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The 6 Reasons China and Russia Are Catching Up to the U.S. Military

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posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Cosmic911

As I said it not just the USA, its happening here too.

UK had one of the best if not the best state school system in the world centered around academic selection.

But that was deemed by the left as "unfair" on non academic students. Instead everyone had to get the SAME education in the same schools based on the lowest common denominator.

Now? We had kids leaving high school unable to even talk correct English let alone read, write and do maths.

If you couple it with the corruption and over spending in politics you have recipe to disaster!
edit on 31-10-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 01:14 PM
I would say then that the torch has already been passed. And further more, wouldn't it be nice that the US military might was as good at fighting ISIS/ISIL/DAESH as they were with EBOLA?

"for the first time ever, the Ameican strategists have developed an illusion ... that they may defeat a nuclear power in a non-nuclear war." He added that "it's nonsense, and it will never happen.

Rogozin, who spoke after the Security Council's meeting chaired by President Vladimir Putin, was commenting on prospective U.S. weapons under the so-called Prompt Global Strike program, which would be capable of striking targets anywhere in the world in as little as an hour with deadly precision.

edit on 31-10-2015 by ANonMightyMouse because: spelling

edit on 31-10-2015 by ANonMightyMouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: Cosmic911

I haven't studied AI in any depth. Other than Terminator, I haven't read much on AI waging war against the human race. I do find the concept of 'techno singularity' interesting, as I have never heard of the term. I also find the idea of technology hitting a 'brick wall' intriguing, kinda the opposite of all the advances we saw during the space age with technology and computers. I think the ability to miniaturize technology is utterly fascinating. It is, perhaps, one of the reasons we won the cold war. The Soviets never quite figured it out, instead relying on large, cumbersome launchers and trailers. A retailatory strike by the Soviets would come slow and dragged out, resulting in major losses to land, infrastructure, personnel, and strategic operational bases. Putting nukes on subs was an amazing feat.

Right on.... The future war with AI will not be like Terminator, it will deceptively pit man vs man and take the focus off of AI. I believe it could already be happening, several countries already have super computers hooked to the grid, and we may have already reached the quantum limit. Just by reading current news, I get this sense...

Yes miniaturize technology is fascinating, biocomputing isn't far away, intelligent bugs etc... I think qualitative change is already here and we are seeing the beginnings of it.... nukes on subs will be laughed at.

edit on 31-10-2015 by imitator because: key word is already

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 02:21 PM
At least they have been building reserves while we foolishly burn ours up.
Under the notion, it will be alright, we got nukes.

And so do they.

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: NateTheAnimator

Sworn enemy? No. Competitor? You betcha.

There is a fine line there, I suppose. But at the moment? No, not an enemy, much less a sworn one.

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

You do indeed.

Catering to the lowest and slowest is not a good thing to do.

I wonder when it became so shameful to actually work with one's hands for a fair days wage? Long ago, is my guess.

Not everyone needs that college degree. I've managed fairly well without one.

Not to take the topic off topic, or anything...

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Tjoran

Name the advanced tech and I'm sure I can name US military hardware
1. already in the field more advance then China
2. being developed thats already way ahead of anything China has or will have without stealing.

They still haven't figured out stealth helicopters

having a million man army isn't practical and the majority have no combat experience. The US military has decades of covert ops and on the ground training. I'll take an experienced, well trained army any day

and no, this isn't me being an American patriot or whatever you want to discredit me with in your reply.

Our biggest asset to dominating the world globally is our carriers, all being the best in the world and the USA the only one with the tech to maintain.

The USA has 10 actual modern carriers and 9 semi carriers

China has 1 carrier and no way to protect it
edit on 31-10-2015 by JDmOKI because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-10-2015 by JDmOKI because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 02:50 PM

but Russia has always had more military spending than we do

You may be the only person who believes that one.

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 05:28 PM
You forgot the 7th reason. Obama, liberals and progressives.

posted on Oct, 31 2015 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: VashTheStampede
a reply to: Cosmic911

I really doubt that there is any gap with Russia,I don't know about China but Russia has always had more military spending than we do and more advanced Nuclear Bombs(look up Tsar Bomb).China we have been paying for years and actually owe them quite a lot of money I wouldn't be surprised if they have more advanced military tech,I know small arms wise they have better weapons for their infantry,they even field handguns in 5.8 with armor piercing ammo as a standard load out,the Russians also use armor piercing ammo in their handguns and smg's as standard ammo,the Russians use 9mm 7N29/SP-10 wich is 9x21mm so it won't chamber in enemies weapons that are in regular 9mm(9x19mm). I think if we go to war with China and Russia that most people would be surprised what tech the they have,don't forget they have Black Projects just like us,but it is a lot harder to get any information on what they currently use most information about their equipment is outdated info,their pistol ammo SP-10 is from 1990 so I wouldn't be suprised if they already have replaced it with a better armor piercing round with more power.

YEah..the TSAR BOMBA lol. so advanced it has to be dropped out of a backfire bomber. As to the AP rounds in low power handguns and sub machine guns when they cant get within range to use them it dont do much good. Also have they been tested against the newest armors? ones that stop a 50 cal wil stop those dead i imagine.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:00 AM
1. Hacking Lockeed Martin for a decade
2. F-117 stealth tech from the Serb shoot-down (Russki know-how) in the Bosnian War
3. Stealth helo tech from the farcical Bin Laden raid, courtesy of the obliging Pakis
4. Clinton selling nuke technology to China
5. Russia weren't that far behind to begin with, they were just broke
6. Billion$ wasted on boondoggles and ill-conceived, already-hacked projects, like the Jetsam Scarp Flotsam ("JSF") fighter program...

