in the right, then you are, and that the ability to do that relies largely on the capacity to do whatever you do remorselessly, and with a smile. They learn the importance of PR this way, to the point where when they see it in others, they either respect it because they have been trained to very well by the system they are exposed to, or they learn to fear it enough to remain quiet. Those who do not fall into either category, the outliers, the unprogrammables, the fearless and strong of mind, have read their comic books, and know that those others call heroes are nothing more than simple villains. Bullies, the untouchables, those who can, and do, and will continue to do the wrong thing, for their own edification, without ever being stopped, unless someone acts. They learn from their comic books and their movies, that actually, it's not superpowers and fancy gadgets that make a hero.

They learn instead that the thing which separates a hero from a villain, is whether or not one is prepared to act to protect another, or only to protect and advance oneself.

These individuals are rare, and you will find them on one or another side of a soup kitchen counter, more than you will find them earning the big bucks on Wall Street, or sitting on a heap of inherited cash, or building empires and believing themselves to be the architects of their own good fortune.

They are out there, and they do what they do without fanfare, without publicity, or even the scant protection of spandex clothing. But they do what they do anyway, because it is righteous, and they sleep better for having lived a noble life, rather than a rich one.
edit on 20-10-2016 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error removed.

edit on 20-10-2016 by TrueBrit because: Further grammatical tinkering required.

posted on Oct, 21 2016 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

ATS member's sure didn't take to this rant TrueBrit, lol.

I guess our superhero's are off limits.

edit on 21-10-2016 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

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