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Ancient Origins of the New World Order

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posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 11:25 AM
In considering the origins of the present world order there is both a Cosmological and historic basis for it's arising presented within the ancient literature of the Hurrians, which is to say they not only considered the role of the Divine agencies involved but how this would play out in terms of the struggles of humanity, i can only provide a basic outline here but there is much that should be discussed.

Hurrian Myths

The main protaganist in the epic struggle is the God Kumarbi associated with Enlil and thus the unfolding of destiny, the essence of the conflict is the right of his son Tessub to rule and the various orders created at the Cosmological level to usurp this, were Tessub can be equated with the Sumerian Ninurta, or Canaanite Baal Hadad, or the Greek Zeus or even Nordic Thor, the conflict then that the Hesiod Theogony was based upon.

The Kumarbi cycle is well outside of most peoples frame of reference and thus it will be difficult to appreciate what is involved here, however what is involved is firstly the struggle of the Indo-European Hurrians against the Semitic Phoenicians and then against the proto-Hebraic culture of Ebla, and finally against the Masonic tradition which see's both ancient challenges combined through the Temple of Solomon esoteric tradition.

To understand the basic principles involved then The Song of Release is critical, the basic issue is debt slavery were the City of Ebla holds in bondage the followers of Tessub, thus undermining his religious position, the God relates directly with his followers in claiming to be cold, destitute, hungry and oppressed, demands their release and when this is refused by an eloquent Minsiter of the City on the grounds that it really isn't Tessub that is being oppressed he destroys the City through the agency of the King of Nineveh, thus setting in motion a historic resentment that gives rise to the New World Order, this precedent was something the Jews were aware of and looked to observe the principle within their own society;

Tessub demands that the city institute a debt remission. He promises that, if the city complies, it will experience great prosperity and military success. If it fails to comply, drastic judgment awaits it. In a similar manner the Judean chronicler attributed the destruction and exile of the Kingdom of Judah to her failure to observe Yahweh's sabbatical year remissions (2 Chronicles 36:17-21; cf. Leviticus 26).

The ruler of Ebal the Megi had understood the seriousness of Tessubs demands but had been unable to persuade the council, he did absolve his own personal debts, in rejecting the association of Tessub with his people and entering into conflict the ultimate conclusion is that all the world would be taken into debt slavery and that the cult of Tessub and his associate Deities would be eradicated, the work also involves a series of parables.

That man he who ran away from his own city has arrived in another country. When he became discontented, he began to plot evil in return against his new city. And the city's gods have made him accursed.

Relations between God and Man in the Song of Release

The Song of Release is very fragmentary in parts but the opening lines are reminiscent of the Iliad and there is comparison made between the mistreatment and captivity of the followers of Tessub by Ebla and the sleight against the cult of Apollo in the Iliad discussed here as far as how influential the work had been.

I will tell of Tessub, the great lord of Kummi. I will praise the young woman Allani at the Bolts of the Netherworld. In addition to them I will speak of the young woman Ishara, a skilled goddess, famous for her wisdom.

The close companion and brother of Tessub in the epic cycle is the Wind God Suwaliyat/Tasmisu he is also ably assisted by the Hittite and Hurrian equivalents of Istar, Sauska or Anzili, their first act is to consult with the Goddess of the Netherworld in order to establish the bond between the chthonic and the celestial.

Tessub and Suwaliyat (also known as Tasmisu)46 went down to the Dark Netherworld, and Allani girded herself (for work). She goes back and forth in front of Tessub, and Allani made a fine feast at the Bolts of the Netherworld.

The former challenge that they overcame in the cycle as i mentioned was the defeat of the sea monster Hedammu which Sauska overcomes by seduction and lures him onto the land were Tessub can slay the beast, there are complex associations involved also involving familial relationships and impregnation and such forth, to the extent that the potential for re-emergence is a factor;

The Queen of Nineveh went there to wash herself. She washed herself. She anointed herself with fine perfumed oil. She adorned herself. And qualities which arouse love ran after her like puppies.

And Hedammu He raised his head from the watery deep. He spied Sauska. Sauska held up her naked members before Hedammu.

