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Delegate Passionately Expresses Her Concern For The State of Democracy

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posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 03:53 PM
On July 22nd, 2016 Wikileaks dropped a bombshell of some 20,000 E-mails confirming the Democratic Elections were rigged. Well, more like the DNC had already knew who they wanted in office before the people did and conspired against candidate Bernie Sanders.

All of this and more is still unraveling and the world almost seems like its on fire (no weather pun intended.) and we're all watching every move and keen on every voice. Its an important time to be alive and emotions are flaring.

The woman in the video is a delegate and she becomes highly passionate when she learned the contents of the e-mails. I love her message and I hope you enjoy.

Grandmother For Democracy

I guess I cant embed.. 😓

edit on 25-7-2016 by Mizzijr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Mizzijr
On July 22nd, 2016 Wikileaks dropped a bombshell of some 20,000 E-mails confirming the Democratic Elections were rigged. Well, more like the DNC had already knew who they wanted in office before the people did and conspired against candidate Bernie Sanders.

All of this and more is still unraveling and the world almost seems like its on fire (no weather pun intended.) and we're all watching every move and keen on every voice. Its an important time to be alive and emotions are flaring.

The woman in the video is a delegate and she becomes highly passionate when she learned the contents of the e-mails. I love her message, i hope you enjoy.

View My Video

I guess i cant embed. 😓

Very touching and I agree for the most part minus the part where she wants democracy but mentions supporting Sander, a socialist!

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Mizzijr

Done pissed off Democratic Grandma.

Love how it starts: " I don't give a F&*% about Trump". Imagine how Bernies younger supporters feel?

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Mizzijr

She's passionate, allright. You should mark this NSFW though, she starts by yelling F**k loudly.

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: Mizzijr

I have to agree with this lady. Now more than ever, the people of this country need to unite and defend democracy. The voice of the people is being ignored and trampled upon. Priorities of our legislatures and government officials are not for the people of this country but for corporate interest and the military complex. Our government is quick to give billions of taxpayers dollars for foreign aid, pork barrel spending, military occupations and overseas bases. Yet they will look at cutting programs which help it's citizens rather than programs that benefit the military and foreign countries.

The people of the United States and protecting our borders and homeland should be the number one priority of our government.

posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 04:48 AM
I dont know what democracy she thinks she lives in. As far as I know there isnt any, anywhere on this planet.

The people of California voted that a marriage was the union of a man and a woman..... then they were told to go and vote again.... and the majority once again voted that marriage was the union of a man and a woman. Had the vote went as the powers that be wanted... they would have got on the television and proclaimed Democracy in Action and touted how great our system of government was..... and when it didnt...... they merely overrode the will of the people and inserted the laws THEY want..... This is not democracy and it resembles a republic in name only.

Did any of you get to vote if not wearing your seatbelt was enough to label someone a criminal worthy of punishment?
Did any of you get to vote if a business owner had the right to decide if he wanted smoking in his place of business?

Jordan Maxwell: The more you educate yourself the more you understand where things come from the more obvious things become and you begin to see lies everywhere. You have to know the truth and seek the truth and the truth will set you free.

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