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I love my Mexican and Latino friends but I've come to a final conclusion

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posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: interupt42

prosecute the corporations hiring them 50K per illegal and they will stop hiring them. If they stop hiring them and stop giving them incentives to come they stop coming.

Who is going to prosecute the corporations hiring illegals. The corrupted justice department, DAs on the take, State prosecutors that know very well their economies rely on cheap labor.

Trump hires illegal undocumented workers...who's going to prosecute the Donald?

It is insane the only requirement to being an " upstanding citizen" is being good at buisness.

Great father and loyal husband, but can't hold down a job? Your a garbage moocher and your family deserves to starve...

Great at buisness, but cheat on your wife and ignore your children? Your a pillar of the community! A job creator!

Some backwards thinking, I think....
edit on 20-4-2016 by JoshuaCox because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: onequestion

Because the work visa program is how many of them over stay their visits.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Ohh I didn't say it was going to happen. I said that is what would stop illegal immigration. Take away their incentives to come and they won't come. Canadians aren't coming here illegally for work because they have no incentives to come.

Ofcourse if you stop illegals coming here overnight our economy would likely collapse because they are such a critical part of our economy. However, that doesn't mean that the public shouldn't be informed of the real issue ,solutions, and consequences. Instead both party are lying and trying to capitalize on never lettings a crisis go to waste.

The DNC and the GOP political cheerleaders have their head to far where the sun doesn't shine to even discuss the number one issue we have which is corruption.

They completely overlook that our politicians are bought and paid for by the corporations and the system is working perfectly fine for them at our expense. Instead of concentrating on corruption they are concentrating on the symptoms of corruption.

Its like going to the Mafia and complaining to them about crime and expecting them to fix it.

We can't fix corruption until the masses make it issue number 1. Instead they talk about the same symptoms of corruption that we have been talking about for over 5 decades : SS,Medicare, taxes,economy,jobs,Welfare,Education,energy,etc ....

In essence the public is too busy chasing their own tail with the symptoms to even identify the real issue. Hence the cycle will continue.

edit on 20430America/ChicagoWed, 20 Apr 2016 21:20:15 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: ketsuko

One thing at a time.

Small goals achieve big goals.

Once the world sees us hardline stance against illegal immigration everyone will stop trying to get here by the thousands.

So...what are you saying? Someone needs to be made an example of and you nominate the Mexicans and Latinos? And what Latinos would those be, just the Mexican variety?

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

I gotta be a racist right?

Do you consider Mexicans racist? Just curious because their draconian policy towards illegal immigration should be viewed as nothing less than a human rights violation.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: AlaskanDad
What about white Europeans with work visa's, should we as a country keep allowing these people to take our jobs?

Should we end the work visa program?

Close our borders, and make checkpoints everywhere to make sure every ones papers are in order?

Should Americans from the USA be allowed to go abroad?

We are talking about ILLEGAL immigration and not Mexican people with work visas. You are attempting to deflect from the issue which is ILLEGAL immigration.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 10:21 PM
We have the same problem here in Canada but on a much smaller scale. Illegal immigrants are used by small businesses and large corporations alike. With the former they are usually held in a circle of fear of being discovered by immigration, so they take the sometimes abusive work environment and substandard pay. The big shots - oil companies mostly, claim a "critical labour shortage", have their politician buddies draft up some sort of legislation allowing the companies to bring in cheaper labour from abroad. They completely circumvent unemployed Canadians who have a higher wage expectancy ( just barely enough to live on btw ) by doing this. Not to mention the high rate of poverty on most native reserves because of unemployment. They have one of the highest birth rates in the country so this will only worsen in the future.
It is only too obvious to most that the major corporations, while tooting their horns with in your face bravado ( Why do most sports stadiums have corporate names now? ) they give a rats ass about the countries populations that they operate in. We are just human cattle to these faceless entities.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: AlaskanDad
What about white Europeans with work visa's, should we as a country keep allowing these people to take our jobs?

Should we end the work visa program?

Close our borders, and make checkpoints everywhere to make sure every ones papers are in order?

Should Americans from the USA be allowed to go abroad?

We are talking about ILLEGAL immigration and not Mexican people with work visas. You are attempting to deflect from the issue which is ILLEGAL immigration.

Same difference tho...still jobs that are needed for Americans..still increases the workforce, increasing supply of labor, and lowering wages.

I personally say soon as we have a surplus of good paying jobs, we can give them away...
edit on 20-4-2016 by JoshuaCox because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Well... That's another topic my focus is on the flow of millions of ilegals for all over the world. As long as everyone thinks we're the flowing land of milk and honey they will come here.

Which I actually don't mind but when we reorganize and get the money out of politics and our economy really starts recovering for Millenials then we can reconsider our position on legal immigration.

I do like helping people.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: AlaskanDad
a reply to: onequestion

They take our jobs; at our local bank they replaced all the tellers with workers from abroad that worked for less money than locals. (these were white Europeans)

Do you feel this is a good thing?