That this earlier world order challenge did relate to the Phoenicians becomes apparent in the song of Hedammu when Kumarbi his making his preparations for the rising of the sea beast at Nippur, a cloth of Byblos is used to cover the windows facing Kummi the city of Tessub and Ninevah the city of Istar/Sauska/Anzili, i think in general the myth reflects that the Phoenicians could threaten Indo-European interests at sea but on land they were no match.

The greater threat emerges with the rise of Ullikummi, were Kumarbi impregnates a stone within the Netherworld and from this emerges the child of stone that gradually increases, this not only the stone that the builders overlooked but the one that was again hidden and nurtured by the fate Goddesses, this attaches itself to a sort of Atlas type figure that represents the support of the world and cannot be defeated, it is Ea that suggests the only way to defeat it is to isolate it from the world support system, the giant Ubelluri

Ubelluri spoke to Ea, "When they built heaven and earth upon me, I was aware of nothing. And when they came and cut heaven and earth apart with a copper cutting tool, I was even unaware of that. But now something makes my right shoulder hurt, and I don't know who this god is.

When Ea heard those words, he went around Ubelluri's right shoulder, and there the Basalt stood on Ubelluri's right shoulder like a shaft.

Ea calls upon ancient traditions in order to detach Ullikumi from the world order;

Ea spoke to the Primeval Gods, "Hear my words, Ο Primeval Gods, who know the primeval words. Open again the old,fatherly, grandfatherly storehouses. Let them bring forth the seal of the primeval fathers and with it reseal them.

Let them bring forth the primeval copper cutting tool with which they cut apart heaven and earth. We will cut off Ullikummi, the Basalt, under his feet, him whom Kumarbi raised against the gods as a supplanter of Tessub

A primeval copper chisel then what is required...

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 06:14 AM
Interestingly with regards to these myths the final battles take place at Mount Hazzi which as the Mount of Tessub was also the Mountain of Baal to the Canaanites;

Baal's mountain was biblical Zaphon, known in Ugaritic as Sapan, in Hittite and Hurrian as Mount Hazzi, in Akkadian as Ba'lisapuna, in Greek and Latin as Casius (< Kasios), and in modern Arabic as Jebel 'el-Aqra', which stands at a height of 5,660 ft. about 25 miles north of Ras Shamra and 2.5 miles from the coast. Sapan was the site of both Baal's palace and his divine battle with Yamm/Lotan and (later) Mot . Similarly the Hurrian-Hittite myth of Ullikumi places the conflict between the storm-god and Ullikumi at Mount Hazzi , and Zeus similarly fights Typhon and other monsters on Mount Casius

This became assimilated by the Yahwist's as his place of abode in later times;

Biblical allusions to the mythological battle between Yahweh and dragon appear in Psalm 74:13; 89:9-10; Isaiah 27:1 51:9-10; Revelation 12:7-9, though none of them locate the conflict on a mountain. Familiarity with Zaphon as Baal's abode is evident in the toponym Baal-Zephon in Exodus 14:1, 9, Numbers 33:7.

here are numerous references in the OT to Zaphon as Yahweh's holy mountain, resulting through an identification between Yahweh and Baal. Since Yahweh also merges with El in Israelite religion, the biblical texts conflate Zaphon with El's abode as well as the "mountain of assembly" (where the "divine council" meets). Helal, son of Shahar (the twin brother of Shalam, the god of sunset), declares in Isaiah 14:13-14: "I will sit on the Mount of Assembly in the recesses of Zaphon. I will climb to the top of thunderclouds, I will rival the Most High.

The Mountain and Palace of Tessub thus becomes Mount Zion and the Holy City of Yahweh, which is a bit cheeky...

Yahweh is great and supremely to be praised, in the city of our God, the holy mountain (hr-qdsw), beautiful where it rises, joy of the whole world; Mount Zion, in the recesses of Zaphon (yrkty zpn), the city of the great king; here among her palaces, God proved to be her fortress." (Psalm 48:1-3)

Baal's Mountain

Anyway this is from the Hurrian myth were they go up to Mount Hazzi and behold the terrible imposition;

After (the departure) of the Sun God of the Sky Tessub formed a clever plan in his mind. Tessub and Tasmisu joined hands and went out of the kuntarra-shrines and the temple. Sauska too came from the sky looking formidable.

