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London Eye "Prank"

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posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 03:38 AM
Now, this is going to be a short rant as I cant be arsed to spend to much of my time shouting.

In a video posted by trollstation (had not heard of this until today), a video shows I believe 8 people smoking weed in a pod on the london eye, pranking the world. Now, lets put aside the fact these morons smoked in an enclosed space on private property used by a lot of people every day, lets put aside the legality of a herb. Lets look at one part of it all.


Has my generation (yes I am about the same age as these morons), instead of the real message saying legalize it, they play it off as a prank against the rest of london... are you f**king stupid? That is not a prank. If they were smoking and then the joints turned into clowns that threw pies in people face THEN you can claim the prank title.


Good way of doing it, breaking simple laws and looking like morons. Good way to get your message out singing "I will smoke on a plane" GOOD F**KING LUCK WITH THAT YOU GANTSA WANNABE. Would love to see the average IQ on the "streets" brought up a few points with the removal of these idiots.

NOW... I am not attacking smokers, I am not against it, but jesus.... I wish these people would just stop to think for just a second.

Another PR stunt pulled by morons who think they are cool. Its people like this who stop the legalization of a improvement drug in the UK.

Now, time to reflect on this car crash of a rant

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: thekaboose

legalize cannabis ??? would that not mean your consumption would be controlled by the government ?

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: thekaboose

obviosly the prank worked if it has you wasteing energy on it, you played right in to their hands

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: thekaboose
If they were smoking and then the joints turned into clowns that threw pies in people face THEN you can claim the prank title.

OMG I just died.


Man that'd be some weird smoko.. probably laced with clown dust.

But while I don't partake, I did, and I do advocate for change, so this does irk me. it is indeed idiots such as this that set back serious discussion. And we're so close...

I'd say twats given an agenda, personally. why not, everyone else has twats in their army of info terrorism.


Good rant, mate.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: kibric
a reply to: thekaboose

legalize cannabis ??? would that not mean your consumption would be controlled by the government ?

as opposed to possession being controlled?

Look, this angle of argument is old. Everything is controlled by the government. You cannot even walk across a road in your own form, without risk of jay walking.

You cannot brew your own beer, or if you can, you cannot make your own spirits. Or if you can, you end up on some tv show about yokels hooterin' and hollarin' at forenurs.

You can't do didly squat. I'd rather do squat legally, than be forced to be stuck in didly squat reality, just because I think I should live in a remote island oasis.

Sure, I'm trapped in a concrete jungle, no where to run, no where to hide from the all seeing eye, and no where to be free. I can either throw it all away and perish - because they won't allow anything else - or I can at least argue for the right to control my own little private space.

Sounds pathetic, I know. But what can we do. This world is coming to an end. There are more monsters out there than in any childs story or fable, and these monsters wear suits and have obscene wealth to give them power.

I'm all for standing up to the tyranny. but I want people who need or want this plant, to not be criminals for it.

I know a lady who has been found with a garden, she used to make oil for her own personal medicinal use, and she is a damn gardener. Well now she's lost her house, her home, and is facing 11 years inside.

So yeah, Legalise. has bugger all to do with government control, and a bout getting them off peoples backs, at least as a start.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: thekaboose

It's a pretty crap video yeah. Every new generation thinks they're bucking the system by smoking weed. 70-80 years and all that weed-smoking has obviously made the world a better place!!

I've nothing against it and support full legalisation. I just don't see smoking a spliff is 'fighting the system.' It's just getting high isn't it?

Another of their videos DID make me laugh...

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: DOCHOLIDAZE1
a reply to: thekaboose

obviosly the prank worked if it has you wasteing energy on it, you played right in to their hands

So no one can say anything about anything unless they are now somehow complicit in the situation.

It's one thing to hype on about mass media. that does play into things.

It's another to have an opinion slash rant, on something you feel strongly about...

this place gives me the craps sometimes.. everyone is such a tosspot when it suits them.. And no I am not excluded. but I pick my targets carefully.. and not on a whim.. Sometimes you have to be snarky to get someone to see what they've said from different eyes, rather than argue till you are blue in the face why they are wrong.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: laminatedsoul

thanks for taking the question marks into account. nice to read your take on the matter

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
I just don't see smoking a spliff is 'fighting the system.' It's just getting high isn't it?

Absolutely. And it does nothing but make people who perhaps have no opinion, form one. In the negative.

So I see this as a counter-initiative.

tobacco giants see the change, and rather than change, they fight it. All big companies with a vested interest do.

It's why we still drive carbon monoxide spewing poison machines, smoke tons of carcinogens, and eat a healthy diet of DIE..

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: laminatedsoul

i think you need a smoke

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: kibric
a reply to: laminatedsoul

thanks for taking the question marks into account. nice to read your take on the matter

Regardless of the intonation of the statement, it is the same one that comes up in every legislation discussion.

Did you mean to start a discussion or opine on it's merit??

It's been a shocking day for me, I might be simply reading things out of context, and if so, forgive me :/

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: laminatedsoul

i was just posing a question

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:13 AM

originally posted by: kibric
a reply to: laminatedsoul

i think you need a smoke

I need a drink... that shiz is legal, I won't die from it, I promise.

*said no alcoholic ever.


posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: thekaboose

S&F for using the word "Moron" even more times than I do in a single post.

On topic: Not much more needs be said. With the exception of the clown part getting a little weird I agree with most everything else.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: thekaboose

The trouble with this sort of behaviour, is that it is exactly what we would not want to see happening, if there were a concerted legalisation effort in the United Kingdom.

Personally speaking, I think that it is very, VERY important to remember that if one is going to partake in something, that one makes every effort not to inflict it on everyone and everything around one. So, in this specific instance, whether it becomes legal or not, it will never be right to smoke a joint or two in a small, enclosed space, used by a wide spread of different people. Bonging out a pod on the Eye means that other people who have paid to get onto it, may now have their enjoyment of that ride diminished, since not everyone enjoys the smell of the herb, but worse, it means that they will passively intake residual amounts of smoke, without having made the conscious decision to smoke weed.

Now, I would never advocate against a person making an informed, free will choice, but this is a different scenario. Anyone could get on that pod next. A family with small children, someone with an upper respiratory disorder with pollen allergy complications (any passive smoke is bad for such persons, regardless of its composition). It's irresponsible, and shows no respect for others needs. That does not promote the legalisation movement, rather the opposite if you ask me. For shame.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: thekaboose

It should never be smoked where unsuspecting people might get a contact high in a public place. I know folks don't like to hear it, but kids who have the gene for schizophrenia can have early onset and a more severe onset of the disease if exposed to MJ. I know someone who that happened to and it's horrible. Not everybody wants to get high or have their kids exposed to it like that.

There. My own rant to go with yours.

It's different than alcohol in that way.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

And you said it so much better than I did!! Lol!

Yes. Precisely.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: AboveBoard

I said it differently.

Al that matters is that it was said at all.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: thekaboose

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