(PS: I told you so.
edit on 1-11-2015 by TheInhumanCentipede because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 04:50 AM
US superiority is a myth based on bullying the weaker opponent...

not to mention, all of this superiority didn't help much to win too many of the wars since ww2

edit on 0120151104000000am114America/Chicago11 by donhuangenaro because: .

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: donhuangenaro

The U.S. has a tendency of losing the low-intensity warfare wars we start. We're really good at waging them, really poor at winning them. This is because we're arrogant and fail to learn the lessons of history.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Cosmic911

originally posted by: Tjoran
Every time i bring something like this up anywhere i get bashed over the head by none realistic overly patriotic american's. When in fact it is an actual thing that is actually going to happen. And in all honesty it wouldn't surprise me if some of china and Russias technology in certain fields is already more advanced then that of the united states.

I consider myself an 'overly patriotic' American too, but not afraid to say that our elected government has trampled over our constitutional rights for decades now. Republican, Democrat, it doesn't matter who's the POTUS anymore, they jump in line in the machine like every other politician. Unfortunately, the government machine is too out of control for anyone to reign in. The last fifty years has become so out of control there's no end in sight.
the end is in sight. People are sick to death of war. People are sick to death of lies. Those two realities fix this one reality that is raped.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Cosmic911

from this source pag.21 and 22

«Israel has become a global leader in arms exports and, over the last two decades, the United States and Israel have periodically disagreed over Israeli sales of sensitive U.S. and Israeli technologies to third party countries, most notably China»

« In recent years, Israeli and Chinese military officials have exchanged visits, in what some observers believe has been an attempt by both countries to slowly expand bilateral relations. China has already become one of Israel’s primary economic (non-military) trading partners, serving as Israel’s second or third largest export market.

According to one analyst, “Militarily, China is interested not only in original technologies but also in broader knowledge, and Israel, with its vast operational experience, is viewed by China as an authoritative source.... As for the transmission of military technologies, China with its political experience and patience may assume that current export limitations could one day be lifted, and may therefore continue to raise the issue on different occasions.
edit on 3/11/2015 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: voyger2

I've always felt that the major advantage Eastern nations like China have is time. China has been around for a millennia and been witness to the rise and fall of countless civilizations. Eastern counties understand the value of patience.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 11:16 PM
Catching up can still be a far cry from actually being on par. I also think that America's state of perpetual war and massive military experience is a huge advantage. I mean, I understand that fighting terrorists is different than fighting an organized army, but we still have experience that is not war type dependent. I think the most important is being our experience maintaining logistical lines, setting up FOB's etc. Unfortunately despite that though, I think any conventional war with another country would provide casualties that America may be un prepared for. America takes it hard when we take a few dozen casualties a month in non-conventional warfare. I don't know how the American public would handle the hundreds (perhaps even thousands) of casualties a month that modern warfare is capable of.

Even with all that being said, I still think America has an edge. Our military strategy, Special Forces resources and massive military reserves in equipment, manpower, etc. give us an edge.

I also think we can't worry about our enemies without also considering our interactions with them. Sure, China might be catching up. Who knows, it's possible that even though their overall quality is not as good as Americas, their numbers make up the differences.

But what is the chance that we would go to war with China? I know they have the capability, more planned economy, etc. But with the massive amounts of economic benefit they get from producing American goods makes me think that a war with China is very unlikely. Russia on the other hand. . . . .

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: Tjoran

Name the advanced tech and I'm sure I can name US military hardware
1. already in the field more advance then China
2. being developed thats already way ahead of anything China has or will have without stealing.

They still haven't figured out stealth helicopters

having a million man army isn't practical and the majority have no combat experience. The US military has decades of covert ops and on the ground training. I'll take an experienced, well trained army any day

and no, this isn't me being an American patriot or whatever you want to discredit me with in your reply.

Our biggest asset to dominating the world globally is our carriers, all being the best in the world and the USA the only one with the tech to maintain.

The USA has 10 actual modern carriers and 9 semi carriers

China has 1 carrier and no way to protect it

Pretty much the nail on the head here. It's funny when people claim "China can field a 200 million man army!"

Er . . . what? I don't think you can grasp the concept of all the logistical background required to field 200million men, clothing, weapons, ammunition, FOOD, TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, all of these things need to be taken into account. Unless China was in a state of total war, it's simply not practical. I don't think we will ever see a single country field more than World War II brought, barring extremely unlikely situations. And, disregarding all the economic factors that will likely ever prevent open war with China, if China was in a state of total war, America would be as well. And America has the standoff and projection capabilities China doesn't have. We control the seas between here and Asia, we have the naval assets to transport equipment across that distance, and the air assets to transport the troops. From that point, America could simply lob Cruise Missiles and Air Strikes from the sea to strategic locations to gain a foothold.

This is what America is capable of on our own, not even counting our allies that we have that allow for a buffer to act for our troops as a Foyer before inserting ourselves into the home territory of our opponent. If we can install certain protection assets in these territories to protect them from our opponents aggressions, Use it as a launch off point for heavy air bombardment in conjunction with naval assets etc. America is very well set up.

People don't understand, numbers, personnel, and more specifically to this thread, equipment do not alone make the differences, Strategy is also not counted nearly enough. America did not spend the last 50 years building up defenses and friendship in these countries for no reason.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: chuck258

China is all about the Sun Tzu approach to their military might which is deception based. Having a million troops in modern warfare isn't practical. Take out supply lines and you have a million military personal all with guns on the homeland without supplies and the USA is more then capable of destroying Chinese infrastructure from the sea

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