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Triple Homicide Suspect an Illegal Deported Six Times

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posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 08:10 AM
one would think the politicians learned their lesson from the cuban boatlift,but obviously not.
if you aren`t familiar with the cuban boatlift that was when cuba emptied it`s prisons and asylums and put all those people on boats headed for the U.S. The U.S. welcomed them with open arms because they thought they were refugees escaping from mean ole cuba.
I have no doubts that mexico is doing the same thing, taking people out of their overcrowded prisons and asylums,driving them to the border and setting them free.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Tardacus
one would think the politicians learned their lesson from the cuban boatlift,but obviously not.
if you aren`t familiar with the cuban boatlift that was when cuba emptied it`s prisons and asylums and put all those people on boats headed for the U.S. The U.S. welcomed them with open arms because they thought they were refugees escaping from mean ole cuba.
I have no doubts that mexico is doing the same thing, taking people out of their overcrowded prisons and asylums,driving them to the border and setting them free.

Your way of thinking is screwing my life up. I can't even walk down the street anymore without getting a "look". My family has been in North America since the 1500s. My family has been in this country since it was founded. I'm an American. But since I have some browness, people like you assume too much. Just like you are sure they are dropping off killers at the boarder.


posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: MysticPearl

Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez, 29, has no significant prior criminal convictions, but ICE asked Oregon authorities to turn him over to them if he's released from custody in the current case, the agency said in a statement to The Associated Press on Friday.
There's something wrong with the story. If someone has been deported and returns, it is a felony. That means it is a criminal conviction.

Agreed.. "no significant prior criminal convictions" Sorry but 5 felonies, had he been convicted, is very serious for one's record. Just one felony wraps up your constitutional days on Earth (Buying a firearm, voting, etc), unless you are wealthy enough to get it expunged.


posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: Phage
Here is the statement from ICE:

“After conducting a comprehensive review of Mr. Oseguera’s immigration and criminal history, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has designated this as a federal interest case. To that end, the agency filed a notice of action with the Marion County Jail asking to be alerted if or when Mr. Oseguera is slated for release so the agency can take custody ot pursue further administrative enforcement action. Relevant databases indicate Mr. Oseguera has no significant prior criminal convictions. However, he has been repatriated to Mexico six times since 2003, most recently in 2013”

So yes, Fox is wrong (they lied, surprise) in saying he was deported six times. Repatriation is not the same thing as deportation. Deportation means that a person has gone through the court system and returning after having done so is a felony. A person who has been deported and caught is going to prison.

Repatriation means someone has crossed the border illegally, and is sent back. No court processes. No crime.

Does the system need fixing? You bet.

So whether it was deportation or repatriation is semantics at this point if he was removed from the country six times, which is the bigger issue.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 01:50 PM
Why would we need to protect our borders from a brutally war torn country that's famous for mass killings and beheadings on an equal playing field with ISIS?

That would make to much sense

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: onequestion

ISIS has some work to do to catch up with Mexico. ISIS also need to come up with a product to sell to the US besides fear.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: 727Sky

That is the old world we grew up in Phage.... in this new world they are given housing, welfare, medical and a voter registration card that says welcome back.


Phage, which part was false, the "welcome back"? Because everything else is true.

Many illegal immigrants live in public housing
Posted 1/1/2009 10:31 AM
The Associated Press

Untold thousands of illegal immigrants live in public housing at a time when hundreds of thousands of citizens and legal residents are stuck waiting years for a spot.

Illegal immigrants make up a tiny portion of the 7.1 million people in federal housing, according to government statistics. But authorities may be unaware of thousands more, and critics say no illegal immigrant should get housing benefits.

The issue made headlines in November with news that Zeituni Onyango, an aunt of President-elect Barack Obama, was living in Boston public housing while in the country illegally.

The federal government, which funds the lion's share of the nation's public housing, requires only that illegal immigrants share a home with at least one family member who is in the country legally and pay their share of the rent.

While there are no hard numbers on illegal immigrants in public housing, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development reports that 29,570 people — 0.4% of all those in federally funded housing — are "ineligible noncitizens." Some may be on temporary visas, such as highly educated workers or college students, but many are believed to be illegal immigrants.

In a stunning ruling, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down an Arizona law requiring voters to present citizenship proof to register in state and federal elections.

The law clears the way to illegal alien undocumented immigrants voting in national elections without substantive means of preventing it for many states. The highest court in the land ruled 7-2 that federal law “precludes Arizona from requiring a federal form applicant to submit information beyond that required by the form itself,” as Justice Scalia wrote. Professor Tom Caso of the Chapman University School of Law in California told the Associated Press that the decision “opened the door” to noncitizen voting.

“The court’s decision ignores the clear dictates of the Constitution in favor of bureaucratic red tape,” Caso said. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented from the court’s ruling.

The Constitution “authorizes states to determine the qualifications of voters in federal elections, which necessarily includes the related power to determine whether those qualifications are satisfied,” Thomas wrote in his dissent.

edit on 2-7-2016 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 04:14 PM
These are the people Trump was referring to when he said "They aren't sending us their best".

Is there any sort of legislation that would have prevented the murders?
I struggle to think of any solution other than a more secure border and immigration reform. Sure the American judicial system is a mess too. But this individual should never have had the chance to enter our country or judicial system in the first place.

The border will never be 100% secure and immigration will never be perfect. But some form of action would be better than sitting on our damn hands watching our loved ones killed by someone that hop scotched across the border numerous times. The wall can always be torn down should Mexico reform and it's corrupt government work with America instead of against it.
edit on 2-7-2016 by JAY1980 because: (no reason given)

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