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The Thread that Changed the World?

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posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: smallpeeps
I came to this forum to post about a book of President George W Bush's water paintings, and started to browse other threads. When I got to this quote of yours:

I was commenting to a coworker the other day and I said, "Well, even if every person on Facebook is a moron, it's a gigantic army of pyrposeful morons and eventually they will vote in their government via Facebook accounts."

Some people today would say that it was Twitter that was used to vote in their government in 2016, and that Mr. Trump, that non-political nobody that would not stand a chance at the prospect of running a society, a state, an Empire of the world was the man who nudged the world towards something better.

It is also neat that the example you wrote to describe Internet Protocol, and the truth it provides.

Total equality of voice.

Because this is paraphrased by Edward Snowden himself when he responds in his Movie (during a recreated scene) to a question to how you would describe the internet to somebody who has never known about it. I have to paraphrase now because I don't own a copy yet and I could not find a clip for it online.

I think he said "The internet gives anyone on Earth the ability to communicate with anyone else" , or something very close to that. That is kind of right in the same ballpark as how you described it.

So yes, I do believe your initial question that these people on the internet can effect the choices and decisions of millions of others.

I have a child who watches a youtube personality called DanTDM. This is some teenager that started doing video game reviews, and now years later, he has licensed merchandise such as clothes and toys, and recently published a book. All from doing online video game reviews. I observe closely to make sure he does not veer off to some of the less civil commentators, but he does not really discuss much other than the games itself. But anyone in an American elementary school today, in 2017 knows who this man is. The ramifications of that are, that this one person has the attention of the minds of an entire generation in their prime years.

How do we not know that the Deep State has not already taken this into account, and that some of these super successful IP video voyeur and product review people are already pushing a view to the next generation either directly or subliminally?

Its certainly an interesting concept to analyze and dissect.

As to the books themselves, I only watched either movie. And If I remember from reading the premise to some Orson Scott Card books, there is a massive saga of the Enders Game universe right? I was not aware there was a Starship troopers book. I only ever watched the movie, which was amazing. The sequels were pure vomit, but if the book is anything like the first movie, I think it will be a great read.

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