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The games of Rosicrucians, Illuminati, and other secret societies...

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posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by DII503
there is a computer game called Illuminati: New World Order, or something.

Does anyone have any info on this. Would be fun to have a go at being an illuminatus!

posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by saint4God

I may have been mistaken about the 'point' of masonry. Perhaps that's where I was getting tripped up. I thought the main focus was on enlightening through spirituality and knowledge but I'm on the outside looking in.

I think you may correct here, but "enlightening" can mean more than one thing. Remember, Masonry's teachings and the teachings of the Age of Enlightenment are one and the same. All people, regardless of their personal religious beliefs, could use a little enlightening.

Our opponents often claim that we are "anti-Christian" because Jesus is all the light that one needs. The problem with that mentality is that there were plenty of Christians around in the dark ages, and it is obvious that blind religion alone, without the assistance of the rational part of the soul, often creates more harm than good. Another good example of this is radical Islam (and all that the middle east needs is its own Age of Enlightenment, just like we had in Europe 300 hundred years ago).

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 09:47 AM
Thanks again Masonic Light for bringing it to my attention. Seems there's not a great extent of background to it, just the assigning of majik terminology and concepts to ordinary chess. It was an "aha!" moment for me, as I've seen these chess boards before and thought "Egyptian Chess! That's pretty cool." I wonder how many people have a these things in their home without realizing the ties and influence. I'll be more savvy to recongizing them in the future though when I see the king looking like this:

Thanks for the heads up! There's a lot in the world that people aren't aware of that they bump into on a daily basis.

I was playing Dark Alliance on Playstation2 a week or so ago an noticed yet another symbol in that game. Let's see if y'all can spot it:

Mmmhmmm, very subtle. They paid particular care in regards to orientation as well. I didn't notice it until my second run through playing with my kid.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
Thanks again Masonic Light for bringing it to my attention. Seems there's not a great extent of background to it, just the assigning of majik terminology and concepts to ordinary chess... I wonder how many people have a these things in their home without realizing the ties and influence.

I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Rosicrucian Chess (at least, the one I was talking about) was one of the "secrets" of the degree of Adeptus Minor in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The rules for the game rae quite different than in regular chess, and the Elemental Tablets of Enoch are used instead of a chess board. Because the pieces and Enochian Tablets must be made by hand, I would wager that all who possess the set are aware of its implications. Rules for the game and instructions for creating the materials are found in Regardie's "The Golden Dawn".

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Rosicrucian Chess (at least, the one I was talking about) was one of the "secrets" of the degree of Adeptus Minor in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The rules for the game rae quite different than in regular chess, and the Elemental Tablets of Enoch are used instead of a chess board. Because the pieces and Enochian Tablets must be made by hand, I would wager that all who possess the set are aware of its implications. Rules for the game and instructions for creating the materials are found in Regardie's "The Golden Dawn".

Ah! Hm, misqueue on my part. Do you have a recommended link?

Also, if anyone has suggestions on fixing my images above, please let me know. They came out right on the preview, but just show at http's here.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
Do you have a recommended link?

The entire body of knowledge in the Order all the way up to the Grade of Adeptus Minor, including initiation ceremonies and magical formulae, are given in Dr. Regardie's book, which can be ordered here:

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
The entire body of knowledge in the Order all the way up to the Grade of Adeptus Minor, including initiation ceremonies and magical formulae, are given in Dr. Regardie's book, which can be ordered here:

Thanks. I think this link and the sneak-peak inside tells me what I need to know. It's been a sickly education with lots of things coming up I've been trying to forget. Going to drop it into my mental "DO NOT USE" bin and suggest anyone else to do the same.

Flipping through the book you've linked is...Sephiroth? Isn't he the guy on Final Fantasy VII?

One white wing, one black. I wonder what that symbolizes...

Good morning everybody, I hope you're all getting the same wake-up call.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 02:33 PM
this one from my favorite game World of Warcraft:

I'll give you one guess what kind of caster this character is. Hint: Look at the symbol at her feet.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by saint4God

Flipping through the book you've linked is...Sephiroth? Isn't he the guy on Final Fantasy VII?

