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ZOZOBRA Burn in Santa Fe

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posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:24 AM
Each September since the 1920s the citizens and visitors of Santa Fe gather near the capitol for the burning of Zozobra, a 50ft tall puppet. The towering marionette is the embodiment of the doom & gloom and negative energies of the area residents, and is said to be derived from the "Holy Week celebrations of the Yaqui Indians of Mexico, where an effigy of Judas, filled with firecrackers, is led around the village on a donkey, and ultimately set afire."
Yaqui Easter week ceremony (see photo)
"In the end, good triumphs and an effigy of Judas along with the evil-soaked masks are burned, as shown here." The photo is by Western Ways of Tucson -from arizona.100 blogspot com

"Old Man Gloom is a well-crafted framework of pre-planed and pre-cut sticks, covered with chicken wire and yards of muslin. It is stuffed with bushels of shredded paper, which traditionally includes old police reports, paid-off mortgage papers, divorce papers, and/or stories Santa Feans put on paper about their tales of woe from the year just past. And a “gloom box” is located near the stage, for those who wish to throw in mementos of their troubles up until te show begins. It is the hope of all who contribute to the inner stuffing of Zozobra, that their bad luck, sorrows and unhappiness will disappear into the smoke of the burned puppet. Sometimes shoppers in the Santa Fe area will see tin cans with pieces of paper next to them in local stores. Anyone is welcome to write about whatever is bothering them. These small papers are put in the cans, and eventually they are all collected and put at Zozobra’s feet to be burned alongside him."

For all you ATSers into secret societies:

In 1926 "[f]ollowing vespers at the Cathedral, a long procession headed by the Conquistadores Band marched to the vacant space back of the City Hall, where Zozobra, a hideous effigy figure, 20 feet high, produced by the magic wand of Will Shuster, stood in ghastly silence, illuminated by weird, green fires. While the band played a funeral march, a group of Kiwanians in black robes and hoods stole around the figure, with four others seated before the green fires."

The mayor of the city sentenced Zozobro to death, then he was shot multiple times with a pistol. The weird green fires turned to red, and Old Man Gloom was set alight. The Kiwanis "threw off their robes" and joined in the "baile" (dance, festivities in the street).

The effigy used in Zozobra is a giant wooden and cloth marionette that waves its arms and growls ominously prior to its demise."
It is built with explosives lining the inside, and fireworks outside.

This one looks to be racist, done in the 40s.

See the dancer? This gives an idea of scale.
Finally, photos from this evening at the 91st Zozobra.

edit on 5-9-2015 by kkrattiger because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2015 by kkrattiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:34 AM
Neat. It's like Burning Man without all the drugs

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:38 AM
Yes, as a lifelong NEw Mexican, I had heard of Zozobra and knew it as a burning man thing, in Northern NM. When Burning Man became popular, I was confused. "I thought this was in New Mexico"...?
a reply to: ADAMandEVIL

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:16 AM
Thanks s&f, can't say I'm familiar so this shares a lot.

Found that news says this year he's gloomy in reflection of the 1930s depression era and war. Would say that counts for now days too in hopes of burning that away.

Old Man Gloom typically has green behind his eyes and ruby red lips, but this year’s Zozobra is gray, black and white.
“He looks a little different than he normally does, he's actually bald for the first time since the 1930's,” said Ray Sandoval, Zozobra event chairman.


posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: kkrattiger

All of these are the little guys 'Cremation of Care', just like the elites do at Bohemian Grove.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: kkrattiger

It is stuffed with bushels of shredded paper, which traditionally includes old police reports, paid-off mortgage papers, divorce papers, and/or stories Santa Feans put on paper about their tales of woe from the year just past.

Once the woes are resolved they burn them? What about burning outstanding warrants, and loans overdue? What about burning that paper?

Ever see Wisdom, with Emilio Estevez?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:38 AM
Tax them for there carbon output. What a mess.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:48 AM
Tax them for their carbon, you say?
The Burning of the Zozobra is a "Get Over It" day.
a reply to: kenzohattori69

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 12:47 AM
40.000+ crowd on hand to watch something go up in flames?

Sounds like Mary Jane needs to be legalized in NM, so they don't have to burn a 50 ft tall puppet to take away "doom and gloom."


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