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Triggered: Why someone who is affected can't hear it anymore

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posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:38 PM
Dear OP,

I enjoyed your thread you raise some interesting points. No offense but I can't help but notice that you yourself seem to be "triggered" by the word trigger... Seems legit to me

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: verschickter

Fast movements in your peripheral vision triggering someone? I really do not understand. Clapping?

For it to get better you need to deal with it

That's the whole point right? You might look better if you would politely teach people how to deal with it then.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: verschickter

You need to get out of your head.

Its over emotional, offbase, and isolated beyond echo chambers that have validated your issues so as to validate their own.

I would suggest hard work and a commitment to not quiting no matter what as well as a commitment to try 110% all the time while doing it.

Nothing mental. Something physical and unpleasant, to your capacity of coarse....but nothing that relies on your mind where you go home nice and clean.

Hard ass work. It is the catalyst.....

That would fix it.

I am absolutely serious. You asked, thats the fix.

If not, learn to enjoy this thing you have created for yourself.

edit on 9 23 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

I have no idea what you think your trauma is, maybe you should 'splain it Lucy? I don't do vague.
It's been more than obvious to me that for the last 5 years anyway, we are living in the p##see generation...

And it´s none of your business.
I was born in the 60´s and definitly not raised as a patsy, quite the contrary..
edit on 23-9-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: tadaman

I would suggest hard work and a commitment to not quiting no matter what as well as a commitment to try 110% all the time while doing it. Nothing mental. Something physical and unpleasant, to your capacity of coarse....but nothing that relies on your mind where you go home nice and clean. Hard ass work. It is the catalyst..... That would fix it.

That´s not the solution. I worked my ass off to sidetrack myself. I did 60 hour weeks because I wanted it, for over 10 years. And that was only the time I spent at work. That was basically the wrong thing to do, because my health declined serious.

I could not even read one page of a book at once. I was an avid reader since I learned to read, LoR, all three books in a weekend. Suddenly I could not remember the start of a sentence when I was in the middle of it. I could not memorize even simple things and forgot my PINs, birthdays, names of relatives were just not there.
I could not sleep for more than two hours a day.
I could not eat because I was puking it up after and hour.
I had brutal migrane almost every day.
I thought I´m going to die, that´s how heavy my body reacted.

That has nothing to do with being a patsy or not a hard working man. I was always hard working.

What thing do I have created for myself, can you be more precise on that? If I would write what traumatized me, people will loose sleep so don´t act like I´m just making up excuses for myself. You have no clue but be thankful for that.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Mousygretchen

Imagine you stand somewhere and out of the blue someone beats the literal # out of you, for no reasons. Always from behind, for years. At a certain point, you, too will flinch and be remembered if someone puts his hands on your shoulder, you are back in the experience. That would be a good example. I don´t see how I´m impolite. Can you show me where??

A friend from jugoslavia who came to germany in 1994, can not, until today, walk alone in the forest. The reason being possible gunshot sounds from hunters and the smell of the powder. Let alone the 31.12. where everyone throws crackers around.

It has nothing to do with that currently is pushed as "trigger word". I start to repeat myself but getting sad because you see a coffin (for example) is not being "triggered". That´s the reason why this thread exists. The answers on this page alone show me, how this sensitive topic has been destroyed and trampled on, so that the people who really suffer from trauma, are smiled at. You just have to read tadamans response.

Here is another post from me, maybe it brings the point across:

I find it disgusting how the word has been misused lately. For those really suffering from trauma and have to deal with it nearly on a daily basis, it's a slap in the face. Those who use the term on that light basis need to know that it's not the same if you for example see a coffin and think of death in general and then get a little bit sad. But that's the kind of way it's been used lately. A trauma trigger can rip you out of what's going on around you and you relive parts of the experience that traumatized you in the first place. It takes years for one to even realize you are traumatized because you go into some sort of denial about the event. You just don't know but your subconscious knows and it's affecting you. First you can't tell why you panic, why your health degrades, why you can't sleep anymore or not be able to read even one page on a book without drifting off. I did the whole Lord of Rings in a weekend and suddenly I need 5 minutes for one #ing page. Because you even do not remember the dreams but you subconscious was there. It's nothing I wish to anybody because it often is more worse than the experience or accident that "planted" the trigger. It also needs a doctor to be found and can not be self diagnosed! I hope some who read this may consider future usage or jokes about triggers.

edit on 23-9-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: verschickter

My best advice is just don't give a # what people say. Most people have been traumatized in one way or another.

In all honesty I dislike the ptsd label.

It's over used and misapplied, find me one person who doesn't have a horrible moment in their life that haunts them.

It took me years to realize the problem, once I realized the problem was me and not the people I blame I coped much more easily.

You are in control of your emotions.

I know certain reactions to certain things may seem beyond your control but you have more power than you think.

Don't let your interpretation of the word affect you, it means different things to different people.

Stay safe.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 09:14 AM
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