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Attack on Satanist charged with hate crime

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 02:49 PM
I had to happen sooner or later

Attack on Satanist shows absurdity of hate crime laws

WASHINGTON -- The decision by New York prosecutors to treat the beating of a Satanist as a hate crime provides more proof that the bizarre legal doctrine must be overturned, Libertarians say.

"What in heaven's name are these prosecutors thinking?" asked Joseph Seehusen, executive director of the Libertarian Party. "When a law supposedly designed to protect religious minorities is being used to protect devil-worshippers, our criminal justice system has been turned upside down."

Isnt an attack on someone against the law to begin with? What makes one persons life more important than another?

You got to love this.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 02:51 PM
First up, im 100% with you. But I dont think they arent treating it as a crime, just not a hate crime. I guess the penalties are different.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
First up, im 100% with you. But I dont think they arent treating it as a crime, just not a hate crime. I guess the penalties are different.

It should be treated as a crime. The two little punks need to be punished, but I just have a problem with "Hate Crimes". Does it make it better if you like the person you tied up, tortured and killed?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 02:55 PM

I agree, the victims religious has no relevance. The fact is, he's a human being and no crime should carry a stiffer punishment due to the persons religion.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 03:13 PM
But it isn't a hate crime to deny whites and asians access to college just so less-educated blacks and hispanics can take their place. The only reason why there are hate crime laws is so that whites (especially Christians) can be punished more severely than everyone else for crimes (or even protesting, something minorities have the right to under the first amendment). Have you heard of hate crimes against Christians so far?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:56 PM
Crime in its varying degrees from the absent-minded infraction to the premeditated or heinously violent should exact the just punishment suited to the violation a civil society's majority deems fair.However, it is transparent
with the tautological addendum of "Hate" that the crafters of this legislation applied their own selectively directed biased "hate" which by deliberate invective bordering ad hominem seeks to absolutely demonize the alleged/accused/convicted into a super pariah/social scapegoat,simultaneously casting innuendo on the offender's race/creed/sexual persuasion while providing a catharsis for the victim's.A veiled division tactic masquerading as a deterrent that attempts to transcend the original crime(however atrocious),by exaggerating motives that perpetuate stereotypes,and thus erecting a ethnic-specific heirarchy of "hate" that demands a more contrived condemnation.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 06:40 AM
Hate crimes against christians, rapes, murders and assaults accross the Christian world daily? However these arnt calssed as hate crimes because religion doesnt come into it, just stupidity or evil.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 05:11 PM

When a law supposedly designed to protect religious minorities is being used to protect devil-worshippers, our criminal justice system has been turned upside down."


as a satanist, and good honest kind person,
I cannot belive the above quote.

this sickens me, this is so F'ing ==C R A P==

those un-educated B A S T A R D S.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by TrentReznor]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
Hate crimes against christians, rapes, murders and assaults accross the Christian world daily? However these arnt calssed as hate crimes because religion doesnt come into it, just stupidity or evil.

Human beings are human beings. Hate crimes are a political tool that are used, in my opinion, arbitrarily. I don't care if you're purple, or you worship Ronald McDonald. Please explain what the christian world is? In America, the hate crime law is still very broad and still in effect. If a christian, or whatever theology one ascribes to, was raped or murdered because he or she was a christian, the commiter of the offence would be charged with a hate crime.

I don't agree with the hate crime statute at all, and it needs to be dissolved.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 05:43 PM
I really hate the whole "hate crime" thing. Isnt any violent crime a hate crime. We try to make it so all people in this country are equal no matter faith or race, yet its a worst crime if I beat a black man compared to a white man a jew compared to a christian.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 05:52 PM
when an attack on a white man by a balck person occours, thats not a hate crime, or racist even though theres probly just as many blacks as white's in the uk.

every one is equal, its the LAW government and corps that are
REALLY racist

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 09:43 PM
ALL violent crimes are hate Crimes!!!

all murderers are Insane!

our justice system is complete crap because of these "legal distinctions"

murderers getting off on "legal insanity"

SO You are TELLIN me that Bob , who murdered 3 people , is NOT insane?
Helloooooo!!! ALL Murderers are INSANE!!!!!!

i have NO respect for the judicial system
its primitive , it wastes time, resources money
it wastes everything
it destroys justice

we need a justice system based on justice
Not Money!

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 03:25 AM
I disagree with the statement that all violent crimes are hate crimes.

Saying that all violent crimes are motivatd by hate is rather simplistic in my opinion, becaue it doesn't take into account such things as the actions of sociopaths, and violence commited in pursuit of gain.

Would you consider some guy getting his knees broke for welching on a debt as a crime motivated by hate? Maybe the guy who's owed money hates him but the guy actually doing the crime probably doesn't. He's just doing it out of self interest.

If I go out and club you over the head to steal your wallet I'm not doing it because I hate you I'm doing it because you have something I want.

Because of my views I therefore do not believe that hate crime legislation is redundant legislation. It is no more redundant than the charges of first and second degree murder.

Now I'm not sure of the details of hate crime legislation but I'm more then willing to bet that the laws are a bit crude. They probably need some revision to make them more effective and less vague and I'm 100% in favor of such revision. I just dont believe we should throw the baby out with the bath water.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 03:46 AM
Hate crime is reduntant. Last time I checked, crime itself is a form of hatred of something.

Im yet to hear of anyone who beat or killed someone because they loved them. Usually such crimes of passions are actually hate, since the person who commits the crime cant differentiate between love and hate.

Hate crime statutes need to be dissolved, period, they are divissive and actually generate more hostility and hatred against the very people they supposedly protect.

A person should be punished for beating or killing a person, no matter who it is, and should not have something tagged extra on them simply because of the identity of the victim.

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