"Sephiroth" is a Hebrew word that means "spheres", but in the Qabalah refers to the diagram known as the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is a figure composed of ten Sephiroth connected by 22 lines ("The 22 Paths of Wisdom"). According to Qabalistic doctrine, God manifested Himself through these 10 stages in order to produce the Universe. Therefore, God didn't actually "create" the Universe, He established it through emanation.

The Tree of Life is, in a sense, the basis of the Western Occult Tradition. Everything can be made to correspond to some aspect of the Tree, which orders the Universe.

The series of archetypal images known as Tarot, often marketed as a deck of cards for fortune telling games, is in reality a picturebook of Qabalistic teaching. The 22 Trumps correspond to the 22 Paths of Wisdom, as well as the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. The remaining cards are divided into 4 suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles), which correspond to the Four Elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth). They are numbered from Ace to 10, with each number representing one of the Sephiroth. For example, the Ace of Wands represents the root of the powers of fire in a spiritual sense, while the 10 of Cups represents water in its physical manifestation.

This is a curriculum that not many have the patience or interest in pursuing, but a study of the Qabalah is extremely rewarding to the seeker of truth.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 10:33 AM
Thanks Masonic Light for the info. It was informative and clean (unlike the book featured in the previous linked post).

Here's the Goat-Head staff:

Goat's head? What reason for a goat's head at the end of a staff? Like this card?

Looks Tarot, I dunno.

Here's an excerpt of one person's assessment of Silent Hill 3 -
(Disclaimer: There's no intention for me to support this opinion as I have not played the game nor done the same research. If there's something not correct, then by all means provide more information.)

Written by Jason Victorero.

"A common misconseption is that Samael is the god that the Cult worships. Actually, Samael means "fallen", referring to the biblical figure Lucifer, the fallen angel that God banished from Heaven. In other words, Samael is just another name for Satan. In the original Silent Hill Dahlia told Harry that the mark

which was spread all over the "Otherworld" town was the mark of Samael, but as we learned in Silent Hill 3, that very mark is actually the Seal of Metatron which was believed to have anti-god properties. Saying, the Seal of Metatron was bad for this god figure the Cult worships."

I looked up the name in my book of Angels to see if Samael was indeed a real angel, entity, whatever. And he is. Well, it's actually spelled Sammael. Metatron, also mentioned in the game, is an actual angel as well. They both have different stories. But also both of their names have been used as the name of the Angel of Death and for Satan. So in theory, that there were two different names used may not make a difference. It's possible that they are both Satan in the game. But from what I've understood from what I've read today, in the game, Metatron is good and Sammael is bad. I could be wrong. In the theories that call Metatron the Angel of Death, it is actually said that Sammael is actually is one of his subordinates, along with the angel Gabriel.

Both names are also considered good in some stories. It all depends what story you're reading. Metatron is often the name given to Enoch. Enoch wrote angel lore. His writings were never included in the Bible, but you can find the Book of Enoch in book stores. Anyway, it's said that God brought him to Heaven. He didn't die and go to Heaven, he was brought to Heaven while still living. It's believed that in Heaven his name was Metatron. Some believe that he is a scribe in heaven who records the happenings in the angelic worlds. That he is the highest of angels. Others believe Enoch was turned into the fiery angel Metatron, who had thirty-six wings and countless eyes.

And the doors in Nowhere. Their names were Phaleg, Ophiel, Aratron, Bethor and Haggith. These are names of the Olympic Spirits. I found this information here by searching the names.

Oh, another thing I noticed. Harry Mason... Masons or Freemasons have long been accused of worshipping Satan. The regular families who are freemasons do not worship Satan. It's the higher ups who do. The members of these Masonic Lodges are at different degrees. The higher you get, the more truth you know of the religion. They supposedly conceal the real truth behind freemasonry form those who are just casual freemasons. But there is a lot that shows that the true god of the masonry is Lucifer. Just another connection I picked up.

