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My mind has been blown. Read this post to find out why.

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posted on May, 1 2016 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: SmurfRider
My guess is that typos by publishers have created a host of problems both for the creator of berenstain/stein bears but also proponents of Mandela Effect everywhere for several decades.

Nailed the Brad in one wallop. Just look how many typos that You can find here at ATS™. It seems a bunch of folks, I was going to use 'alot' but that is wrong, misspell words and phrases.. "lose" gets an extra 'O' It got so bad that I started using the nom de plum, 'LewisStule PH.D.' = Loose Stool, Piled HIGH and Deep. How one could pile a loose stool is beyond My comprehension.

Another thing to look at is "Copyright Laws" If I come out w/a successful character, Lew Stule notwithstanding, and don't copyright the name/likeness then anyone can come along and copy My idea. Or if I take it a little way and quit, all someone has to do is change a little thing and go from there..

Jim Barrenstane, Esquire

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: Astyanax
I think , therefore you are.
Copyright by Gothmog

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 07:28 AM
My father used to work for a jewish immigrant named Paul Berstein. Nice man, spoke 8 languages fluently, and I remember him as being smart and funny.

We used to joke that he was really a bear, but had to drop the 'en' from 'Berenstein' when he immigrated from Mexico to the US.

The name is Berenstein.


I don't think there is anyone doing anything. I think that its either a result of the wateryness of "group consensus reality" (reality is what we all agree to hve percieced it to be). Or its just a natural/normal/novel result of the structure of the multiverse.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: droid56

OK, let's suppose this is true.

Your physical reality was altered at some point, and the only real evidence is the spelling of the authors' name on a kids' book.

If that's so, then what exactly has changed? Does it matter?

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: droid56

OK, let's suppose this is true.

Your physical reality was altered at some point, and the only real evidence is the spelling of the authors' name on a kids' book.

If that's so, then what exactly has changed? Does it matter?

It matters, from the perspective of science and understanding the world we live in. especially given the novel concepts behind what would cause such a thing. paradigm shifting, actually.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: droid56
You'll never fully figure life out. And a nazi bear can kiss my azz!

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:16 AM
Wait...What?...We grew up reading the 'Bearenstein Spider Monkeys'...WTH is happening?

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

OK, in terms of the big picture, yes, but in terms of day to day reality. I can't see that it matters much. I guess I got a sense from the OP that this was somehow done to manipulate us or hide something.

From a metaphysical perspective, yes, it would be enormously important and shift a lot of what we think we know.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: droid56

Good luck with this thread droid56!!

I'm involved heavily in the other one right now, and have been involved in previous "Mandela/Berenstein" threads.

I hope you're patient because the trolls and troublemakers FLOCK to these threads...sadly...

If you can find old news footage from earlier ufo sightings, Phoenix Lights, see people saying, "I know what I saw" even though all the 'officials' say it was something else.

The name of the game is "Deny Deny Deny".
If they can get us to doubt ourselves, then they win.

Don't let them win.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

OK, in terms of the big picture, yes, but in terms of day to day reality. I can't see that it matters much. I guess I got a sense from the OP that this was somehow done to manipulate us or hide something.

From a metaphysical perspective, yes, it would be enormously important and shift a lot of what we think we know.

But what if its not manipulation, and is just the normal state of affairs? What if reality was collective? Or what if realities criss crossed from time to time?

how that might effect me in regular day to day not sure. i have a pretty remarkable memory and observation skills. i notice things all the time that are out of order or don't seem to be congruent. i typically chalk it up to being mistaken. but there are a few instance taht i can't just discard so easily.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: jacygirl

The thing with those is that you can sometimes find proof to back even when the officials tell you otherwise. As much as my instincts want me to think it was one way, every shred of evidence I've ever dug up says otherwise, even extremely old copies of the books.

So either there are parallel universes and when they collide they more or less tend to instantly change what was in aspect, except for a few stubborn people who cling to old memories, or it's a trick of the mind that makes us think one thing was once another. In other words, we reject reality and substitute our own.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I played around with a character who had this issue and lived in a world where it happened. Two close parallel realities collided, then moved apart again. She was blessed, or cursed, with perfect memory and saw all the little differences. Part of the side effect for pretty much everyone else was that the new reality was the dominant one and everyone remembered it as if it always had been.

