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About Jessica Lynch and POW treatment

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posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 12:06 AM
It was months since this 'story' first appeared.

Her story flamed an 'Iraqies don't commit to Geneva convention' sentiment, to adequately forget about USA not committing with the Geneva convention.

Now, the whole picture seems clearer.

[Edit]: I can see some of you disregarding this as 'propaganda', as just so many times before. OK, think about it:

What is better? The propaganda being feed to you by your federal government or the propaganda spreaded by all other countries? Can you stand up and say aloudly: 'The propaganda I believe is way better than the propaganda you, MakodFilu, believe!'.

Thanks for your cooperation.

[Edited on 2003-6-8 by MakodFilu]

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 09:07 PM

Told u so.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Told u so.


Told them so before you. -=)~


posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 09:07 PM
Exactly as I thought: nothing to say about that. The only chance you have is to totally dismiss what I said.

Well, blind is the one who *doesn't want* to see.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 01:01 AM
Silence can mean many things.

Time to reflect and consider.
Apathy and ignorance.

Or, at worst, the fear that stating something out loud that is against the war machine propaganda will land you in serious trouble with your peers or even the Homeland Security authorities.

Bollocks to Bush and his useless cronies and the media-managed War On Iraq/War On Terror.

Very contrived but very slack news management indeed. And poor Saving Private Lynch, with her dose of amnesia. I hope she pulls through and recalls everythink OK and can return to a decent and productive life. Maybe the lure of $100k or so for a women's magazine story might help refresh her memory. Or is that bid high enough?

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 02:04 AM
What about the death count from the mass graves found in Iraq? The number of deaths from the Iraq-Iran war, deaths from the genocide committed upon the shiite majority by the sunni lead Baath party?

No allied or American soldier, sailor, marine, or airman wants to harm civilians. If they do they do not belong in the Military!! The motivation for this conflict is discussed in numerous other threads but---it has stopped genocide, freed a populace and will be beneficial to the long term stablization of the region.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 02:11 AM
I agree with you about liberation being a worthy goal for people who are unable to determine their own safe future, but I really don't think that has been the goal or outcome of the illegal war in Iraq.

It is the start of something far worse, not the end of a successful campaign. These bastards in the Bush administration must be brought to account.

On the subject of Private Lynch, do you also think as part of the liberation that it's a good tactic to manufacture Hollywood-style rescue missions and portray them as heroic, dangerous acts when they didn't play out that way? Good TV though, just like the odd Hussein-statue toppling and fake photos there, keeps you "informed" and loyal and patriotic.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 02:18 AM
For what the UN, clinton admin, and every Eu country knew-this guy was nuts and had the weapons to do serious harm to alot of innocent people?

One question-where you this anti-whatever in 98 when bill was throwing cruise missles into Iraq to destroy WMD sites???

It is very interesting how these threads of impeachment and other rants suddenly pop up when a republican and/or conservative is in office.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by pokerbob
For what the UN, clinton admin, and every Eu country knew-this guy was nuts and had the weapons to do serious harm to alot of innocent people?

One question-where you this anti-whatever in 98 when bill was throwing cruise missles into Iraq to destroy WMD sites???

It is very interesting how these threads of impeachment and other rants suddenly pop up when a republican and/or conservative is in office.

You've lost touch of what this post was about. If you don't have anything to add to this subject move along.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 02:24 AM
Actually I think one of the challenges facing US politics is the persistence of the two-party system and the ridiculous money that goes into Presidential campaigns to spit out such crap.

I would find the act of fabricating and falsely representing evidence and presenting same to coalition nations to start a war equally heinous - whether it is done by a Republican, Democrat or any other administration. The truth will out.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by pokerbob
For what the UN, clinton admin, and every Eu country knew-this guy was nuts and had the weapons to do serious harm to alot of innocent people?

One question-where you this anti-whatever in 98 when bill was throwing cruise missles into Iraq to destroy WMD sites???

It is very interesting how these threads of impeachment and other rants suddenly pop up when a republican and/or conservative is in office.

You've lost touch of what this post was about. If you don't have anything to add to this subject move along.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by pokerbob
What about the death count from the mass graves found in Iraq? The number of deaths from the Iraq-Iran war, deaths from the genocide committed upon the shiite majority by the sunni lead Baath party?
What about public lapidations in Iran? What about human rights violations commited in Saudi Arabia? What about those commited against the kurds by a NATO member? As I said in another thread, no one doubts about crimes committed by Saddam, but if you compare Saddam with the neigbor regimes, you'll find Saddam was like everyone lovely grandma, his regime the most democratic... in comparison.

...and about USA wanting to stabilize the region is something unatainable. See this link:

provided by Advisor in this thread:

[Edited on 2003-6-14 by MakodFilu]

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 12:12 PM
Saddam was one of many dictators, people. So? To all u grunting drooling Bush slaves, I ask u this: What about liberating China? north korea? What about all the Eastern European women being held as sex slaves in Israel against thier will? You gonna liberate everyone in the world? What about the Saudis?

No, Saddam was a nutcase we supported and funded. You keep bring up mass deaths that happened years ago. Stuff that Saddam did like 15 years ago, what the hell that got to do with now? So what? 15 years ago the chinese killed a bunch of freedom protesters in Tianemen sqaure. Why aint u charging to go invade and liberate China? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Total Enslavement

You've lost touch of what this post was about. If you don't have anything to add to this subject move along.

Not at all ! pokerbob has ABSOLUTELY right. We know all the main problem with GWB Jr : He's NOT a democrat. What a " crime ", isn't it ?

When Bill was launching his Cruises Missiles ( even against a drugs factory !!!!!!!!! ), it was ok. But when GWB Jr do something, WOAW..... Hurry, let's hit him somewhere, after all, he's NOT a democrat and it doesn't count if he's right or wrong.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix

Originally posted by Total Enslavement

You've lost touch of what this post was about. If you don't have anything to add to this subject move along.

Not at all ! pokerbob has ABSOLUTELY right. We know all the main problem with GWB Jr : He's NOT a democrat. What a " crime ", isn't it ?

When Bill was launching his Cruises Missiles ( even against a drugs factory !!!!!!!!! ), it was ok. But when GWB Jr do something, WOAW..... Hurry, let's hit him somewhere, after all, he's NOT a democrat and it doesn't count if he's right or wrong.

I really love this ignore feature. It's great being able to weed out those who have nothing of importance to say.

And another down and another one gone, another one bites the dust.

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