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Russia Sending SPETSNAZ (Special Forces)To Prop Up Syria's Assad!

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posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: khnum

Yes it does sir the criminals in your country and its allies set up Isis

No they didn't...and that doesn't change the more you say it either.

,Leon Panetta said so,


they were going to let these animals run amok for 3 decades and meanwhile pick up billions pretending to fight them Putin has decided to confront the criminal cabal that runs your country and stop the rot before all middle eastern citizens end up in Europe

You can add Putin to that criminal cabal, except his is in Russia.

Of course it is always the US fault that something happens somewhere.

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: buster2010

I agree with you for the first time in 8 years BUSTER!!!! mark it on the calendar!! I see NO reason for us to be involved or still be there......Personally I don't care what Putin does over there...just send American troops home!!

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

What exactly makes you think that the majority of the chaos going on around the world is not the fault of the US? We certainly have and use more power and influence around the world than anyone else. We wage far more wars, execute (and attempt) many more assasinations and instigate far more rose revolutions. How many nations has Russia, iran, venezuela, afghanistan, iraq, or Libya invaded in the last 50 years?

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: MysterX

How about the shock and horror of the Syrian Leader, Assad, using chemical weapons against his own people!! What a sick bastard!! The people that the US funded were NOT ISIS!! They were people funded to help defend against Assad's barbaric attacks! They later decided to join or form ISIS but we did not put the Islamic State together.....Just so you understand that!

When you sit back and watch hundreds and thousands of people murdered!! Gassed in the most heinous way and do nothing, You are enabling a murderer!!! We helped those people whose children and women were being slayed try and defend themselves against a tyrannical maniac!!!

To do absolutely nothing would be to lose sight of our humanity!! I would hope someone like the American's would come to my rescue!!

And for the record: When there is a disaster of unmitigated suffering, who is the first country that ALWAYS STEPS UP??

Who gives more money and resources man power etc...than any other country in the world??? It sure is hell is not RUSSIA nor is it the U.K.

So bash on people about how horrible and murderous the Merican's are!! But don't come crying to us when the bottom falls out!! You do not get to bitch about MY country when your people are flooding our borders and you NEED US to bail you out!!

So which way is it? Are you gonna ignore all the good America ALWAYS does for the entire world or continue to beat her up?

If you have accepted aide from America then I don't think you have the right to put her down!

Pip pip cheerio!
edit on 10/7/2015 by paxnatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: paxnatus

Hm. Then where were we during Rwanda? Djibouti? Rwanda again? And funny, I think Cuba was first to offer aid in katrina, and first to Haiti. And Canada made it to new Orleans first. And who provided the weapons and gas iraq used on the Kurds?
At any rate, all the reports I read stated that the inspectors found it was the opposition using gas in syria. Who funded that opposition again? Who tested nuclear falout on their own soldiers? Who dosed a whole town in France with lsd (not to mention many of their own citizens)? Who tests halucinogens and amphetamines on their soldiers on the battlefront to This day (I served as a medic and treated people for this myself)? Who allowed thousands of african American soldiers to go through tertiary syphilis, go insane and die for research? Hm.

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: paxnatus

Another funny point. When Cuba and other nations went to help Haiti they didn't try to force a sweat shop economy upon them in exchange for aid. They also didn't try to force gmo produce into their farms. Also, when other nations offered us aid for, say, katrina, they didn't demand that we use 90% of the money offered to buy weapons from their weapons manufacturers. Hm.

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: paxnatus

Last point tonight, Bush was responsible for the deaths of 1.5 MILLION Iraqis.... That's genocide. And Obama for many more in afghanistan, libya, syria, and Ukraine. By paying taxes you are not just enabling these horrific, sociopathic murderers, you are FUNDING them. Soapbox now, bish!

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 12:34 AM
Some rush to invoke the fact that RU is in Syria at the invitation of the legitimate government. I think this is an overly high standard, to require a formally recognized government in place before any help or intervention is offered.

No doubt the FSA or whomever represent native people in their homelands who have legitimate grievances...all of them. Surely the acts of someone like Assad rise to the same dire levels of other "legitimate" leaders that US or proper "liberalist" countries have fought against. I could cite a number of examples, but they are in as much obvious.

In the Revolutionary War, France was heavily involved on our behalf, so were Prussians on King George's side and others.

Just to say, to cite the moral touchstone of "legitimacy" is just a convenient device for when it suits the opinion.

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

Putin's fearsome Spetsnaz units

Have they ever been tested, if so, what was the outcome.?? last program i saw on the Spetsnaz they were doing back flips off of building and breaking bricks with their foreheads.

Building supply merchants must be rubbing there hands at the very mention of "The Spetsnaz".

Anyone got a prime example of Spetsnaz in action. ?


posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Anyone got a prime example of Spetsnaz in action. ?

Both Chechenya wars.

In Ukraine, spetsnaz have been much active and proved to be efficient force multipliers for the locals. Any spec ops forces of advanced militarizes would prove easily their worth in most of the theaters.

In Donetsk airport, the DNR troops were fighting a slow progress battle with the Ukes. Most of the buildings were pretty much half destroyed and gaining ground was difficult.

When Spetsnaz arrived, instead of fighting a slow grinding battle they planted explosives all over the main building. Then snuck out and from a distance they remote controlled the explosion which resulted in killing of dozens of Ukes and collapse of their defenses.

Spec ops are not superhumans as we might think. But they are highly intelligent and innovating types and very versatile in use of various weapons including hand to hand fighting. They also have very high stamina and endurance and training to perform lots of cross-functional jobs on the spot if required. Only the most "all round efficient" of the pack are hand picked for actual service or ops.

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: victor7
a reply to: FlyingFox

Anyone got a prime example of Spetsnaz in action. ?

Both Chechenya wars.

In Ukraine, spetsnaz have been much active and proved to be efficient force multipliers for the locals. Any spec ops forces of advanced militarizes would prove easily their worth in most of the theaters.

In Donetsk airport, the DNR troops were fighting a slow progress battle with the Ukes. Most of the buildings were pretty much half destroyed and gaining ground was difficult.

When Spetsnaz arrived, instead of fighting a slow grinding battle they planted explosives all over the main building. Then snuck out and from a distance they remote controlled the explosion which resulted in killing of dozens of Ukes and collapse of their defenses.

So, in Russia land, when Ukrainians oust a corrupt prime minister, the legislature impeaches him, and new elections select somebody else, that's a horrible "US coup". But sending Spetsnaz directly into a neighboring country to fight against the military of this elected government, well, hey, no worries comrade.

Yeah, I think ISIS is a way better target for Spetznaz than Ukrainians. Spetsnaz sure aren't going to make any friends of the locals, and even from Russia's point of view, it's better to win the hearts and minds of what would normally be natural friends in Ukraine. ISIS is obviously impossible to win over, and deeply evil and aggressive---mass murder, torture, genocide, cruel sharia; unlike Ukraine---wanted an economic agreement with EU and objected to having territory stolen.
edit on 8-10-2015 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2015 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

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