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Why Gun Control (Or Gun Banning) Will Never Work

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posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Criminals don't and will not obey new ones any more than existing ones. They are called criminals for a reason.

This here ^^^^^ is what the anti-gun peace loving crowd does not get

Sure, fine -- take everyone's guns away, I don't give a sh#t being as I don't own a gun
(I am for other's rights however)

But if you think for one second that will stop EVERYONE from having a gun, you are seriously delusional

The gang-bangers, thugs, hoodlums, criminals --whatever you want to call them -- will go down to the local street corner and buy a gun there. It might even come in a nifty brown sack or rolled up in a newspaper

So then you have the problem of bad guys=guns/good guys=none
Don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out
Talk about increase in crime --home invasion for one

And to think that taking away guns will decrease the violence....oh that is a good one, another illusion
Man will do whatever it takes to kill people if they have the will/want to
Guns are not the only weapons

Man alone is the deadliest weapon, has been all throughout history
Nothing is ever going to change there
Different times, different millennium, different weapons....same sh#t

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: wildb

Not to derail the thread but aren't all 'rights' enacted and enforced by the government? They could take those rights away from anyone at anytime and for some demographics in U.S history they already have(e.g segregation of the Japanese into internment camps during WW2) And legally they've recently started to erode those "rights" away with the P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act. In essence they are privileges if they can be taken away by the same people who gave them to you.

Actually NO. Our basic rights are not enacted or enforced by the government. Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The Found Father set forth a system where in the PEOPLE are the repository of power in this country. The government's role was to be to manage and run the system. THAT is one of the major points of the 2nd. They wanted the government to be afraid of the people, not the people afraid of the government. The problem is that over the past 200+ years the people have dropped the ball and started depending on the government not just to support the system and run thing, but to support THEM and tell THEM how to live their lives.

They never in-visioned career politicians that made their only livelihood working in Washington.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 06:56 AM
Render things down to their base and it is obvious ( at least to me ) that guns are only an extremely refined way of throwing rocks.

Carried on to it's logical conclusion ( weapons control ), eventually it will come down to rock control when that is all we have to project force at a distance.

We out here on the street are not the one's who need weapons or projection of force control.

Those who project lethal force as a matter of course in their daily business are the one's who need to be controlled.

By their own example, those who babble weapons control for people on the street are difficult to take seriously and come across as quite hypocritical.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: wildb

Not to derail the thread but aren't all 'rights' enacted and enforced by the government? They could take those rights away from anyone at anytime and for some demographics in U.S history they already have(e.g segregation of the Japanese into internment camps during WW2) And legally they've recently started to erode those "rights" away with the P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act. In essence they are privileges if they can be taken away by the same people who gave them to you.

Not exactly. The government does not 'grant' rights in our society. It only has the power to restrict them. An individual has the right to do anything he or she pleases in the absence of a law restricting or prohibiting it.

As for the reason that gun control won't work, the main reason is because the proposed laws are almost invariably designed to have their primary impact on the wrong citizens...and the criminals and nutjobs won't be deterred by them.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:51 AM
Gun control worked in Australia and in worked in the United Kingdom. But these countries are far less f##ked up than the US. The US will implode at some point due to racial strife. I don't think gun control can save it. Too many nutters. I mean, look at your political system, foreign policy and Republican candidates. Pretty disgraceful for the supposed jewel of western civilisation.
edit on 02015811am11 by Logman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Logman
Have a chip on your shoulder mate?

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: NateTheAnimator

for me there is no easy answer
while i am a gun owner the idea of more people carrying does not sit well with me.
concealed or open. i just dont trust people.
just cause someone is law abiding and mentally fit today does not mean tomorrow they will not flip out.

i know i dont like the idea/argument of 'if more people had guns on them then these massacre situations would not happen'
i just dont agree.

for the most part i think it would be worse.

taking an 8 hour class and qualifying on a paper target at 15 yards does not mean a person is capable of settling a violent situation at planned parenthood.

plus there is the cowboy factor. lots of them out there.
i dont really want more bullets flying around my head

I am not disagreeing with what you have said, but exactly how many shootouts have you been involved in?

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

Any self respecting gang banger doesn't want a legal gun. They want a sub gun like this JB weld special.

These are special because they come with no checks delivered to your door. JB weld because that's all your need to have a full auto UZI.

Attacking legal gun owners while ignoring real issues is plain ole BS.

The favorite of all US gangs is the good ole Full Auto Chopper (AK-47). AK kits poured in during the Clinton ban era as those affected just cut their guns and shipped twice as many.

You gun control folks need to address real issues before I will listen to any of the disarm legal gun owners tripe! Counting kits I have heard that AK-47/74's alone outnumber the populous three to one.

edit on 30-11-2015 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Regulation can work

So constitutional rights are subject to every psychosis of the mob.