She went mad.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I'm likely not going to be able to participate here much, because I'm spread a little thin at the moment, with multiple threads going on.

I have no rational explanation for any of this, but do love hearing from others who are noticing or experiencing this phenomena. There are numerous posts from me in numerous threads here, and still I get members accusing me of my 'faulty memory'.

Hubby is watching the 2016 Rock'n Roll Hall of Fame, and it's funny each song plays, I can sing along...remembering every single word.

The next person to attack my memory is gonna get a throat punch!!


posted on May, 1 2016 @ 09:02 AM
I'm not familiar with this Nelson Mandela person, but in my universe we call it the 'Mandel Effect'...after Howie Mandel...who, by some recollections was the King of Canadian Comedy...and by others, was the deposed King of Scrotumia.

My personal belief, is that as we age, our memory simply does not function as well as it used to.

Furthermore, my personal belief, is that as we age, our memory simply does not function as well as it used to.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: jacygirl

But I'm not attacking your memory.

I am saying that we all have glitches in our matrix upstairs. I had it too, but then I looked up the name for work and then I went as far as to dig out those extremely old copies of my old Berenstain bear books. They all matched. Surely, if it was as I thought I remembered it, then one of them would have the cover printed as Berenstein.

It is easy to explain from a language perspective even. We have the "ai" construction in a word where we pronounce it /ee/, and it's in a spot where our eyes are more accustomed to seeing the "ei" spelling in names like Harvey Weinstein, which has it twice. You see it in proofing all the time, your brain wants to "see" what you know should be there, and the language pattern we expect wants to see "ei" instead of "ai" so a lot of us do and we convince ourselves it should be that way.

It's the same reason so many people pronounce nuclear /noo - KLEE - er/ and /noo - KYOO - ler/. Our brain is much more familiar with the /KYOO - ler/ pattern at the end of words (molecular), especially science words, so it tried to substitute what it wants to be there.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 09:07 AM
It is sad that the matter cannot be discussed rationally.

I think it's important, if for nothing else, it shows us a VERY CRITICAL fact about the effect of worldwide nearly instantaneous communication and how that feeds into normal human confirmation bias, faulty memory, etc.

It's important because these media are being used to channel if not control the Zeitgeist.

Sadly, anyone who doesn't toe the line of "it's supernatural/extradimensional/temporally anomalous" get's shut down.

Or at least, the attempt is made to do so.

One wonders why.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

I share the "stein" memories as well.

People have memories different than you. So what? Leave them be. I can't imagine why it effects you so much.

Your points are valid to you and others who share in it. I respect that.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
It is sad that the matter cannot be discussed rationally.

I think it's important, if for nothing else, it shows us a VERY CRITICAL fact about the effect of worldwide nearly instantaneous communication and how that feeds into normal human confirmation bias, faulty memory, etc.

It's important because these media are being used to channel if not control the Zeitgeist.

Sadly, anyone who doesn't toe the line of "it's supernatural/extradimensional/temporally anomalous" get's shut down.

Or at least, the attempt is made to do so.

One wonders why.

Again, as I said in another thread. That works both ways!

You keep asking for rational discussion, but the way you keep demanding "physical evidence" for something so subjective is grossly irrational.
One guy's old atlas matching the current Google earth is not physical evidence that someone has a bad memory or other suggestions of not paying attention in geography class when it's been explained exactly why you would not see a difference in the maps.
Either you people just can't wrap your heads round the concept or you're being deliberately pedantic.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: Ruiner1978

First of all where is the "demand" I've made for physical evidence? I said I'd like to see some, because physical evidence provides corroboration for subjective/eyewitness evidence. Make sense?

You're just using your rehashed arguments that you (probably) always do in such discussions. I haven't "demanded" a thing.

And beyond that who is "you people"? Anyone who doesn't accede to your pet theory about what's going on?

I can't "wrap my head" around the idea that everything presented in every discussion about "the Mandela Effect" has a reasonable logical explanation that doesn't involve anything other than good old humanity, human foibles, human error.

I'm not sure why that non-fantastic fact is so hard to swallow.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 10:54 AM
I'm not reading your post, click bait titles are ridiculous.

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