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52 Possible Signs of Alien Abduction

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posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Cosmic911

Did you have a look at the lnternational Center For Abduction Research, from David M. Jacobs? He works with hypnosis, but there are a few interesting articles and he says he tries to be unbiased.
Talks about hybrids and how they don't seem to be interested in our society. Which makes me wonder why making hybrids if you don't care?
But he doesn't seem to have an explanation why it is happening either so...

Thanks for the link. I looked at it briefly. There's a lot of information there. I guess my biggest concern with hypnosis is if the person undergoing hypnosis truly believes something happened then that will be illicited during the hyponotic session. You will not know if the person has been truthful or not. It's the same with polygraph examinations. The test can be beat if the person undergoing polygraph believes what he or she is saying. Just my thoughts.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance
Your link doesn't work, and a quick look at some of the other articles on his website shows that the guy is a nut.

I'm standing by my conviction that ATS members should be required to take an online IQ test and achieve a minimum score of 100 to be able to create threads.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: Cosmic911

I know, i don't trust hypnosis either. Just wild stories, but interesting what they think they experienced. And NO ONE has an answer to why it happens. Also most stories don't add up, like the hybrids thing.
Ah well it shows some deep feelings of being at the mercy of an external power? Maybe that's the clue to why it happens, some sort of surpressed trauma? A hundred years ago these people might have asked for an exorcism.
The power of the mind surely is sthg fascinating and powerfull.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Maybe that's the clue to why it happens, some sort of surpressed trauma?

The mind can be a powerful tool, and heavily suppress trauma deep in the consciousness of the brain, especially when that trauma interferes with activities of daily living. This protective mechanism is not well-understood. I'm a registered nurse with a neurosciences ICU specialization and critical care/trauma certification. Our neurologically-injured patients, be it trauma or illness/Stroke, etc, exhibited some bizarre and strange behaviors; all sorts of odd things. For example, some stroke patients develop a hemispatial neglect, in which the patient will ignore and neglect one side of their body. They will literally ignore objects in the affected visual field, ignoring food on the left side of the plate when complaining of being hungry, for instance. If a patient can develop a condition in which they physically ignore an entire visual field, I'm sure the brain is capable of developing attention-deficit to a psychologically damaging mental trauma. Interesting topic for sure.

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