Sauska said to herself, "Where are my two brothers running to?" Bo1d1y(?) Sauska approached. She came up to her brothers. Then they all joined hands and went up Mount Hazzi.

(Tessub), the King of Kummiya, set his eye. He set his eye upon the dreadful Basalt. He beheld the dreadful Basalt, and because of anger his appearance changed. Tessub sat down on the ground, and his tears flowed like streams. Tearfully Tessub said, "Who can [any longer] behold the struggle of such a one? Who go on fighting? Who can behold the terrors of such a one any longer?"

Also the link i posted in the OP doesn't work because it's only a direct download link for the Hurrian myths, it's the best source so that's here
edit on Kam1031288vAmerica/ChicagoSaturday1531 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

edit on Kam1031288vAmerica/ChicagoSaturday1531 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 03:32 AM
Coming from a culture which is not this culture - Sumerian/Phoenician/etc.. all of these stories and ideas are strange and foreign to me. But I am compelled to look into these things (of this culture) because it greatly effects the world around me. So much about rule, battles/conflict/war, domination, etc. Often, I think this culture has a problem. Now it has become Western culture and it still has a problem.


Baal's mountain was biblical Zaphon, known in Ugaritic as Sapan, in Hittite and Hurrian as Mount Hazzi, in Akkadian as Ba'lisapuna, in Greek and Latin as Casius (< Kasios), and in modern Arabic as Jebel 'el-Aqra'

Looks like Jebel 'el-Aqra' / Mt Casius is an actual place. It is in Northwest Syria in Latakia. - link

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Yes it is related to the current conflict, the supposed right of Israel to subvert the entire region in the interests of it's security, but four thousand years ago the region of Northern Syria was the ethnic fault line between the Indo-Europeans of Asia-Minor and the North Western Semites, though they generally didn't get along so badly and the religion of Anatolia was highly influential for the Semites, including Proto-Hebraic Ebla.

The destruction of that City allegedly by Nineveh on behalf of Tessub is what would have seen them migrate South, they do place their origins in that region but make no mention of Ebla within the Bible rather stating famine as the reason for the migration into Egypt, but there was climate change at the end of the third millenium BC which could have been a factor in conflicts arising, the taking of slaves from defeated Cities and all sorts of resentments emerging.

The Hebrews always considered of course that they were in some sort of conflict with Baal or Tessub, Nimrod or Nineveh the city of Istar they consider some type of archetypal foe also, and in their scriptures they considered the Mountain of Tessub conquered and assimilated by Yahweh, it's palace to be used at his leisure, what the Song of Release then provides is the other side of the story, but from that perspective there is a far greater struggle involved with regards to the forces of Destiny.

edit on Kam1031289vAmerica/ChicagoSunday1631 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 08:54 PM
So, you are saying that the "new" world order is really the "old" new order?

posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: rnaa

That seems a fair assessment, perhaps the New World Order can be seen as the culmination of a phenomena that has been some four thousand years in development and growth facilitated by nefarious forces of destiny, it isn't really represented by any Deity, Yahweh is just an abstraction, the great whatever, which hoovers up all other traditions, a mischief really created by Kumarbi, in order to defeat it one will need to not only challenge but take assertive control of the forces of Destiny otherwise not only will the monstrosity rule this planet but also destroy it.

There is also the question which i haven't addressed of what is the essential symbolism of the black basalt/Diorite obelisk that continues to increase, possibly this was based upon a victory stele, that as victory upon victory is achieved the greater in height grows the stele.

edit on Kam1031290vAmerica/ChicagoMonday1731 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
To understand the basic principles involved then The Song of Release is critical, the basic issue is debt slavery were the City of Ebla holds in bondage the followers of Tessub, thus undermining his religious position, the God relates directly with his followers in claiming to be cold, destitute, hungry and oppressed, demands their release and when this is refused by an eloquent Minsiter of the City on the grounds that it really isn't Tessub that is being oppressed he destroys the City through the agency of the King of Nineveh, thus setting in motion a historic resentment that gives rise to the New World Order, this precedent was something the Jews were aware of and looked to observe the principle within their own society

Could you elaborate upon the historical debt slavery aspect of Ebla, and the evidence pertaining to support it? I would be most appreciative.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

The links in the OP are the best articles as to what was involved from the Hurrian/Hittite perspective, but in terms of what was actually involved this was the practise at Alalah within the same region as Ebla and i would expect to be what was involved in the Song of Release.

