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Puhhhhlleeaasssee.... You think you know how to raise a kid?

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posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: onequestion

originally posted by: cosmickat
a reply to: onequestion

This is definitely not my story

ahhh, well in that case I am glad.

Actually it's like 15 different topics all tied together into one in an attempt at satire.

Right over my sleepy head then.....I was still on my first cup of coffee as I was reading. That is my excuse.
Sticking to it !

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: onequestion

That sounds exactly like how my father raised me, except for now finally offer them as much support as possible. This can work, but you need to teach them life lessons and your child needs to be inherently emotionally strong, if the child isn't strong it will break them beyond repair.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: MoonBlossom

You are spot on... scarcity and excess are two sides of the same coin.

Not sure about redistributing the excess, however.... who decides what counts as 'excess'? What are the physical boundaries in which the redistribution takes place? How do you compare developed vs. Undeveloped societies in the redistribution plan? If Bill Gates gives up a billion or so and that is shared with someone accustomed to living on $2.00 a day, doesn't that set the recipient up to be the next Bieber in a way?

Seems to me (just my opinion) it's better if we each take responsibility for learning mental/emotional balance regardless of means.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 05:14 AM
I was pretty much raised that way, by a violent, alcoholic father. Where the fu** is my money?

If this in tongue in cheek, bravo. If it's not, please don't ever have kids. You would not be a fit parent.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: onequestion

Now I see why you asked for a Satire forum. I didn't read through the responses after the first, but I imagine most people told you to never become a parent or that you were a crap parent.

Schools should have a small lesson at least on how to recognize satire. The whole world would benefit from being able to enjoy it.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
Yeah right. Let me tell you how it's done and then I expect you to like, share, and comment. Thanks ahead of time.

I want my kids to be rich, rich and famous, and here's what needs to be done.

If you want your kids to be super famous and rich I have a simple formula for you...

First you start by neglecting them as early as possible. Show them no love or compassion. You want to leave your child with a deep emotionless void that can never be filled. Don't get crazy though... Simple neglect, don't respond to crying no singing don't talk to them, we're talking psychological neglect not physical. Keep everything else normal and very stable.

At this point you will be able to begin setting in achievable yet rigidly enforced goals and at no point do you give them positive reinforcement. You ideally want them learning something during this time, think, instrument, sport, scientific, space exploration something. Don't not let them do anything with serious rigid enforcement. Make them come home early and limit their social life. Demand perfect grades at all cost and never positively reinforce anything except success at whatever hobby that you helped guide them too at a very very young age.

Now finally offer them as much support as possible in pursuing this goal as a young adult.

Your welcome everyone!

then you find your eldest daughters sex tape, and put it out for the highest bidder, watch the money start roll in and then get a BS reality show/ shows, include her dysfunctional siblings, screwed up step dad, and yourself. that there is the ticket.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: CantStandIt

originally posted by: CantStandIt
a reply to: MoonBlossom

You are spot on... scarcity and excess are two sides of the same coin.

Not sure about redistributing the excess, however.... who decides what counts as 'excess'? What are the physical boundaries in which the redistribution takes place? How do you compare developed vs. Undeveloped societies in the redistribution plan? If Bill Gates gives up a billion or so and that is shared with someone accustomed to living on $2.00 a day, doesn't that set the recipient up to be the next Bieber in a way?

This reply will only be in regards to the west, for I would think it is up to a first world country to be an example to third world countries. It is not our place to go in and control them, but we can surely guide them by setting a fair and just example and creating trade deals only with those countries whose ethics reflect fairness and accountability without the use of slave labour.

Overall I was not really thinking of the idea of "redistributing the excess" - that is unless, some of that excess comes from something such as halving military expenditure for example, and placing that money where it will help more than creating strife across the world.

However I was thinking more along the lines of something others have mentioned on ATS, fixing wages to a percentage of profits to close the gap - I will find the link that explains this much better than I can.

Edit: Here we go -

In this system, there will still be profit, still be wealth - but just not the giant disparity and gap that exists today.
The hoarding of money does not make an economy flow - once wealth stagnates at the top, profits cease as well.

One cannot blame poverty for its roots, in a world that seeks to denigrate based upon fictional worth. You can solve it, by creating a fair, justice driven society, but that would intrude upon the fantasy world many prefer...they cannot be elite, unless there is a class of people to be elite over. People assume those making minimum wage are nothing, expendable. Truth is, they are simply people who have not had the opportunity or privilege needed to actualize in this society.

I just don't feel it is evolved to keep one's countrymen in poverty (generational poverty in many cases) with no escape just because exploitative capitalism makes and keeps a small segment rich.  There has never been a society on earth, where all people within that society were solely scientists, doctors and lawyers. Therefore, it is illogical to conclude that it is up to the individual to "pull up their socks" and take responsibility for wages that are decided by forces outside not only themselves - but corrupt, greedy forces at that.

All human beings are equal when they begin their journey (birth), and they lose value (to others) during their lifetime depending on the opportunities afforded or not afforded to them. Unless and until, everyone is able to pursue their highest potential, we are only hurting our country and its future as a whole.
Crime lessens when poverty lessens - you can take that to the bank.

Everyone trades their limited time on earth for money, which they require in order to live. Everyone is therefore deserving of being afforded the chance to create a life for their time spent, in an equitable manner and recompense, for said time.

originally posted by: CantStandIt
Seems to me (just my opinion) it's better if we each take responsibility for learning mental/emotional balance regardless of means.

I agree with you, mental and emotional balance are absolutely key - but those are best achieved with nutritious food and the means to purchase it, no?

A link for further reading, if you are interested, with some great thoughts from fellow ATSers:

The Terrible Fear of Paying the Poor Too Much

In the 60s and 70s, CEOs made about 50-100 times what the average worker made. Today, it's more like 800 times.

edit on 11-3-2016 by MoonBlossom because: Added Link

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 07:08 AM
I thought that was pretty good- nice sense of irony!

I am surprised how many didn't get that when they read it... then I felt sad, because they took it seriously because they think being "rich and famous" IS a desireable future for your kids.

Roxy singing about the love between the star and the audience, all because they didn't get enough love in their childhood, it's always been the fast track to fame.
Look at Marylin Monroe - her mother tried to kill her as a toddler before abandoning her

She can thank her mother for all that rich and famous!
edit on 11-3-2016 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Because there is a cultural lag. People coming from a 2nd and 3rd world needed to have many children to beat the child mortality rates and have "help around the farm." As society enables better care, those social attitudes lag behind the reality and you see people with 15 kids.

Alternately, the Great Society subsidizes children you cannot hope to pay for. It's how welfare gives you a raise. So you have the American poor having children like working class folks work hard for their annual raise.

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 07:53 AM
It's so cute when people with no experience RANT on a topic they no nothing about. It's why the internet was created, right? For the uninformed make fun of the serious? -insert meme here-

posted on Mar, 11 2016 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: onequestion

I realize you're probably not actually advocating people do this, but you're probably right about the formula (though forgetting to add the sociopath/abuser part to the "rich and famous" this may impart to the children.)

Lucky for my children, because I love them, I would never try to curse them with fame.

posted on Mar, 12 2016 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
I want my kids to be rich, rich and famous, and here's what needs to be done.

If you want your kids to be super famous and rich I have a simple formula for you...

I don't know about rich and famous, but if you want your children to be very talented at what they do it's pretty easy to accomplish. Prodigies are remarkably easy to create, there's literally a formula to it, proven with the Polgar sisters.

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