Regulation can't work because gun control violates the entire bill of rights extending to the 14th amendments.

Now those that think 'regulation can work' really don't think too much about due process, or crimes be proven in courts of law.

That whenever the mob feels froggie rights vanish.

Of course that is the entire reason behind the BILL of RIGHTS.

They are inalienable.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: network dude

dont need to have been in a shootout to know i dont want a bunch of cowboys popping shots off around me cause they want to save the day
and i dont trust people and to stretch that i dont trust their judgement

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 10:25 PM
[IT] won't work because there is a law...

2nd Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: rival

It's that "shall not be infringed" part that everyone seems to have a hard time understanding.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: rival
[IT] won't work because there is a law...

2nd Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed.

Ah! You are so right, yet so wrong. Laws are tossed to and fro now. It's whenever they're "convenient " for our government.

I hear what you are saying, I just don't have that much faith in our government. A ban will not happen, it's just not practical.

Ridiculous gun laws? Highly probable AND problematic. When these regulations hit hard, the black market will be ready and waiting to take advantage.

PS I'd much rather you be right than me.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 11:32 PM
For there to be something wrong with society
There has to be something wrong with the individual

That means there is something wrong with each and every one of us

We kill people not guns
We are the problem

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: piney
For there to be something wrong with society
There has to be something wrong with the individual

That means there is something wrong with each and every one of us

But there is nothing wrong with me
That's what they all say

We kill people not guns
We are the problem

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: TinySickTears
Although I think for newbies looking to get their hands on a firearm should be put through a more rigorous psychological test. To prove that they are responsible and mature enough to own and use a firearm. But there's is no guarantee that this will significantly reduce shootings at all, as Wildb mentioned some states already have something like this in place.

Does this also mean you support a law where a person must have a degree in English or Journalism to write a blog about some political topic or post on an internet forum about government conspiracies?

Bearing arms is a natural human right. All animals have a right to defend themselves from aggressors, just as they all have the natural right to speak.

While I appreciate the desire for compromise, it is rarely given from anti-gun advocates. Its always about taking freedoms away without giving anything in return. A compromise is not ramming Universal Background checks down our throats. Its saying if you support Universal Background checks, we'll support taking suppressors and short barreled rifles off the NFA so law abiding gun owners aren't harassed and charged extra for things that aren't used in crime, or that make a difference if they were ever to be used in the commission of a crime.

Instead, all we get is the stripping of our God given rights. That is why gun control measures fail, they're never compromise, they're never common sense, they never effect the people that need control and they never work!

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 12:21 AM
Terrifies me some that people on a website that is supposed to be more open minded.. and usually carrying a healthy distrust of the Fed want the fed to have 24 hour access to your medical record... want to make sure nothing resembling confidentiality exists between a doctor and the patient...

I wouldnt trust the fed to peel potatoes correctly... let alone bandy my personal information out and about anymore than they already do.. Think about all the people that would have access to you going to a doctor and why..yea no chance for abuse here.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: network dude

dont need to have been in a shootout to know i dont want a bunch of cowboys popping shots off around me cause they want to save the day
and i dont trust people and to stretch that i dont trust their judgement

Yet you call cops to come save you. Do you know they actually have less training with firearms in a year than an average citizen can get in one weekend at a qualified training facility. They also commit more crimes than concealed weapon permit holders.

The average cop shoots 50 rounds a year to qualify, that's nothing compared to one day at the range for a gun enthusiast.

Also, are you an expert in firearms and self defense? How are you a qualified judge to tell who is and who isn't qualified to carry around you?

I carry everyday and stand next to people like you at the grocery store etc. I look like an average dude. Would you look at me and assume I am one of those unqualified 'cowboys'?

If so you would be wrong. I spent 4 years in the US Army as a Cavalry Scout, spent time overseas, qualified expert in all weapons from pistols to machine guns and spent several years in private security having arrested dozens of criminals in that time. I also train and practice regularly. I am more qualified to carry a firearm than most police officers.

The point is, don't let your ignorance make you afraid of good people that could very well save the life of you and your family. And for Gods sake don't advocate taking my ability to do so away just because YOUR afraid and ignorant.

And I say ignorant in the true sense of the word. As in you don't know, not meant to be insulting.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 10:23 PM
Gun control worked in Australia, yet did not work at all in Mexico. Maybe it's time to admit that some countries are different, and what works in one situation may not work in another?

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: humanityrising
Gun control worked in Australia, yet did not work at all in Mexico. Maybe it's time to admit that some countries are different, and what works in one situation may not work in another?

How dare you use common sense! Leave NOW!

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