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Doppleganger...What is happening?

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posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 11:51 AM
I wanted to share a story about what happened to me yesterday. In the morning, on the way to work, I happened to see someone who looked very familiar to a person who I used to work with. IMO he looked exactly like him. I thought that was strange and we kept on driving. As we were heading down the highway, further down, I happen to turn around when I saw an unmarked patrol car and I see the driver and he looks exactly like my boyfriend. At this point, I am freaking out. I'm seeing two people that I know but it can't possibly be them. The one that really stood out was the driver of the patrol car. When I passed his car (I was a passenger), I saw his face but he was starting at the left side mirror and was focused on something. The way he was staring at the mirror was almost like he was intensely focusing. It was almost like he was in a zombie like stage. I clearly remember seeing a light grey/green shirt and thinking that can't possibly be him because he would be in his uniform. I text him and he said he was at his station and he was not in the highway. He can't leave his desk at all because he is running the station. So i know for a fact that it was NOT him.

Here is where it gets weird. Later that evening, I come home. When I see him, he is wearing that exact shirt. It was such a random coincidence that I saw two dopplegangers in one day.

I know that there are many theories of dopplegangers but if anyone has had this happened to them and if it's really true that something bad will happen if you see one. Either to me or the person I saw

edit on 14-8-2015 by blackmetalmist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 01:06 PM
Just one possibility ,could it be possible he wasn't at work and you really did see him?

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: amurphy245

No, I know for a fact that it was not him. I called him when I got to work (which was about 15 minutes later) and there is no way he could have gotten off the freeway (heavy traffic), gone the opposite way, and arrived back at his station within 15 minutes. He would have taken at least 30-40 minutes during rush hour in the morning. So I know it was not him :/

I thought it could have been someone else that looked like him but the fact that he was wearing that shirt later on just creeped me out. I will add that when I got home, he was wearing his gym clothes. He took a shower and then changed. He put on a new, clean shirt and it was the one that I saw him driving with. I forgot to add that in my original post.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 01:26 PM
They are around.
I've now an architect, he was the mirror image of Jude Law...
I'm from europe, the poor guy must have tought that i was gay or something, couldn't stop staring

Creepy as hell...

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 01:34 PM
I had to click on this thread because a week ago, my sister-in-law texted me on Saturday evening that she saw my daughter and her best friend walking around the nearby high school. I saw the text a couple of days later, but I realized that my daughter had been with me and my husband all evening on Saturday. I texted that to my SIL, and she called me on the phone to tell me that it was DEFINITELY my daughter she saw, along with my daughter's best friend (who my SIL has met, so she knows what she looks like). She said even her son thought it was my daughter. My daughter asked her best friend if by chance she had been walking around the high school with another friend that night, and the best friend said she was home that whole evening.

Weird that she saw two dopplegangers: my daughter AND her best friend.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Wow that is so strange. And what is that much weird was that it was two of them. The only other time I've had this happen to me was when I was younger. I saw what I thought was my boyfriend walk by my front yard. He looked up at me and kept on walking. I thought he was going to stop but he didnt. There was a wall so I only saw the top of his head as he walked and then saw his actual face when he passed though the entrance. I was mad because I didnt know why he didnt stop. About 10 minutes later, he arrived apologizing he was late. Turns out that it was not him.

I have noticed something.. when his doppleganger turned, he glanced at me and kept on walking. Same thing with my boyfriend, he didnt glance at me, but he had this cold stare looking at the mirror. By any chance, did she say what they were doing, or where they just walking?
edit on 14-8-2015 by blackmetalmist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: blackmetalmist

She said they were just walking on the street in front of the high school. I'm not sure where my SIL was exactly. Her son is a student at that high school, so they may have been there for some kind of orientation for the upcoming school year or something. I've been meaning to ask her if she tried to shout out or wave to them. Maybe she did and they either responded or they didn't. Either way, she was very insistent that it was them. Insistent enough to call me after my text. I've seen people that looked like someone I knew, but I've never seen more than one at the same time! Very weird.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: blackmetalmist
I wanted to share a story about what happened to me yesterday. In the morning, on the way to work, I happened to see someone who looked very familiar to a person who I used to work with. IMO he looked exactly like him. I thought that was strange and we kept on driving. As we were heading down the highway, further down, I happen to turn around when I saw an unmarked patrol car and I see the driver and he looks exactly like my boyfriend. At this point, I am freaking out. I'm seeing two people that I know but it can't possibly be them. The one that really stood out was the driver of the patrol car. When I passed his car (I was a passenger), I saw his face but he was starting at the left side mirror and was focused on something. The way he was staring at the mirror was almost like he was intensely focusing. It was almost like he was in a zombie like stage. I clearly remember seeing a light grey/green shirt and thinking that can't possibly be him because he would be in his uniform. I text him and he said he was at his station and he was not in the highway. He can't leave his desk at all because he is running the station. So i know for a fact that it was NOT him.

Here is where it gets weird. Later that evening, I come home. When I see him, he is wearing that exact shirt. It was such a random coincidence that I saw two dopplegangers in one day.