Also, Sammael at the end of the game is winged with a goat-like head. He looked very much like Baphomet. Baphomet is an image very familiar with Satanists. It's a symbol of Occultism. "

Goathead #1 had an inverted pentagram, goathead #2 has an upward pentagram. Why?

[edit on 2-9-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by saint4God

Goat's head? What reason for a goat's head at the end of a staff? Like this card?

Looks Tarot, I dunno.

It is. "The Devil" is one of the 22 Trumps of the Tarot, and corresponds to the Hebrew Letter Ayin, which means "Eye".

Here's an excerpt of one person's assessment of Silent Hill 3 -
(Disclaimer: There's no intention for me to support this opinion as I have not played the game nor done the same research. If there's something not correct, then by all means provide more information.)

But from what I've understood from what I've read today, in the game, Metatron is good and Sammael is bad. I could be wrong. In the theories that call Metatron the Angel of Death, it is actually said that Sammael is actually is one of his subordinates, along with the angel Gabriel.

In the Qabalah, Samael is the Angel of Darkness, while Metatron is the Angel of the Balance. In the initiation ritual of the Neophyte Grade of the Golden Dawn, there are officers who represent these two forces.

Goathead #1 had an inverted pentagram, goathead #2 has an upward pentagram. Why?

The inverted Pentagram represents man in his natural state, i.e., basically an animal, governed by animal instinct. In this Pentagram, the point representing Spirit is being dominated by the four material Elelments, which alludes to carnality of mind.

The classical figure of Baphomet, which is Pan, points to evolution, showing that although we are born ruled by animal instinct, we can evolve into the symbolical upright Pentagram of Spirit. It's also important to note that the symbol of Baphomet shows a lighted torch emerging from his head, representing the Sahasrara Chakra, or "Third Eye". Again, The Devil in the Tarot alludes to the Hebrew Letter which signifies "eye", which seems to indicate that this is worthy of further study.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
It is. "The Devil" is one of the 22 Trumps of the Tarot, and corresponds to the Hebrew Letter Ayin, which means "Eye".

Who needs the internet when Masonic Light is in the room?

Originally posted by Masonic Light
In the Qabalah, Samael is the Angel of Darkness, while Metatron is the Angel of the Balance. In the initiation ritual of the Neophyte Grade of the Golden Dawn, there are officers who represent these two forces.

This totally sounds ignorant so feel free to 'deny' it with information. How does a combination of Darkness and Balance equate to a Golden Dawn?

Originally posted by Masonic Light
The inverted Pentagram represents man in his natural state, i.e., basically an animal, governed by animal instinct. In this Pentagram, the point representing Spirit is being dominated by the four material Elelments, which alludes to carnality of mind.

Makes sense as to another reason why Satanists would use it in their representations.

Originally posted by Masonic Light
The classical figure of Baphomet, which is Pan,

Kinda wished this wasn't the case *winces*. Ah well, better to own up and explain the past, instead of continually questioning.

Originally posted by Masonic Light
points to evolution, showing that although we are born ruled by animal instinct, we can evolve into the symbolical upright Pentagram of Spirit. It's also important to note that the symbol of Baphomet shows a lighted torch emerging from his head, representing the Sahasrara Chakra, or "Third Eye". Again, The Devil in the Tarot alludes to the Hebrew Letter which signifies "eye", which seems to indicate that this is worthy of further study.

Indeed. First time I've heard The Devil in relation to and "eye". Wouldn't happen to be related to these "eye"s, would it?

(From Final Fantasy)


(I do like Lord of the rings

I'm thinking so because of:

I'm not boring you am I? I'm curious to see if these are all connected. All kinds of stuff in that last one. Some I understand, some I don't.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by saint4God

This totally sounds ignorant so feel free to 'deny' it with information. How does a combination of Darkness and Balance equate to a Golden Dawn?

First, I need to make a correction: Metatron is the Angel of Light, whereas Sandalphon is the Angel of the Balance (i.e., between light and darkness). The Golden Dawn was the name of the occult fraternity who taught the principles of the Hermetic Qabalah. In the Neophyte initiation ritual, the Candidate is led first to an officer who represents Samael. Samael tells him that "I am the foolish gaze that looks upon God's creation, and sees nothing but violence and fear" (or something to that effect, I'm paraphrasing from memory). "Therefore turn aside, thou canst not pass by me."

