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Antarctic Demolition Derby --> Due to Global Warming?

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posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by SIRR1
sun and warm temps from global warming melt the land bases polar ice, some water runs off into creeks, lakes rivers then into the oceans and some, alot is evaporated and put back into the atmosphere disbursed and forms clouds around the globe, the water will fall as rain and snow, which inturn will cool the globe and we revert to global cooling. And everyone will be screaming for more ozone and green house gas to warm the globe.

Hey look at the brite side this will open up alot of fertile land up north for farming, mining and oil exploration!

At the same time the rising sea takes away fertile land (and cities and towns) along the coasts where the majority of the world's population lives.

posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by SIRR1
sun and warm temps from global warming melt the land bases polar ice, some water runs off into creeks, lakes rivers then into the oceans and some, alot is evaporated and put back into the atmosphere disbursed and forms clouds around the globe, the water will fall as rain and snow, which inturn will cool the globe and we revert to global cooling. And everyone will be screaming for more ozone and green house gas to warm the globe.

Why don't you tell that to the people of Tuvalu, thier Island is being engulfed slowly as we speak. Crop failure is growing rapidly because of the increase of Saline in the ground due to RISING sea lvls. BTW Sea lvls usually go UP before they go down its the Glacial cycle and we are nearing the minimum very fast as we are accelerating the process by our foolhardy pursuit of Black Gold.

Hey look at the brite side this will open up alot of fertile land up north for farming, mining and oil exploration!

Well I hope that by the time this becomes a MAJOR issue we won't need to explore for oil. Mining great more strip mining that ruins landscapes and ecosystems. Yeah thats progress alright

[edit on 11-1-2005 by sardion2000]

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