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Obama: 'I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified [as Clinton] to [be POTUS]'

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posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 11:54 PM
I think President Obama's YouTube endorsement of Clinton belongs in the comedy forum. What do you think?

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: Profusion

If he was really so sure about Hillary Cuckold he would have said it before she clinched the nomination.

That's like me betting on last night's game.
edit on 10-6-2016 by abe froman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Profusion

VERY VERY VERY PATHETIC black humor of the worst sort.

Maybe he just doesn't want to be added to the . . . uhhhhhh . . . room temperature former 'close' friends of the Clintons.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 12:15 AM
He may be right, to be a politician you have to be "off" somehow. She is one the biggest megalomaniacs in history. She had no regard for human life, no sense of right and wrong, and will do whatever it takes to be on top including selling out her country to the highest bidder. Complete psychopath. She will fit right in with the majority of presidents.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: Profusion

I just can't comment. I'm spent, awashed, this presidential run has gone on for over 1.5 years now. I've heard swipes from the left and right for too long. I'm not exactly sure the government exist at all anymore. It's like an Amway pyramid scheme at this point. 🚧🚨.
POTUS Should of made her VP then after the second election if he was so convinced.

I'm so tired of this. It's like watching an episode of the Bachelorette/Bachelor anymore.. and I don't watch that show. I hate it and it ideals.

Hey! Look at that😅 I made a comment on it! I'm a hypocritical schmuck 😊

edit on 10-6-2016 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

Hey? You all don't suppose it has anything to do with Hillary appointing him to a seat as head of the U.N. or NATO? If you will..

And don't knock an announcement on YouTube. That's were everyone finds their current factual information.... 😆
edit on 10-6-2016 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2016 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2016 by Bigburgh because: Spelling spelling and other gratuitous silly

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: Profusion

I get it teacher! Call on me! Call on me!

1. EVIDENTLY he is describing someone best prepared to continue his agenda to destroy the USA down to ashes, chaos, blood in the streets, famine etc. as slated and scheduled by their bosses . . . in order to enable an easier & sooner establishment of the NWO global government overtly on the world stage.

2. GIVEN THAT, he's probably right, there's not been a better, more traitorous, maniacal, ruthless, demonized, destructive, spiteful, vengeful, gritchy, power-hungry, greedy, foul-mouthed, punitive, bw*tchy, angry, mean-spirited, black-hearted, Destroyer-in-Chief-wannabe to plague the planet in any significant country--particularly since Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Ho Chi-Minh, Machiavelli, Hitler, Idi Amin, et al.

2.1 She's been itching to get her licks in destroying right and left as she has practiced so much on those already exterminated in her behalf.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 02:07 AM

Obama: 'I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified [as Clinton] to [be POTUS]'

Sounds like he is including himself in his own statement

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 05:04 AM
I wonder how much money $hillary's handlers offered The Figurehead for the endorsement and meeting with Bernie?

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: Profusion

Yep............its in the right forum. This election is the biggest joke of my lifetime.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 06:37 AM
This is from the guy that gave me $9,000 health care with a $6,000 the Irish say...I am fooked.

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