The Candidate is then led to the officer representing Metratron, who tells him, "I am the wise gaze that looks down upon Creation, and see there the dazzling image of the Creator. As yet, your eyes cannot yet withstand that Light, brighter than a million suns, therefore turn aside" (again paraphrasing).

He is then led to Sandalphon, Angel of the Balance, who tells him, "Form is invisible alike in blinding darkness and blinding light", and then invites him to pass through the center gate, which represents equilibrium. For more info, see the Neophyte ritual in Regardie's "The Golden Dawn" or Crowley's "The Equinox".

Indeed. First time I've heard The Devil in relation to and "eye". Wouldn't happen to be related to these "eye"s, would it?

It has always been my position that the All Seeing Eye's correct esoteric interpretation alludes to the Sahasrara Chakra. The opening of these Eye transforms man in his bestial state (Baphomet) into a sage (Adept).

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 06:57 PM
Peace all

Just a note, for those inclined to believe(or who are willing to find out for themselves) that Samael is the name of an actual Archangel that is not just symbolic...

The Human Soul or Bodhisattva of Samael, is said to no longer be fallen as he was in the past; which is why many theologians and occultists have seen him as 'evil'(because he was fallen).

To see what I mean, go here and here.

Samael is the Logos of Mars which is related to Geburah, the Consciousness, which is symbolized as Herukhuti in the Kemetian religion.

Samael is the Warrior and 'Justice of God' who makes war with the fornicators in these days and times, and his antithesis is the demon Moloch.

Originally posted by Masonic Light
It has always been my position that the All Seeing Eye's correct esoteric interpretation alludes to the Sahasrara Chakra. The opening of these Eye transforms man in his bestial state (Baphomet) into a sage (Adept).

There is also some interesting info regarding AIN and the Eye to be found here:

AIN' "Sympathy for the Devil"

On Baphomet:

Gnostic Glossary

Baphomet [from Greek baphe "immersion" + metis "wisdom"] From The Theosophical Glossary: "A medieval mystic term usually identified with the goat of Mendes. The Templars of Malta were accused of worshiping Baphomet as an idol. Baphomat signifies a baptism in wisdom or initiation, but became degraded and misunderstood when the keys to its real meaning were lost." The symbol of the Baphomet is related to Arcanum 15: Passion, as explained in The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah. The term "baphomet" hides a message when read backwards: Tem-o-h-p-ab, which is the symbol of the Latin words Templi ommun hominum pacis abbas, which means "The Father of the temple of universal peace for men." See Typhon.

Typhon (Greek) From The Theosophical Glossary: "Typhoeus in Hesiodic theogony is a son of Tartarus and Gaia, a fire-breathing titan with a hundred heads and begetter of destructive hurricanes. He rebels against the gods and is killed by Zeus with a thunderbolt and buried under Mount Etna. Typhon was originally his son -- post-type of himself -- but the two were later identified. He represents the necessary counterpart of Zeus, as darkness is of light, Set of Osiris, or Satan of God. He is the Dragon Apophis, the Accuser in The Egyptian Book of the Dead, murderer of Osiris, destroyed by Horus; the dark side of Zeus, as Set is the dark side of Osiris, and night the dark side of day; Python, Loki, Rahu, and falling demons in general. In one form he is the dragon slain by St. Michael or St. George. The original meaning is sublime, for Typhon in its prototypal significance is chaos, the unorganized womb or fountain of production, which calls forth the creative energy by resisting it, and is equally necessary with the former. When humanity falls into matter, then these dark-side potencies of nature acquire for mankind a distinctly evil connotation, and their names can be given to vast destructive forces which the misuse of the human will has engendered. In a more restricted sense as connected with our earth, Typhon was not only the causative agent, but likewise the symbol of all seismic and volcanic phenomena, as well as being, even according to ancient Greek philosophical thought, in intimate connection with meteorological phenomena as evidenced by winds and storms." See Typhon Baphomet.

