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The Myth of Authority

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posted on May, 16 2016 @ 10:06 AM
Hi all, the following video is the winner of a contest of who could make the best video to support the narration of "The Myth of Authority" which is a summary of "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose. Basically it's a book on how the belief in government and the belief in allowing people to rule over others is the most dangerous belief there has been in history.

Here is the video:

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 10:09 AM
You put a high visibility jacket on and go into a car park with a clip board directing telling people where to park, I guarantee not one person will question you.

We are programmed to obey someone in a position of authority, no mater what fom that may take.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: Misterlondon
You put a high visibility jacket on and go into a car park with a clip board directing telling people where to park, I guarantee not one person will question you.

We are programmed to obey someone in a position of authority, no mater what fom that may take.

Sadly, too true. One of the worksites my ex was at, near a mental health institute had patients outside for lunch. One of the patients had walked over to the worksite, put on a white hardhat, and started ordering where holes should be dug with backhoes.
Apparently quite the mess to clean up before the boss got there.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 10:25 AM
Unthinking Obedience has always been a big problem for humanity because the majority of people are too lazy to think for themselves.

I was reading about a tyrant of a thousand plus years ago and how he 'killed' at least a million people. Then it dawned on me that 'he' probably hardly killed anyone. The idiots who 'obeyed' him were the problem.

So, Larken Rose is spot on with the problem but with the sheer stupidity and mental laziness of the majority of the human race I doubt much can be reversed.

Bring on the 'asteroid', whatever 'form' that might take!

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 12:17 PM
Interesting video.

Technically, the title should read "The Myth that Authority is Real", because the concept of authority itself is not mythical in the slightest!

Anyway, I agree that we act too afraid of and obedient towards authoritative figures/bodies. Nevertheless, it is due to the conditioning of the society we have grown up in and things are not about to change any time soon.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: TheBandit795
I found this video to be rather naive and idealistic. And very 'absolutist".
It tears into authority but only in regards governments. It does not hold up the authority of business or the corporate ethic in the same manner and in not doing so demonstrates the shallowness of the video.

Sure, much of what the narrator points out is true. We all, to one degree or another are held in thrall to our authority figures. And yes, the problems created by allowing for authority to solve other problems leads to,,, more problems.

However the naivety and idealism of the video are demonstrated by the very brief statement of an alternative. It very quickly mentions some mythical " non-aggression' principle that most people already believe in or adhere to and that this 'principle' would work for us if only we did away with authority. The video goes on until the final minutes blasting authority and then begins to refer to "imagine if',, how nice it would be if you had this freedom or that freedom. Well sure, but how is this to come about?

It suggests that even by having a conceptual 'position of authority' only the psychopath or sociopath would seek to fill it. And I agree. However the video lightly passes over this as if there were only going to be one or two here and there who would seek to be that authority. I disagree. I think there are many more of these types among us and would in any event find ways to subjugate those who were happily following this mythical "non-aggression principle" that is mentioned.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 02:25 PM
Authority is merely the badge that represents the bully club. Without bully clubs society would not be, or, would be a free-for-all brothel ruled by the bullies with the biggest and baddest clubs.
Interesting that the definition/s of "club" include both an instrument of pain/punishment, and an organization of people (society).
I don't recall voting for "authority" to take over my life. But, as long as we want shelter, food, comfort, peace, safety and security...we're stuck with "authority".
edit on 5/16/2016 by WanDash because: the

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 03:06 PM
Right On! Be Sovereign of yourself! No Gods and No Potentates!

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 06:25 PM
Ultra naive.

Is authority completely bad?

Are children being economically ripped off by their parents, forced to do chores without co-ownership in the means of production? Toddlers arise! Screw having to wear a diaper! Live in nature and crap where you please!

Doctor's authority is a train-wreck, too. All that pablum about "wash your hands" and don't eat uncooked pork or chicken. Bunch of fascists.

likewise science.

Or even the makers of this video. Who are they, to tell me whom to question!?!?

