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Judge & Americans: Arrest Obama & Congress!

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posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:07 PM

Even Alaska's state JUDGE is among the many of Americans tired of all the fraud & murder the Administration is currently getting away with.

Even if almost every American civilian wanted him and them arrested and charged, is it evenv posdible?

would think the only person with this power are the same ones toppling great leaders of the world one after another (Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad?)

edit on 12-12-2015 by Plantagenet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet

Your first video has a bad link - "An error occurred".
edit on 12-12-2015 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet

If we can arrest obama over the actions of the gov then we better be ready to roll that treatment back decades. Talking both sides here too.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:15 PM
I believe they should all be hung for treason.... but that's me. I'd settle for arrested and incarcerated I suppose.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:19 PM
Couldn't watch the first video, but if that guy in the second video is a Judge up there, I feel sorry for the residents of Alaska.

That guy is about as articulate as a Myna bird.

Hardly Judge material in my book.
edit on 12-12-2015 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:20 PM
I cannot comment on the first video, as it does not seem to be embedded properly, but I would be very careful listening to Rick Wells.

He came to my attention a while back and he obviously is a Right Wing alarmist and extremist. He get's his information from people like Mark Levin.

Not a good source of factual info or reasonable opinion.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:27 PM
Here is his website.

Check it out.
edit on 12-12-2015 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: introvert
I cannot comment on the first video, as it does not seem to be embedded properly, but I would be very careful listening to Rick Wells.

He came to my attention a while back and he obviously is a Right Wing alarmist and extremist. He get's his information from people like Mark Levin.

Not a good source of factual info or reasonable opinion.

I'm glad you straightened that out. There for a minute, I thought it might be Joe, the Alaskan plumber.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Plantagenet

If we can arrest obama over the actions of the gov then we better be ready to roll that treatment back decades. Talking both sides here too.

Agreed, go all the way back to 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed and jail every bastard who had a hand in it's execution as well as every bastard that continued and continues to prop up Corporate Oligarchies whilst average Joe has his house foreclosed so CEO fat turds can maintain their bonuses - all thanks to bought and paid for politicians on both sides of the aisle.

When it comes to US military campaigns on foreign sovereign soil for a healthy injection of Freedom and Democracy, US voters need to be aware that for the US government and their corporate backed puppetmasters have an ulterior motive:
Freedom = Oil
Democracy = Gas

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet

But is perfectly OK with the other sides fraud & murder. In order to be a valid point it has to be about all corruption in government and about all bad politicians and not cherry picked ones.

edit on 12-12-2015 by theonenonlyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:09 PM
It does not matter if the intelligence agencies and their fellows know that the president is a traitor and working for outside interests they follow orders in order to protect themselves and their families as they know damned well that if they rock that apple cart they can be offed.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Plantagenet

If we can arrest obama over the actions of the gov then we better be ready to roll that treatment back decades. Talking both sides here too.

Agreed, go all the way back to 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed and jail every bastard who had a hand in it's execution as well as every bastard that continued and continues to prop up Corporate Oligarchies whilst average Joe has his house foreclosed so CEO fat turds can maintain their bonuses - all thanks to bought and paid for politicians on both sides of the aisle.

When it comes to US military campaigns on foreign sovereign soil for a healthy injection of Freedom and Democracy, US voters need to be aware that for the US government and their corporate backed puppetmasters have an ulterior motive:
Freedom = Oil
Democracy = Gas

But but but but its Obummers fault!!1!1!1

Yeah. Whenever we start this whole "let's kick Obummer out," can we thin begin overhauling actual intrinsic problems within our political structure rather than just a figure that exists so you can rant about?

Yannow - like he said, the Federal Reserve? Patriot Act? NDAA? NSA Surveillance?

How about we don't intervene with Assad and instead focus on IS? And not the American definition of focus; I.e. let's give them everything they need to fulfill their agenda?

Are how about we just don't intervene at all, and instead fix our broken and rigged elected system, roads, and ridiculous education system?

For-profit prison, colleges, and hospitals?

A fly in comparison to the imagined destroyer of Murica, the Great Obummer.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

Laws that are passed now are not effective retroactively. I see no need to retro this action, though I'd give my eye teeth to see GW, Chaney and Rumsie tried for crimes against humanity as well as Obama and his team of barbarians.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: stabstab
It does not matter if the intelligence agencies and their fellows know that the president is a traitor and working for outside interests they follow orders in order to protect themselves and their families as they know damned well that if they rock that apple cart they can be offed.

Wow - and I've seen other posters slander the absolute hell out of one another when suggesting that someone gets "killed off," for something in the political field.

Ever heard of, or read some threads on "The Octopus?"

How about Project MK-Ultra and the murder that was covered up to be seen as a suicide?

This was way before Obummer and these topics take serious ridicule for their "outlandish," claims. But when it comes to Big-Ol Oby-Wan (too many nicknames), he's got the secret assassin force that ensures no one speaks out against him and his administration!