Typhon Baphomet (Egyptian) An aspect or shadow of Osiris. Typhon is not an “evil principle” or “Satan,” but is rather the lower cosmic principle of the divine body of Osiris, being the shadow of Him. In the Book of the Dead, he is described as being one who “steals reason from the soul.”

Gnostic Kabbalah

Adam Kadmon and the Three Brains in the Tree of Life

Kether: upper part of the brain,
Chokmah: left side of the brain
Binah: right side of brain
Chesed: left arm
Geburah: right arm
Tiphereth: heart
Netzach left leg
Hod: right leg
Yesod: sexual organs
Malkuth: feet

Remember that when we imagine the human being in relation with the Ten Sephiroth or Hieroglyphic of the Tree of Life, Yesod is then the ninth sphere, or ninth Sephirah and represents the sexual organs, and Tiphereth is the sixth Sephirah and represents the heart. The addition of these two spheres makes 15 (6 + 9 = 15). This is the Kabbalistic interpretation resulting in the Devil, Temptation, Arcanum 15 of the Tarot.

6 + 9 = 15

Tiphereth and Yesod = Tiphon- Baphomet

Who is the Devil?

The Devil-Lucifer is the sexual potency, the entity within the human body that gives the male an erection, and that gives to the woman the necessary humidity in sexual excitement in order to be penetrated by the man. Without Lucifer sexual contact is not possible. Man cannot penetrate the woman without the erection and the woman would not be prepared. This is what Lucifer gives to people in the sexual act.

Lucifer is the shadow of the three Supernals, represented by the trident – the three forces above in heaven that are the forces of creation or the Three Divine Atoms that every Monad carries in its belly. But in order to create below in matter they need the activity of their shadow, and that shadow is the shadow of the Father, the shadow of the Son, and the shadow of the Holy Spirit, and is called Lucifer.

Lucifer is situated in Daath (the Tree of Knowledge, the sex).

The Holy Name of God in the sixth Sephirah is:


IOD HE VAU HE in the sixth Sephirah is related with the polarities:

IOD in alchemy is related to the phallus
HE is the uterus
VAU is the male
HE is the female

ELOAH VA DAATH signifies:

ELOAH is a female word to indicate the feminine aspect of God
VA in Hebrew means ‘and’
DAATH means ‘knowledge’

This is the mystery of the Buddhata or Embryo of Soul directly related with the Sixth Commandment, so that it can be developed as a Human Soul. We have to create or elaborate the Human Soul by impregnating our consciousness (Buddhata) with solar-electronic atoms in the Ninth Sphere (Yesod, sex) with the assistance of Lucifer. The Buddhata is a particle of Neshamah, the Divine Soul and is related with the heart.

In order to become a human being in the complete sense of the word, in other words, in order to create Human Soul: ‘One must not fornicate.’

Fornication (Sexual Spasm or Sexual Orgasm) is an activity of animals, an activity of irrational souls...


[edit on 2-9-2005 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 01:29 PM
gonna have'ta disagree with most of that. Not the belief system but the implication of some of the 'facts' included. Sorry Tamahu, my experience has stated otherwise and cannot deny that.

[edit on 4-9-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 02:43 PM
"C'mon, you've gotta join a guild? How do you expect to get anywhere solo'ing?"

If this sounds familiar then most likely you're a MMORPG player in realms such as Everquest, World of Warcraft, Dark Age of Camelot, etc. I was reading through a secret society website (well, the info that they have public anyway) and came to the realization that they too are a guild. Perhaps we're getting encouraged to and getting used to being guilded. Why? Well, here are some things about a guild that make them a 'secret society' all their own:

1.) Ranking structure including a #1 person, with a pyramiding effect of ranks following below.
2.) Guild chat channel. Basically members can communicate with each other without others hearing or knowing. Meetings serve the same purpose for secret societies.
3.) A lot of guilds have 'initiation rights'
4.) A lot of guilds are discriminatory. Some in a good way, some in a not-so-good way. For example, some guilds require you to be a certain level, accomplished certain tasks, or various requirements before being considered into the secret mean guild.
5.) Specialized 'tradeskills' used and shared between guild members at no cost.
6.) Are formed by a charter.
7.) Guildmembers spend most of their time within their own circle.
8.) Guild is recongnized by symbol and colours (in World of Warcraft)

I have a guild myself in World of Warcraft but don't abide by most of the above. Perhaps we're being conditioned to see these things as normal and healthy?