Edit to add:

The part about how most theft is committed on behalf of governments.... clearly, whoever wrote that copy lives in a nice zip code. Yes, I get brow -beaten by the tax collector. But it is nothing compared to being mugged. Or having our car stolen. just sayin'
edit on 16/5/2016 by redempsh because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 04:27 AM
I refer you to the Milgram experiment. A fake authority person, long white lab coat, clip board directs the subject of the experiment to deliver electric shocks to a person in the next room at the direction of the authority figure.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: TheBandit795
I found this video to be rather naive and idealistic. And very 'absolutist".
It tears into authority but only in regards governments. It does not hold up the authority of business or the corporate ethic in the same manner and in not doing so demonstrates the shallowness of the video.

Very simple. Businesses and other private entities do not have a monopoly on violence and usage of force.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: redempsh

The video is referring to authority in the gubernatorial sense.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 08:34 AM
Here is an excellent video that supports this idea:

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Elliot
Unthinking Obedience has always been a big problem for humanity because the majority of people are too lazy to think for themselves.

I was reading about a tyrant of a thousand plus years ago and how he 'killed' at least a million people. Then it dawned on me that 'he' probably hardly killed anyone. The idiots who 'obeyed' him were the problem.

So, Larken Rose is spot on with the problem but with the sheer stupidity and mental laziness of the majority of the human race I doubt much can be reversed.

Bring on the 'asteroid', whatever 'form' that might take!

I agree, to all of it. Stalin had a executioner, who could kill 300 people a day. Shot them all in the back of the head. They walked into one room, had their name checked on some list, walked into another room, faced the log wall and he shot them in the head. Dragged the bodies outside into a huge ditch. He used a Walther for deniability and due to their quality, standing up to 300+ shots a day. Can you imagine all that? It holds me spellbound by its utter F$cking depravity! And the entire nation stood by, paid taxes and bowed to church and state! Its time we woke up. This is insanity.
edit on 30-5-2016 by HUMBLEONE because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:17 PM
I think the following thread that I've posted today supports this one.

Used & Betrayed – 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:29 PM
This is probably the most important thread of all time here at ATS. This message is about what is really wrong with the world. If humanity doesn't get the message, these sociopathic imbeciles will kill us.

Do you understand the gravity of our situation? We have given total imbeciles, void of all humanity, positions to rule over us, legislate insane rules made law, provide for these insane rules be enforced by violence and if necessary death.

Its not that hard. All we have to do is to take responsibility for ourselves and our own actions, treat our neighbors as Sovereign as we are Sovereign.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: HUMBLEONE
This is probably the most important thread of all time here at ATS. This message is about what is really wrong with the world. If humanity doesn't get the message, these sociopathic imbeciles will kill us.

Do you understand the gravity of our situation? We have given total imbeciles, void of all humanity, positions to rule over us, legislate insane rules made law, provide for these insane rules be enforced by violence and if necessary death.

Its not that hard. All we have to do is to take responsibility for ourselves and our own actions, treat our neighbors as Sovereign as we are Sovereign.

Most people are so focused on only the simple basics of life that their minds rarely if ever ponder on the existential questions of their lives.

Conditioned from a very young age to feel the need to compete with their fellow man than support them. To work hard for little compensation, and be proud of it! To let your carnal desires override any intellectual or moral implication.

And almost every single one of us takes the bait. And even if you do see past the veil and realize what's going on it's too late you're dependent on the system.

Humanity are rats in a maze and most are all too happy to run and run just for the promise of a piece of cheese they've never laid eyes on.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:58 PM
all it takes is a gaurd to kill a Kind.
and the people would be free of the king.

and problem is they just make a New Kind.
Who make the new king?
the ones who told the king what to do.
the king could not see this or the people.

who are they?
the people with lots of Money and power.
Rich famlies and the like.

posted on Jun, 1 2016 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Elliot

I caught David Wilcock saying that this has actually been genetically hardwired into humanity by negative ET's..

Wouldn't really surprise me. I know they exist.
edit on 1-6-2016 by TheLaughingGod because: Grammar

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