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What meaning is there (if any) behind a robin caressing one's head gently with its wingtips?

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posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 03:15 PM
A few months ago, I was on one of my daily walks through nature at a local park with a friend of mine, taking advantage of being able to walk, because I was anticipating the surgery that I just had on the 28th of September on my ankle (I had lateral ligament reconstruction with internabrace) because I completely tore my anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) about eight years ago, back when I used to overexercise via running every day (and I have to be totally non-weight bearing for six weeks which totally sucks. but, crutches are fun!
) Anyway, on the day in question, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was a lovely day. As we continued along the trail, suddenly a red-breasted robin comes swooping down from the trees and dive-bombs my head. But instead of whacking me--it gently caresses the top of my head and hair with its wings.

My first reaction was that it felt nice. It sent a pleasant shiver down my spine--similar to when someone plays with your hair (which I am very partial to). My next was shock--and, being the silly neat-freak that I am, I began hoping that it didn't give me mites or something like that
My final reaction was relief that it had not pooped on me

Well, I think it goes without saying but, I don't think that getting touched by wild birds is very common. Or, at least, I have never been touched by a wild bird before.

I've always liked robins--and I associate them with feelings of peace and happiness. My grandmother (who is from Mexico--but was also a U.S. Citizen and moved back to Mexico where she lived out the remainder of her life) was very fond of birds--her favorite was the cardinal. She had a cardinal--and a robin--and some bluejays and bluebirds (yes, it is legal to own them in Mexico) and whenever I visited her house, they would always sing this beautiful song that I'll never forget.

This robin thing happened during a time in my life when I had just been getting over a period of great stress. I had been dealing with my mom just getting done with her treatment for breast cancer (she is in remission and is doing great, by the way). I had been so stressed out after she was diagnosed that I actually began losing my own hair and was diagnosed with telogen effluvium (I am 24 by the way). Obviously, this was quite a traumatic experience for me and I spent quite a long time being isolated because I was so embarrassed about how hideous my hair looked. I am very lucky that I had the means and ability to spend so much time in hiding waiting for my hair to grow back--but that, combined with my mom's illness--really took a toll on me and I had been feeling incredibly anxious. Anyway, I had been using women's Rogaine at the behest of my doctor in order to jump start my follicles and reverse the temporary hair loss. So, my hair was growing back (and is continuing to do so at the moment--oddly enough I don't think that my hair has ever been so thick) and I was finally getting up the courage to go outside again. My isolation was really weird because I'm an ENTJ by nature.

Well, I've done some research about birds and the Native American meanings behind them and the 'medicine' they believe that each animal has. But I can't seem to find anything specific referring to a bird touching one's head with its wingtips.

Of course, it could mean absolutely nothing. And I don't think it has any great meaning or anything--but, it make me smile--and it was a novel and positive experience for me, personally. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or information regarding robins in this type of situation.

edit on 6-10-2015 by rukia because: #grammarnazi4lyfe

edit on 6-10-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 03:28 PM
Personally, due to something that happened after my grandfather passed, and a hummingbird, I would have to wonder if maybe it wasn't your grandmother.
Just letting you know, you'll be ok.

posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 03:39 PM
I would return to the same area and see if it happens again. It may have simply been trying to protect a nest in the area.

Buzzkill, I know.

posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom

A few years ago my Aunt passed away from Cancer and my mom had been down with her in Alabama for the last 2 weeks of her life. The morning after she passed a hummingbird flew right in her face and hovered for a few seconds before continuing on. My mom feels like it was her sister sending a message.

posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

I have considered that. But, I went there every day this spring and summer and walked on the very same path time and time again--and at various times of the day. From morning to evening. Ever since it got warm enough to walk. And I continued to do so until the day before my surgery. While I've seen birds and bunnies since--and even a fox, once--it never happened again. It flew down, touched me, and flew back up and off into the trees in the opposite direction from where it had come. So, while it could very well be that, I don't think it's very likely. This is a path that has the bugline (which is for walkers, bikers etc. and connects many of the multitudes of parks that I live around) running parallel to it and separated only by a section of trees and undergrowth--so this bird is very accustomed to hearing and seeing people every day.

and, to add, i don't necessarily think it means anything. but it was definitely out of the norm for me, personally.
edit on 6-10-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 10:37 PM
I just thought of something, maybe you had a bug land in your hair and it wanted the bug?, he would have just pecked at it with his beak. Very unusual behavior for a wild bird. Maybe it was a sign from Grandma.

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: rukia

After my grandpa's passing, my gramma felt that a crow was following her around. She would always notice a crow close by, even on the hood of her car one time. I think when people go through loss or stressful situations, we invent various coping mechanisms. It's possible that the spontaneity of birds seems to fill that void when the mind is looking for a pattern to alleviate the tension.

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: rukia

Sorry, butI suggest it's a hallucination, or a dream, or a lie...

Wild birds acquainted with humans just do not do that.

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: rukia

Whatever it may be, a possible sign from your loved ones or just unusual bird behavior, even with it being so small its a beautiful thing anyways.

I'm not sure if this is true for birds as my main knowledge doesn't revolve around bird species--but a lot of animals can sense discomfort around physical beings. If there's tension that seems to be welling from within one of these passerby's, it could be a way for the bird to investigate for a better understand or maybe for some comfort.

Even if neither of these possibilities are true, it reminded you of good times and great memories, which in my opinion is just enough. It's a reminder to keep pushing, because you'll turn out fine, regardless. It reminds you that there's a possibility someone is watching over you. I'm glad for you to have that experience. I wish you the best!


edit on 7-10-2015 by Seraii because: accidently pressed send (again)

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: namelesss

Well, that's why I am posting it--because it was so strange. It's fine if you don't believe it. But it happened. And I don't think it's that weird. I was with a friend, as I said, who saw the whole thing--& it's your lucky day because he is also a member here. Go PM KingKelson and ask him about it. I'm all for being a skeptic--but you're very cynical.

Plenty of weird things happen in the world--and to think that you 'know it all' is very foolish. Anyway, are you some sort of bird expert? If not, I don't know how you could say that birds do not do that. Sure, it's very unlikely that a bird would act in this way--but not impossible by any stretch of the imagination. That you think it's impossible just tells me that you must not have a very good mind. Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible. Now, I could see you saying what you said if I'd said that the bird had landed in front of me and began delivering a comedy routine or something equally ridiculous--but really you think that just because it touched my hair it must be a hallucination a dream or a lie?

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: rukia

I really do think animals have empathy for us, especially when they can feel our pain and grief.
When my Brother died I was in a tent in France crying and a little frog jumped in and put his hand on my foot like "there there dude it's okay".
Silly I know but it helped a bit.
My cat knows when I am upset and gives me a cuddle.

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom
a reply to: Kali74
a reply to: Night Star
a reply to: Aedaeum
a reply to: Seraii
a reply to: boymonkey74

I think it's quite amazing that many of you have had similar experiences with birds and animals alike! I want to offer my condolences to those of you who have lost loved ones. And I thank you all for your thoughtful input and time--and while I know that it's possible that I will never know the exact reason for the experience, I definitely feel as though I understand what happened a bit better.

And yes, animals are truly special and wonderful creations. They are beautiful. And they definitely have a gift when it comes to intuition.

Many thanks!
edit on 8-10-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)


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