[edit on 9-9-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:37 PM
I remember G.U.R.P.S! The Generic Universal Role-Playing System. Ah, memories. The first rule-set that could be played not only in any place and culture, but also during any time periord including the future. Knights could battle space marines. Fun fun.

I featured Steve Jackson's Illuminati game in previous pictures (and GURPS is also by Steve Jackson Games). Here's what he has to say about the Illuminati game:
"Sidebar - The Real Illuminati
The history of the Illuminati - the "illuminated ones" is as tangled as any body in history. The designation has been applied - by themselves or by others - to a wide variety of religious, social, and political reformers and conspirators.
Most accounts of the Illuminati will give prominent mention to Adam Weishaupt, who in 1776, in Ingolstadt, Germany, formed a short-lived but influential group of intellectuals. To the outside world, they presented the face of a rarefied debating society and social club. Their detractors accused them of plotting to take over Freemasonry and/or various governments, and the Society was suppressed in 1786-87. Offshoot groups had certainly spread to France; probably to the Netherlands; possibly to the United States. Many modern "conspiracy theorists" will point to the interesting symbolism on the back of the dollar bill as proof that the Illuminati have controlled the U.S. government from its beginning.

However, Weishaupt's Illuminati were not the first. An Afghanistani group in the sixteenth century used the same name and campaigned for many years - through four generations of leaders - against the Indian and Persian governments. The Afghan Illuminati founded cities of great beauty and made many great claims, but were eventually driven underground. Interestingly, the German Illuminati appeared less than fifty years after the death of the last known leader of the Afghan group. Though Weishaupt's Illuminati claimed no connection with the earlier society, the coincidence of alleged motive (political power), means (recruitment or seduction of those in power), organization (eight ranks), and "secret knowledge" (improved powers of the mind and of understanding) are too great to dismiss entirely.

The group known today as the Rosicrucians is stated by some authorities to be connected with a Spanish group of Illuminati, and, through them, to Sufiism. The Spanish Illuminati, the "Alumbrados," were broken up in 1623, victims of the Grand Inquisition. Modern Rosicrucianism is divided into a number of groups, ranging from students of medievalism and literature to advertisers in Sunday supplements.

Modern interest in the Illuminati can be divided into three categories. The first is that of the "conspiracy theorists," who take it as a matter of political fact that most of today's important decisions are made entirely behind the scenes, by people other than the "public" leaders of nations. It is a commonly-held tenet of the conspiracy theorists that the Illuminati (specifically, Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati) exist today, and were, for their own reasons, responsible for the assassinations of the Kennedys, the oil shortage, the two World Wars, and probably the cancellation of Star Trek.

The second category is that of the Illuminati as black humor - a metaphor for conspiracy and collusion. Popularized by the authors of Principia Discordia and by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson in their Illuminatus! trilogy, members of this category also argue that the Illuminati were responsible for every major decision or disaster of the last few centuries. The difference is, they don't believe it. Writers in this genre have a tendency to combine elements of H. P. Lovecraft's "Cthulhu mythos" with their theorizing.

The third category, of course, is that of the real Illuminati, who have, through * * * fnord"

-Steve Jackson

Make your own assessment, but I wouldn't say Cthulhu is harmless.

Also, what's this at the bottom of every ATS screen? There's a link to with the folllowing picture and different language:

[edit on 13-9-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 09:44 AM
Per previous posts, links and pictures I'm posting here are being disconnected or blocked within a few days that I do so. I don't believe it's copyright because 1.) No copyright info given on original page at the time and 2.) Copywritten material can be blocked from cut & paste or linking from even attempting. It isn't until after I post it here and is left a few days that it's a problem. This is a whole new kind of "game". Are there really THAT many people who read this thread? What are the originators afraid of?