I know that there are many theories of dopplegangers but if anyone has had this happened to them and if it's really true that something bad will happen if you see one. Either to me or the person I saw

Oh the vast questions my fellow ATS members have yet they still fail to find the key to the mystery as I have within thier very own site and sight. The answer is very simple yet very complicated on the scale of how oversouls work from a level 1 to level 9 planet. As revealed in The Thiaooouba Prophecy, everyone, well not quite everyone because there are according to the Angelic Race some beings with no soul. A soul is not ethereal as most religions would proport but rather it is electronic. There are in fact 9 bodies within one human body. The astral body marries to your physical shape down to your eyelashes. At the moment of death they disconnect from the fluidic, physiological etc and that is why it is reported by Doctors that body loses 21 grams at death. 81% goes to your next incarnation and 19% goes back into nature to be recycled. Sometimes in rare occasions the 19% gets stuck due to static electricity and creates what humans call ghost as the 19% still has memory and is stuck until the end of time. Each human body contains approximately 4 billion trillion electrons and each electron has a life span of 1 with a 100 zeros behind it. Each electron has the capacity of 100 gigs of "memory".The Angelic soul is not a complete soul in fact she splits herself down to this Earthly level. Since there are 9 levels of planets that means you share an over soul with 8 other people on Earth. So there are 8 other people that look like you exactly or very similiar. Proof of this is your story. But also proof of it is my own proof of running into someone in Texas in Highschool then meeting their exact twin in appearance at various places here in California at offices that I've worked for only to find out they are not them. One of my assistants at my law firm was covered from head to toe neck and face tattoos. We went to a BBQ and he ran into his twin and it was like the scene in movie the Parent Trap where they were separated at birth and met in camp. They looked that much like each other. One was Mexican the other was Peruvian so they were both Hispanic/Latino but they were not family or blood twins separated at birth. He asked me to explain this mystery and I told him to read the book Thiaoouba since it's free on the internet and I of course explained the above. Is traveling down the rabbit hole bad? I think not. ~Lord Ariok
edit on 14-8-2015 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-8-2015 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: Proofread

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Thiaoouba Prophecy

I had no idea such thing was even possible. It would explain why ghosts stick around after the person passed away. I've yet to run into someone who looked like me but for some reason keep on running into people that look like others. Just a slight variation (shape of glasses, car model, weight) but it looks exactly like them.

Why is is that both time, they just seemed out of focus. Almost like they were not real?
That is probably the part that is bothering me the most. The guy that I saw in that patrol car was EXACTLY the same as my bf.

Does that mean something negative in general?

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: amurphy245
Just one possibility ,could it be possible he wasn't at work and you really did see him?

Yep! He lied.

Let us hope that he had a work-related reason.

As for the the "guy" looking the other direction as you passed him? You're kidding yourself about why he was looking intently at the other mirror. He was avoiding eye contact.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 07:12 PM
As I said in another topic on this subject:

My father has a doppelganger in Greece apparently, a guy he knows went to a Greek island and saw a man who supposedly was identical/close to identical tony father, just younger. He went back later with pics and it was quite striking. Another time my mom saw a man in Barcelona who, according to her, totally looked like him. He looks (very) mediterranean so that explains the locations a bit
Yet it's odd, he has a very distinct face. He hasn't died yet nor has he met absolute doom besides his own. But he's doing pretty much okay these days.

my vague story:

I was once in an alternative* clothing shop browsing when the girl behind the counter said something about a supposed earlier visit of mine. I had no clue because even though I sometimes went to that shop, the last time was quite a while ago and not the day before my visit. I said that was impossible and suggested she made a mistake but she seemed weirded out a bit by the apparent similarity between me and that other girl. She looked a bit strange at me

*I mention it because it's not a very busy shop and because it has its own distinct style, it's a specific location that I rarely/sometimes visited at the time which makes the coincidence a bit more odd. Also, I hadn't come there in a while. I didn't think much of it nor do I now, I just assume someone looks a lot like me. And then again, some people have very poor recognition.

Another time someone thought he saw me at the train station but I don't recall whether we were identical or not. (and that he chose not to approach me) If I recall correctly he figured it couldn't have been me and he's correct because I couldn't have been there. Such stories do make me curious about these girls, just to see what people call ''identical/very similar'' to me and I've never really seen myself the way another person does. As for the doom part, life hasn't been a glorious glitter orgy but calling it doom is a stretch and really First World-y, I think. Perhaps the tragedy's just unfolding but even if I'm a doomed mess in 5 years and might believe in doppelganger doom theories I don't know if I would relate these incidents to what happened. It's that these topics bring them up and I haven't seen them myself but some other posters haven't either as I read... but where's the causation?

Let's say I get a type of cancer in 2018. Then what? Would I go ''pooh it was of course that weird thing many years ago'' or would I, believing in 'magical' 'explanations' in the first place, relate it to more recent events? (and I don't really believe in these things anyway) I also broke plenty of mirrors


That thread was about whether Doppelgängers are harbingers of doom or not, you might find it interesting as well.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 07:25 PM
I get told I look like Seth Green all the time.


"No, no one's ever told me I look Seth Green before..."

I don't even have red hair!

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 08:46 PM
I have many times had people who seemed to know me walk up and ask me how I've been doing.
Shake hands, sometimes give a hug and seem to be happy to see me.
I just play along.
After they walk away I'm just left wondering who the hell they were.
Do I have really terrible memory, or is there some other guy, who seems to be cool, and looks just like me around?

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