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Atari ST

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posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: PhoenixOD

I remember when I first bought my Commodore 64, I couldn't afford the floppy disk drive which was like $350 so I would copy the code for the games from the back of the book. It would take me hours or all day to type it in. I would keep my computer on till I got tired of it. When I turned the computer off it was gone.

It is amazing how amused and entertained you can be by just seeing things move around on the screen. It was all new back then.. Just the computer itself was pretty amazing.

I got the C64 before there was a floppy, tape drive all the way.......

then bought 2 1541s. That was the life. No swapping the disks or turning them over.

Wow, you must have been rich.

1541's.. lol.. you remember the model number.

I remember when I got mine .. it was like 'aaaaaaaahhh' - the angels were singing.. with the little color logo. It was so beautiful.

Following that .. I remember going to friends houses swapping games. I met many of my friends through that.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Load "*" ,8,1
Still have my C128 with a 1571
Go 64

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: CornShucker

I was a kid when I was donated the Atari I'm guessing at about 9-10 years old. I remember Command & Conquer Tiberium Sun just came out because the guy who gave the it used to let me play on his PC and try the game out.... Looking back it did come with a ton of magazines and a lot of floppy disks that to me were useless because they were not games.

Actually come to think about it, the thing came with allsorts and extra drives. I remember one of the magazines having a paint program. I really should go and dig everything out of the loft, I'm guessing I used a miniscule portion of it's capabilities haha and it still blew my mind when I was a kid.

I've always been useless at computer jargon... But I am even more fascinated by this old relic now.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: RAY1990

Dude, Utopia was great, need a remake of that imo

Definitely, I have grew to love computer games and especially building/strategy games. I'm always comparing in the back of my mind to the all time favourites I have and tbh it's hard to find games that live up to the greats.

I've found this all too often and it isn't nostalgia most of the time, for instance SimCity 2000 for the PS1 topped all others in my opinion because it was exactly the same as others but you could drive around your city (you wouldn't believe how rare that game on PS1 is now) or games games like populous that have no lack of similar games but all the copy cats don't have that.... It isn't the same lol

It's probably nostalgia.

I tried playing Utopia the other day... Forgot how difficult and diverse it was.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

My brother had that game or something very similar on a cassette based computer, he hammered it to death... Then when it wouldn't work anymore (most buttons were wrecked lol) he threw it down the stairs. Good memories.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: mamabeth

I just looked up the model I have it's one of these:

ebay Atari ST

It came with a lot of stuff, like you'd need need a small van to move everything. I don't know would it be worth refurbishing this thing and sorting everything out? If anyone wants to chime in here...

I'm not planning on selling it, just fix it up.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: mamabeth

I just looked up the model I have it's one of these:

ebay Atari ST

It came with a lot of stuff, like you'd need need a small van to move everything. I don't know would it be worth refurbishing this thing and sorting everything out? If anyone wants to chime in here...

I'm not planning on selling it, just fix it up.

Those were great systems. Jack Tramiel gave Atari a second life. His TOS (most likely acronym Tramiel Operating System) opened up a whole new market for users not wanting to learn a lot of command line stuff. They were huge in Europe for several years.

It should be well worth fixing up. You might want to check your area for user groups. There may be an Atari fan locally who can jump start things for you and help with the learning curve.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

Haha.. right I forgot about that. I was a little kid.

Lode Runner and Boulder Dash were some of my favorite games.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: Gothmog

Haha.. right I forgot about that. I was a little kid.

Lode Runner and Boulder Dash were some of my favorite games.

Two more good ones. Our oldest son was hooked on Boulder Dash for a while.

The biggest benefit of my setup at home was that we didn't have them wanting to feed the quarter-snatchers when we went out. [Big Grin]

I've even got an unopened Atari book keeping package that includes the keypad add-on like the right-hand side of a modern keyboard. (There were two in that guy's inventory I bought.)

All of the Breakout type games were addictive, Arkanoid, etc.

There was an excellent series called A+ that covers everything up to an 8th grade education. It's a bit of a shame that the majority of people think games when they hear the name. They were incredibly flexible home computers, too.

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