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Mother and daughters stabbed by Muslim in French resort

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posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
And No trinity does not make Jesus God himself.

Total lie. Trinitarian doctrine does make Jesus God. Trinitarian doctrine makes Jesus all three, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

However, the Trinity doctrine does not occur in the Bible, nor does the Nicene nor Athenasian creeds occur in the Bible. However, if you do not believe in them you are not Christian. And that gives those who do believe in these post Biblical creeds the right to harass and antagonize those who do not believe in them.

I know a Methodist minister, an honorably discharged Army vet who moonlighted as a professor at a college and was a member of the Masonic lodge which drafted freedom of religion into the Bill of Rights, who indicates that this is any Christians right to harass and antagonize others simply because they don't believe in Catholic post Biblical creeds and he was Methodist. Which the Methodists are Protestants.

It's my firm belief that all organized Christianity types are in fact demonic. They neither respect Biblical doctine, nor US laws which prohibit religious harassment, nor other people's rights. They are fairly sociopathic in that respect.

And Trump's vice presidential pick says that he is a Christian. Now, in the Old Testament Jesus inspired the writers to indicate that it is permissible to rape virgins for 50 shekels. In today's currency that is $420.

"A shekel is a unit of weight equal to about 11 grams, so 50 shekels is about 550 grams or 19.4 ounces.

The spot price of silver has been dropping for the last year or so, but as of yesterday it was around $21.70 per ounce. That would place 50 shekels as being worth about $420.98 "

Rape is in fact a felony violation of law. If you ask me if you affirm rape then you in fact a rapist. The victims of rape experience psychological disorders which can interfer with their family relationships, interrupt their careers, disrupt their social life. And it doesn't indicate that you can only rape women who aren't following Christ's teachings. It seems to me if anyone should be immune and be protected from rape it should be chaste women HONORING God. $420 is an insult. Rape is not much different than murder. And Trump's Vice Presidential pick supports this BS. I like the Muslim penalty for rape. I watched a Youtube video of them hanging three rapists in Iran from a bus and a crane and then drove the bus out from underneath the crane.
edit on 21-7-2016 by Miracula2 because: 50 shekels.....

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
So now scratching the crotch adding to "scanty clothed woman" is an excuse for stabbing.

The "scanty clothed woman", in this case, appears to be only a dream of some journalist, probably thinking that most people in the Internet would see only that.

Well the offended and stabbing party should never come to the US or they are going to find very hard to live here without stabbing somebody a few times a day.

One man does not make a party.

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: noonebutme

Doh !....lowers head and quietly backs out of the room....

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 09:07 PM
meanwhile the floodgates for refugees are wide open. how many more have to die before france mans up?

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Miracula2

Believe what you will. Just giving my opinion on it. PErsonally i think of them as three seperate beings,but they act in concert with each other. And They are OMNIPOTENT and OMNIPRESENT and can bend The laws of the universe at will so it is possible to Be the Son of God without having sex with mary.

And OT rules arent to be followed anymore. Christians follow the NT rules, but feel free to ignore that liek you did with editing my comment. Not cool btw. it was short enough to quote the entire thing. Shortening it changes its total meaning and is dishonest.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: JourneymanWelder
meanwhile the floodgates for refugees are wide open. how many more have to die before france mans up?

How many refugees have done attacks in France?

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: JourneymanWelder
meanwhile the floodgates for refugees are wide open. how many more have to die before france mans up?

How many refugees have done attacks in France?

The question that should be asked is how many refugees surport the attacks.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: imod02

That's another good question, but not exactly for what I was talking about.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

No you are right, but when it happens too often and under the same ideology or encouraged by ideologies be religion or else it can not be ignored.

I will never apologize for anybody, group, religion or ideology that promotes death, terrorism, mayhem and decimation.

When people see acts of terrorism, acts of crime and acts of deviant behavior and find excuses for them because that is they way some people believes are base on they are not better than those committing the crimes.

You don't change the world by intimidation, death, terrorism and mayhem.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
When people see acts of terrorism, acts of crime and acts of deviant behavior and find excuses for them because that is they way some people believes are base on they are not better than those committing the crimes.

I agree, but those that assume that someone acted based on their beliefs just because it suits them are another side of the problem, and a big one, as it creates a division even if there isn't none, and people divided are not going to respect each other easily.

You don't change the world by intimidation, death, terrorism and mayhem.

True, you can only change it with knowledge, and that's why all dictators start by controlling information.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Wolfenz

originally posted by: yuppa
Umm God created the world. Jesus is his SON. And No trinity does not make Jesus God himself. God didnt kill muhammed because he was to play a role in the scheme of things. Remember they are to be a bul of a people and be thorns in the side of all men.

Yehwah the All Mighty Programmer !! aka Kevin Flynn

updating his Earth Sim in his hologram quantum mainframe!

Sorry thats more Believable then Abraham's God !
a Sumerian , that worked in his father PAGAN IDOL Making Shop
Some forget that !

A ironic Twist .. Middle eastern Muslims , Most are ancestors
from The Region of Sumer and UR

Religion the Killer of Man for Millenniums

Ill tell you I dotn believe the world is just 6000 years old. Gods time scale is way way different than a humans. A day to us is liek millions of years or longer to him. I also Think of God as a scientist. remember science is like majic to some people.

Have you Ever Read a book called Dragons Egg! ?? a must read right up your ally ..

Dragon's Egg

Pretty Much with Space Time differential... A Second can be a Year to Us ..

Carol Sagan HAD that Same Thought with Space Time and Dimension ..

unfortunately Muslims go blind of Ignorance and wouldn't comprehend much of science nor Science Fiction..

Against their beliefs of Free Critical Thinking and Free Will for that matter for their woman !

what is so INSANE is Destroying their own ANCIENT HISTORY ! Sumerian // Assyrian // Babylonian History

Dumb Asses !! Their IDOL is Abraham you Know the so call Place Kaaba ( MECCA )
Supposedly Abraham's Place and has a Stone ( Meteorite ) from some Angel

Yeah that Place ! Unfortunately the Person Ol ABE !! the One that they Kneel 5 times a Day too

Is Sumerian ! his Parents Sumerian Living in UR ..

Anyhow ..

Pathetic.. Insane Religious MERCY Killing of Woman ! they Treat Woman as 3rd Class Citizens

Modern Muslims do too anyone Remember of that Muslim that had a Network in New York trying to Prove that Muslims are good People , and a lot of the Stereotypes are just Myths ,, yeah how did that work out for him!!

SO Let Not forget that shall WE!!

Founder of Islamic TV station accused of beheading wife ( 2009 )

Muzzammil Hassan gets 25 to life for beheading wife, Aasiya Hassan

but this # needs to stop!

They should place them in Fema Camps .. these Refuges or Immigrants
and be re taught relearned of a American School and if they cant adapt
the ones that are too far gone

DEPORT Them Back or Drop them off

more Less Like what they Did with Cubans back in the 80s

Like a Interment Camp a reconditioning CAMP ..

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