Here's what now reads:
The Web site cannot be found
The Web site you are looking for is unavailable due to its identification configuration settings.


Please try the following:

Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Click the Back button to try another link.
11004 - Host not found
Internet Security and Acceleration Server


Technical Information (for support personnel)

This error indicates that the gateway could not find the IP address of the Web site you are trying to access.

ISA Server: SNSPDM02
Via: 1.0 SNSPNDF503

Time: 9/21/2005 2:30:32 PM GMT

It does the same when you click on the ATS link for it at the bottom of each page. Now I wish I had written down what it said on the site. It looked like spanish or perhaps latin. Maybe a mod or admin could tell me what the site is about since it's a link on the ATS website. That would shut me up about it and we can lay this thing to rest. I have an idea what it is and is for, but don't want to presume. Deny my ignorance please.

This is odd, and I don't understand. If the picture doesn't load for the World of Warcraft pic, it can be seen at :

Seal from Silent Hill here:

Baphomet image was replaced with this error message:
I don't agree with the 'innocent content' message. "Nothing to see here, move along"?

[edit on 21-9-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
Per previous posts, links and pictures I'm posting here are being disconnected or blocked within a few days that I do so. I don't believe it's copyright because 1.) No copyright info given on original page at the time and 2.) Copywritten material can be blocked from cut & paste or linking from even attempting. It isn't until after I post it here and is left a few days that it's a problem. This is a whole new kind of "game". Are there really THAT many people who read this thread? What are the originators afraid of?
When you include an image from another site you are what is call “hotlinking” meaning that you are using someone elses bandwidth. A simple . htaccess script can block all other domain from hotlinking to its image. (look at if interested) Easily done.

Instead of that blinking banner they have now, they should have a picture showing somthing offensive (hardcore porn or something), that’s one way to get the image deleted in almost any forum. Just a thought for those wanting to prevent hotlinking.

Originally posted by saint4GodHere's what now reads:
The Web site cannot be found

The front page is archived here.*/ if you remember the exact URL you might find it in here.

Originally posted by saint4God
It looked like spanish or perhaps latin.

Looks Latin to me.

[edit on 21/9/05 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
When you include an image from another site you are what is call “hotlinking” meaning that you are using someone elses bandwidth.

Whoops! Now I feel like a schmoe for doing it so many times.

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
A simple . htaccess script can block all other domain from hotlinking to its image. (look at if interested) Easily done.

Ah good, so they can stop people from doing it if they cared. Thanks! Feeling better now.

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
Instead of that blinking banner they have now, they should have a picture showing somthing offensive (hardcore porn or something), that’s one way to get the image deleted in almost any forum. Just a thought for those wanting to prevent hotlinking.

Hey that's not nice

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
The front page is archived here.*/ if you remember the exact URL you might find it in here.

Woot! You're awesome

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
Looks Latin to me.

Huzzah! Good call here too!

Around a circular maze with an 'all-seeing eye in the middle', it says:

una infinitas

abominatio nascitur autumno

hic est tuum temptamen quod temptat tua potentia

viginti tres gradus ad summam potestatem

Which means literally translated:

in one, together boundless, unlimited, endless; infinite

aversion, detestation, loathing be produced spontaneously, come into existance/being; spring forth, grow; live harvest

here, in this place; in the present circumstances to be your trial, attempt, essay because, as far as, insofar as test, try; urge; worry; bribe your power, rule, force; strength, ability; chance, opportunity

20 - (CARD answers 'how many') 3 - (CARD answers 'how many') step; position to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM; sum; summary; chief point, essence, principal matter, substance; total; power, rule, force; strength, ability; chance, opportunity;

Translation of words gotten from:

Cleaned up, I'm going to try to get the meaning:

Together Infinite

Loathing be produced spontaneously, spring forth

Here, in this place; in the present circumstances to be your trial, test your power/ability

23 steps until chief point, total power

Sheesh! What does that mean? Is there a latin speaker in the house who could correct any of it?

Also, what's ATS' involvement with this?

[edit on 21-9-2005 by saint4God]

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