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A vote for the lesser evil

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posted on Jul, 13 2015 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Just remember a vote for the lesser evil.
Is still a vote for evil.

I would have to disagree with the notion of the lesser evil.The DNC and GOP have the same lobbyist interest. There is no lesser evil, only the perception of it .

Both party give you the same things.
1. Bigger gov't
2. More debt/taxes.
3. Less personal rights.
4. Happier Oligopoly industries.

posted on Jul, 13 2015 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: interupt42

There is no lesser evil, only the perception of it

A tip of the hat as I stand corrected.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: anotherdaytoday

originally posted by: wasaka
a reply to: randyvs

The answer is to decentralize everything,
and I say we ought to start with money.

The Bitcoin Blockchain technology will change
the world in many inportant ways, one of them
is the ability separate money from government.

Please stop promoting the bitcoin crap. This is the same sh#t as money itself, only in another shape, but eventually results in the same profit, greed, trickery we have now.

Bitcoin is the first good news that has come
my way in over 20 years and you ask me to
be silent? Sorry, not going to happen.

Your issue seems to be with human nature,
(seeking profit, greed, trickery, etc). and
not with the "blockchain" technology.

If can find a way to solve the problem of
human greed then I'm all ears, until then
let focus on honest government and how
to use technology to force transparency
and honesty in government.

When you learn what Bitcoin can do, it is
more than just "honest money" (like gold),
it is share ledger (the Blockchain) that
can not be counterfeited. This has many
application beyond "money" can could be
a method of voting and copyrighting, etc.

Yes, the world is messed up, but we need
to use technology in such a way that we
can begin to improve the world. Forcing
government to be accountable to those
they govern would a good place to start.

As I said before, it must start from the
bottom-up (small cities) and not the
top-down (with the Feds). But the
technology is there, why are we
not using it ????

Forget Bitcoin — What Is the Blockchain and Why Should You Care?

We can think even bigger — let’s put health records, voting, ownership documents, marriage licenses and lawsuits in the blockchain. Eventually, every dataset and every digital transaction could leave a “fingerprint” there, creating an audit trail for any digital event throughout history, without compromising anyone’s personal privacy.

edit on 14-7-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: wasaka

If can find a way to solve the problem of
human greed then I'm all ears, until then
let focus on honest government and how
to use technology to force transparency
and honesty in government.

You make good sense and still have plenty of resolove.
I would guess you're still a young person? Twenties?

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: wasaka
a reply to: randyvs

The answer is to decentralize everything,
and I say we ought to start with money.

The Bitcoin Blockchain technology will change
the world in many inportant ways, one of them
is the ability separate money from government.

Another to use the blockchain is to vote without
the chance of counterfeit votes. This technology
can be used today.

The revolution must be bottom up, not top down.
It starts with cities and states, then we can either
replace or discontinue the centralized hierarchy.

We have a window of 10-15 years in which to reclaim
honest money and honest government, after that it
may to late---for all time.

The future of humanity hangs in the balance.

Decentralization is the key!

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: 5leepingWarrior

How about this: "Statler and Waldorf 2016!"

(I made a picture and everything... but have never tried to add a picture to one of these. Not exactly intuitive, is it?)

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 05:26 AM
The best bumper sticker and bill board to me would be.... Hilary for JAIL 2016

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