He suggests that, in fact, such loans were made as a means of securing long-term indentured servitude, a relationship more profitable to the creditor than outright slavery because contractual clauses protected the creditor from the flight, disappearance or death of the pledge

At Alalah the king used this means to obtain the services of individuals, families and even a village. The type of service provided, when it is specified, indudes weavers, fowlers and kutturu-men. Therefore at Alalah Level VII legal con tracts emphasize the acquisition of skilled labor to staff the palace workshops, while the administrative ration texts describe a dependent workforce that consists primarily of unskilled agricultural labor

Loan for labor (and purchase of slaves) seems to have provided the king with a method of acquiring skilled craftsmen when he was not able to requisition such labor through his authority as head of state. The fact that the king of Alalah Level VII was not able to enforce the contribution of skilled labor to the palace without a legal contract may reflect his own subordinate position within the kingdom of Yamhad, and lack of the prerogatives or the power of the king of Yarnhad or earlier king of Mari

Syrian Palace archives

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 03:34 PM
Apologies for replying so late, I have been awash with errands before I go off for training in the desolate wasteland of Saskatchewan.

This is quite remarkable and I am remiss in this information evading my sight. I am well enough versed in slavery (that is, knowledge-wise), but I was completely unaware of this peculiar occurrence.

It would indeed seem that indentured servitude was more beneficial than outright slavery - logically speaking it is superior by means of contractual agreement, and additionally, I am sure, by the societal aspect that the debtor is not considered a lowly slave. This author, however, claims that the habiru would willingly become indentured:

Surely this period predates that of the Hurrian? I know that many have dismissed the habiru connection to the Hebrew tribe, but I do believe there are ties. It is possible that the Creditors of Ebla learned the practice from having experienced it firsthand.

It certainly is reminiscent of the Germans in Tacitus:

Strangely enough they make games of hazard a serious occupation even when sober, and so venturesome are they about gaining or losing, that, when every other resource has failed, on the last and final throw they stake the freedom of their own persons. The loser goes into voluntary slavery; though the younger and stronger, he suffers himself to be bound and sold.

I should like to explore this in greater depth, when time permits. Both this and your own source quoted Indenture at Nuzi by Eichler, do you have this pdf? I would doubtless find it useful. But now, to dress as Jon Snow and usurp candy from the coffers of the wealthy!

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: SargonThrall

The Habiru was a term for those outside of normative society and culture;

References to such Habiru bands were found in many different parts of the Middle East, making it clear that they did not constitute a tribe or nation but rather a social class, one that was generally viewed by the scribes who mentioned them with a mixture of fear and contempt.

The Habiru

The tutelary God of the Habiru was likely Habhaby;

a much-feared demon possessing horns and tail(s). In Ugaritic he is referred to as Hby bcl qrnm w-dnb "Haby, possessor of two horns and a tail". In Eblaite his name is reduplicated to Habhaby and he is characterized by a pair of horns of the moon and tail(s) of the sun. Then he appears twice in the O. T.: Isaiah (26: 20) warns us to take cover in the innermost chamber until Haby departs; Habakkuk 3: 4 mentions the demon as hebyon (with the suffix -on added to haby) and preserves a reference to his horns. The fact that our iconography of Satan (or The Devil) to this day calls for horns and tail reflects how deep-seated Haby is in our own past.

Ebla, Ugarit and the Old Testament

Habhaby was to the North West Smites what Hedammu was to the Hurrians, a challenge of an outside order, in the case of the Hurrians this had seemingly been represented by Byblos.

It's noteworthy that in the Ebla myth of Habhaby they are totally in line at that point with the thinking of the Hurrians;

"I have bound Habhaby. I have bound his tongue. I have found the barrier of his teeth. I have bound you on a black stone by the double doors and struck the Sea (tihamatim) with a reed.

I have bound you by seven mighty contraptions. I have bound you by the zidanu and amana. I have bound you by the tails of the Sun and by the horns of the Moon. Seven youths and seven maidens are exalted, and [...] the Star (kabkabu). The bricklayer will lay the bricks by the double doors of Ellil, father of the gods and the Star has established him as representative to Ellil, father of the gods. Ellil, the father of the gods performs the magic.