Well hey, President Obama and his administration - as well as the previous handful - have CERTAINLY acted against the interests of the American people and partaken in treacherous acts?

"If they rock the boat they'll be offed,"


I've been "rocking the boat," all over the Internet and with my friends/families/complete strangers and I've yet to be offed by Obummer.

I guess I'm not special enough like intelligent agencies.

Wait... one names comes to mind, let me think... Edward.. Snowden?

You mean the guy that exposed the NSA-Surveillance program and was denounced by the vast majority of ATS members for being a "Russian sympathizer?"

That dude rocked the boat so hard, "they," just tried to throw out the entire boat. Unfortunately, people listened. Clearly, others didn't.

This isn't an "Obummer," and his administrations problem - it's an American political problem.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 08:55 PM
If you're one of those people that is screaming and yelling and complaining about what the Congress is doing to us all, and you are not helping to make sure the people doing it are removed from office, then what's the point of all the complaining?
At the very least, don't you think holding them accountable should mean the people WE KNOW ARE BETRAYING US lose their seat in Congress?

If most people continue to vote the way they usually do, in a way that allows most incumbents to be reelected, how are we holding any of them accountable for anything?
We need your help to convince enough voters to vote differently, to deliberately vote for an incumbent's strongest competitor in order to make sure the incumbent will be voted out of office.
We need you to help us convince enough voters to Vote for America in the upcoming election,
not a political party..............

The simple truth is, if Congress was doing its job, the Congress could set everything right.
It's not about El Presidente. It's about Congress.
The Congress has more power than the executive branch. Sure the President can sign or veto bills but the important point to remember is it all starts with Congress. ....REMEMBER . . .

Even if the president vetoes a bill, the Congress can override the veto.

We have to realize that the Congress encourages fixation on the President so they can pass the buck, blame what they are doing on the Executive branch.

Fact is, Presidents have no Constitutional authority to do most of the things they claim they can do.
They can only ask the Congress to do what they want.
The Congress could have stopped everything that's happening; the wars, the Wall Street takeover, the TRILLION DOLLAR defense budget they just passed.
Our so-called representatives have sold us out so many times it makes my head spin
It's a charade that hides the fact that no matter which party appears to be in power, there is an underlying continuity of agenda that moves forward regardless of which party "seems" to be in control.
In the next election the powers-that-be will do their best to take everyone's attention on the totally controlled presidential race.
Most everyone will ignore the heart of the problem, the Congress and become caught up in the presidential circus.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:08 PM
What sense does it make to allow the vast majority of people in Congress to remain there for one second longer than absolutely necessary?
There is an endless stream of people pissing and moaning about how Congress is screwing us up one side and down the other and yet nobody will do a damn thing to MAKE SURE they all get voted out of office.
If we don't make a point of doing just that, most all of them will get reelected yet again and they will most certainly give themselves another raise for the fine job of screwing us they've been doing.
Then they will wrap up the task of destroying this country for the International Bankers, the people they really work for.

We pay their salaries and the Bankers reap all the rewards. It's INSANE to allow any of the people to remain in Congress!

FIRE THEM! It's the most obvious and immediate remedy.
You don't worry that their replacement may turn out to be as bad.
In fact, it's much less likely the replacements will be as bad when they know you will not tolerate such things, that you will not hesitate to fire anyone that lies and betrays your trust.
Employees are far more likely to toe the line and actually do their jobs as best they can when they know they can't get away with anything less.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 09:16 PM
The CIA and the NSA changed their mandates with Obama, more extreme than the very corrupt but even more arrogant Bush administrations. Handing out trillions by looting the treasury own by the taxpayers, and then enacting new laws to punish people who might retaliate in various ways, plus laws legalizing their continued corruption,

They will never act like real men because their hidden character shows they think of themselves first, blame others, and make the people feel guilty for it.

A bloody and grisly looking guillotine is too good, and too easy a death for these slime who dress in kingly guise.
edit on 12-12-2015 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: Plantagenet
here's a link to the actual letter calling for the FBI and US Marshalls to arrest the senators and president couldn't see it on any of the links although didn't look that hard.

the best thing to do to get behind the removal of these governments is to withdraw your tax a simple letter outlining your objections as to how your tax money is spent should do the job.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: stabstab
It does not matter if the intelligence agencies and their fellows know that the president is a traitor and working for outside interests they follow orders in order to protect themselves and their families as they know damned well that if they rock that apple cart they can be offed.

The president's are just talking heads put in so as not to upset the apple cart for those that got them elected. They control the Mass Media, all the election hyperbole only works because the majority of the punters get conned into thinking things are going to change . If a President gets impeached, like Nixon, when the media was not under the control that it is now the next one pardons him, because it could just as likely happen to him. If a President actually tries to do something to upset things he will get offed.

It would be interesting to know who the real puppet masters are, I suspect the security services, as they ran off with all the files J Edgar amassed, which meant that many of the elected politicians were compromised.

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