Racist, know I know your not from our past discussions.

I'm going to assume that a bank wouldn't be employing illegal immigrants so brazenly, and I'm also going to assume you don't really have any idea if any of them are illegal immigrants. Taking that assumption as met, what you are actually saying then is that brown skinned people are now working as tellers instead of white skinned Europeans (therefore immigrants???) and you are unhappy about it. Thanks for sharing that.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 05:30 AM
America has always thrived due to the exploitation of other people. Once slavery was abolished there was no other option but to pay people almost nothing to do the crappy jobs.

There is no importation on cheap labor, there is just an abundance of low paying jobs with no one legal wanting to fill them. Quite simply if all the jobs were taken by legal Americas then there would be no point in them coming over in the first place.

I guess you are ok importing expensive labor then? Lets face it you need immigrants to fill up the high paying jobs as well.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: ketsuko

One thing at a time.

Small goals achieve big goals.

Once the world sees us hardline stance against illegal immigration everyone will stop trying to get here by the thousands.

Oh really! Ever taken a look at the Mediteranean recently (maybe it doesn't get reported in the US!!!!). There are hundreds of thousands of people risking their lives and their childrens lives to escape from where they are to a better life in Europe. They know that thousands of them have drowned crossing the sea in overcrowded boats but they still keep coming.

So what are you going to do to deter desperate people ? Execute them on the spot ? Since they seem to be willing to risk their lives anyway only a certain death is worse.......

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 07:46 AM
I watched an awesome video a month or two back that I wish I had the link for. It basically lays out the framework to show that all the immigration to the USA (either legal or illegal) is drastically hurting the countries people are leaving. The people that are able to go through the whole travel and process and make a new life here are the same people who could be making a change for the better in their home country.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Well... That's another topic my focus is on the flow of millions of ilegals for all over the world. As long as everyone thinks we're the flowing land of milk and honey they will come here.

Which I actually don't mind but when we reorganize and get the money out of politics and our economy really starts recovering for Millenials then we can reconsider our position on legal immigration.

I do like helping people.

Since our money is no longer based on gold(or anything else), people viewing America as the "land of milk and honey" is basically all that gives our currency value.

I'm pretty liberal, but we got our own stuff to deal with..

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: AlaskanDad
a reply to: onequestion

They take our jobs; at our local bank they replaced all the tellers with workers from abroad that worked for less money than locals. (these were white Europeans)

Do you feel this is a good thing?

Racist, know I know your not from our past discussions.

I'm going to assume that a bank wouldn't be employing illegal immigrants so brazenly, and I'm also going to assume you don't really have any idea if any of them are illegal immigrants. Taking that assumption as met, what you are actually saying then is that brown skinned people are now working as tellers instead of white skinned Europeans (therefore immigrants???) and you are unhappy about it. Thanks for sharing that.

Think he meant the tellers were white European immigrants.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

I kind of got that, but the implication was that immigrants with white skin = ok, immigrants with non white skin = bad. Sorry, that's all I could read into the post. Anything over and above that would be speculation.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: shinethelight
a reply to: onequestion

You really believe you can stop the corrupt politicians?

You believe this is only a Latino thing?

You do know there are many that bring in the drugs that lawyers, doctors, police, teachers, judges and your every day 'joe' purchase?

You know that the cheap labor keeps your lemons at 33 cents and oranges at 50 cents? Which American is going to work for $5 a day in the hot sun picking oranges, or detailing cars, cleaning houses or construction?

Anyway after you watch 'A day without a Mexican ', get back to me.

For future reference, don't believe the election is 'what it is ', America is trillions in debt, unless a reset happens, there's no way out of this.

I have absolutely no problems paying more for food if every American had a living wage. If everyone is making more money than the economy is strong and I will have more financial security. I don't care about being rich but it get's old being laid off every winter for the last 4 years.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
That's it ATS. I've drawn my final conclusion on my position regarding illegal immigration. I've allowed many of you into my thought process involved in problem solving my position over how I feel about illegal immigration coming over the southern border and I want to share my final conclusion with you.

We have to stop enabling corrupt politics and enslaving our neighbors to the south by offering a pressure release valve for them to escape the condition their country is in.

I came to the realization that they are like drug addicts and that by allowing the people of that nation an easy way out we are both hurting them and us at the same time.

I really like a lot of the friends I've made from Mexico but this is the cold hard truth. It will serve us all better in the long run and eventually lead to an open border policy with Mexico and better future trade deals similar to what we have with Canada.

I'm sorry Mexico but I look forward to you rebuilding and our future relationship.

Thanks for listening.

You mean you thought long and hard, and this is what you have come up with?

While you were doing this thinking, how did you reconcile our interdiction in their affairs (our funding of Sinaloa, Fast and Furious, Mayan Jaguar, etc, etc, etc)? Mexico needs to rebuild....from what exactly? They were on par with the US as we emerged from WWII. Now they are an armpit. Who caused that?

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