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Yes on 1 for the Sun: The Florida Anti-Solar Ballot Initiative from Utilities

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posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 11:10 AM
From the Huffington post:

Last week, the Florida utility-backed anti-solar initiative officially launched their campaign to block solar leasing in the sunshine state with the confusing name, “Yes on 1 for the sun.” The utility-backed group running the initiative campaign, called the “Consumers for Smart Solar” has been funded by nearly $7 million in contributions from the investor-owned utilities and fossil fuel front groups to date.

Energy & Policy Institute previously revealed that Consumers for Smart Solar is funded by utilities and front groups seeking to prevent changes to state law that would open the solar market in Florida and specifically allow third party solar leases. Third party solar accounted for 72 precent of residential solar installed across the country in 2014.

This is a clever twist of words by the energy giants. They make it sound like this bill is pro solar energy, when the reality is it will restrict selling solar power to the common and give the energy giants a monopoly on selling solar power.

Most places will allow someone who produces energy via solar or wind to sell back the excessive power they produce. This is what this bill would prevent. It also prevents a 3rd party from leasing out solar panels to homes and businesses which is how most of residential and businesses get their solar panel system.

Because of the deceptive wording, many voters will blindly vote in favor of this bill, believing it is a positive bill for the solar industry, when the reality is it will cripple the industry in Florida.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: jrod

Do you have a link?

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: jrod

Florida, the Sunshine State, is turning its back on the sun. The irony...

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22


posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 12:04 PM
And here is a bit more of a description of the Pros and Cons and who are supporting each as well as the actual amendment language.

I must admit, this is one of the most confusingly written amendments I have seen.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 12:36 PM
Surely somehow Rick Scott has something to do with the wording. Criminal SCUMBAG he is.

(there needs to be a devil face that isnt smiling, for these situations)
edit on 12-8-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 12:48 PM
I am a solar installer in Long Island, one of the most lucrative places in the country for investing in solar. I haven't read the article but I'd say that the battle is probably between the utilities and the large solar installers such as Sunrun and Solar city. Both of these companies are bad for local workers and companies. They lease the systems and keep profit for themselves as well as lower the wages and push out the local companies. As well, their systems are low grade.

If the utilities are giving rebates in Florida as they are in New York, then they are already driving the cost of solar down for the buyer. In the last 7 years the cost of solar has gone down substantially and continues to get more and more affordable for the homeowner. As an investment the payoff is zero risk and has a very high rate of return.. Not something you can find in the investment world. The big guys are better kept away in my opinion..

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Quauhtli

Interesting. We'd appreciate it if you might take a look into it, so we know what we're getting into down here...

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 01:56 PM
This is Flori-Duh for crying out loud.. "They're" still looking at the 'dangling chad'. They also do the mailers in the same manner, it is usually the opposite of what it actually reads. The last BIG LIE was the Appellate Court Judges in 2008 or 2012..

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