Spell of the Star. [...] I have bound you on Zazaum, O no-good one. [...] O Sun-god! May you lay the bricks and build the house of Ellil the father of the gods. [...] The Star is appointed as the emissary to Ellil the father of the gods. [...] The earth has confined the serpent (bashanu); O serpent in the sea (ba-tihamat)! [...] So says the magician Dagama [to the serpent]: 'I have smitten thee'. [...] May Hadd fetch the dazzling stone and the triple-garment for the Star [who was appointed to induce Ellil to perform the magic]".

Ebla version of serpent conflict

The text which relates to the conclusion of that myth cycle see's Habhaby bound to a black rock behind the portal into the Underworld, in the Hurrian mythos then it is that black rock which becomes the basis for the next challenge of Ullikummi which i have suggested relates to Ebla, in that given the destruction of their City they became Habiru.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt
This is my general understanding. I discussed this at length with my best friend who is more learned on the topic than I, albeit from a conspiratorial point of view.

In his explanation, the Habiru were loosely organized bandits who robbed and pillaged settled areas, outcasts of regular society forming a sort of secret society or thieves guild.
If memory serves it was exemplified in the Amarna letters from Egyptians settled in the Levant, begging Pharaoh to send troops to protect them from Apiru.

Anyways - his theory was that the twelve Hebrew tribes were divided as such because they represented 12 different ethnic tribes of Habiru bandits. In his view they would not have divided the nation thusly if they truly were one people. A background mythos was fabricated to explain why the different ethnicities were united; rather than a criminal pirate past, they had a humble victimhood as slaves who became kings. Abraham became their patriarchal ancestor, becoming the unifying myth holding the fabric of society together.
It makes sense to me. How accurate it is, I know not.

All of this talk of debt slavery has set my brain afire. It would explain a lot about the modern world.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: SargonThrall

Yes it's similar to the origins of Islam, in that a singular vision had united different clans, in the case of the Hebrews likely Atenist in origin. Certainly when the host of Yahweh emerge from Sinai Hebab is considered among them, a variant of Habhaby and the tutelary Deity/Demon of Habiru;

At his right hand marched the Gods, also Hebab was among them

Hebab variant for Hebyon

I think generally the conquest of Canaan was gradual and through subversion against the ruling classes, and that the Hebrews had constituted a very disparate band, albeit among them the remnants of Ebla that preserved their tradition of scribal excellence.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt
Atenist, indeed, as we discussed in depth prior.

Hebab almost seems to be mentioned in passing, which would suggest a minor role, and yet one of the few mentioned by name. In classical Bible style it appears as though "Hebab was among them" would certainly more accurately read "followers of Hebab were among them", as entire groups were often personified into individual leaders and/or gods.

I would tend to agree that the invasion of Canaan appears to be more of a gradual effort, rather than the blitzkrieg implied by both Judges and Joshua.

I'm afraid given my limited time lately I have only pored over the documents briefly (on the Hurrians, Hebab, et cetera). I hate to ask such a task of you, but could you possibly write up a timeline of significant events related to such an ancient control system? i.e. ~1350BC Akhenaten becomes pharaoh, rough years when debt slavery was practiced, and so on... I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it in a linear, interrelated fashion.

Anyways, cheers to you and your interesting topics.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

Yes Hebab there would relate to the Habiru among that confederation and is differentiated from the regular Clan Tutelary Deities.

The reason mention is so scarce is that the greater context for the Habbaby mythos dates back to when Ebla was in line with Hurrian and Anatolian tradition, that they would have been happy enough then to see the Habiru as the personification of evil outsiders, that changes of course when they become as Habiru and enter into confederation with Habiru clans to the extent of trying to form a singular National identity, at that point the former association is something they'd rather forget.

From the Indo-European perspective that is not so easily done, as the Song of Release sets in motion a series of events leading to the rise of a New World Order that is evil, the timeline on all of this perhaps i could sort out because obviously the Hittite conflict with the Egyptians also needs to be put into context as that becomes a critical factor.

posted on Jun, 1 2018 @ 03:01 AM
Satan's been working on it a long time

posted on Jun, 5 2018 @ 12:04 AM
facebook is a battery farm. get out now.

thats what we're dealing with

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