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Where are the aliens?

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posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: JackHill
I am, I just told you, there's no way to know from where they're coming from, but ignoring the facts, and specially the patterns, is simply insane. What do we know:

Actually JackHill, there is a way to know "where" they are coming from...sort of. There appear to be three (3) different species visiting; the Nommo, a blue skinned amphibious species supposedly from Sirius, another that are referred to as "Nordic" that appear to be from the Pleiades, and of course our favorite...the "Grays" from Zeta Reticuli.

The Nommo are an ancient species that appear to have been visiting for several thousand years (8000+), many of their stories are from ancient India. The Nordics, or perhaps more properly the Annunaki are also a long time visitor, and supposedly from the Pleiades cluster. They appeared in ancient Sumer and Egypt.

There is little real evidence to support these two except for several thousand years of myth and legend. There seem to be little in the stars to support hem; there is no "host star" for either, though modern street myth would like to think otherwise. The reality is that neither Sirius, nor the Pleiades can support anything better than very primitive life at this time...both places are still in planet forming stages of development (very young stars).

The Grays of Zeta Reticuli have better modern evidence; in this case it is in the form of a map or template that can not be reproduced by chance. I'm working on an article to demonstrate this.

- Aliens are mostly described as short, skinny, withish-grey skin; long, big head; big eyes, usually black.
- Aliens are capable of mind-to-mind communication, can easily immobilize abductees and people around them, erase the conscious memory of the events, perform medical tests on the subject, extract genetic material, impregnate women and months later remove the fetus, time later the abductees are presented with 'hybrid' beings.
- Many of the abductions are clearly physical in nature, marks in the land surrounding the 'landing', skin marks and brushes that later fit a memory of the event, multiple victims, even when driving/walking, missing time that cannot being explained, pretty suspicious miscarriages.
- Spacechips are silent, as big as a house, sometimes just a 'hum' sound generally associated to them, generally presenting round angles/forms, with inexplainable interior illumination (as if the air was illuminated from within).
- Such events had been happening at least since the 1950's.

I like that...just a "hum" as sound. In the electronic world a "hum" is usually created by losses in a coil and core assembly. The "hum" is created by small currents that are formed in the core and cause "micro-vibrations" within the core producing that audible is generally not a very good thing...over time this can cause damage.

As for abductions; Humans do this sort of thing all the time to lesser the name of science.

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: babybunnies
We're in the outer edges of the galaxy, on a spiral arm, nowhere near the action of the main cluster of stars.

That main cluster of stars at the center of our galaxy is bathed continuously in high-energy radiation. Probably not a lot of life going on there.

Unless that life thrived on high energy

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: tanka418

The "Nordics" are nothing more than a poorly disguised racist masturbatory fantasy.

And the Grays are human (post human) tourists from the far distant future. They like to check us, their primitive evolutionary grandfathers, out from a safe distance. Occasionally, like any tourist, they can get wasted and misbehave. Hence the hillbilly anal probings.
edit on 7/27/2015 by Monger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: Monger
a reply to: tanka418

The "Nordics" are nothing more than a poorly disguised racist masturbatory fantasy.

And the Grays are human (post human) tourists from the far distant future. They like to check us, their primitive evolutionary grandfathers, out from a safe distance. Occasionally, like any tourist, they can get wasted and misbehave. Hence the hillbilly anal probings.


Here's the thing...what you have is little more than street talk...a whole lot of nothing!

While, I may not have very much; it is all verifiable science. Right down to the existence of habitable planets, though I will admit to at least some issues with that planet...

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: moebius

Solipsist solutions:
- UFOs: Aliens are already here. Pick your favorite alien conspiracy theory, to explain the absence of testable evidence.
- Directed panspermia: We are the von Neumann probes.
- Galactic zoo: Any form of contact with lesser civilizations is prohibited, including broadcasting signals.
- Planetarium: Our astronomical observations are an illusion created by advanced civilization(s).
- Simulation: Our reality is an illusion, computer simulation.
lemma, apply to the alien creators as well.

What is your favorite and why?

Planetarium & Simulation are my favourite but all are very plausible.
I think the sheer volume of habitable planets out there means that they must harbor life - if what we're seeing is really what's there.
It mostly hurts my head and frustrates me that we just can't make contact or that things are being hidden.
There are numerous possibilities as you've listed and any could be possible or true.
But I lean towards the two I said.
edit on 27-7-2015 by stargatetravels because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: stargatetravels
Planetarium & Simulation are my favourite but all are very plausible.
I think the sheer volume of habitable planets out there means that they must harbor life - if what we're seeing is really what's there.
It mostly hurts my head and frustrates me that we just can't make contact or that things are being hidden.
There are numerous possibilities as you've listed and any could be possible or true.
But I lean towards the two I said.

One of the latest estimates on stars and planets is that there are some 300 billion stars in the milky way. I heard on estimate that there were 2 - 3 planets in the habitable zone of every star.

Even after we take into consideration that only around 20% of those stars are the right kind (class) for "our kind of" life, that makes life (in general) ubiquitous. Intelligent life as is found here on earth? Appears t be a matter of that it takes a planet up to 4.5 billion years to evolve something like a "Human"...

So...I would say that there are very probably many species not unlike Terrestrial Humans. And like Terrestrial Humans, are only now becoming ready to leave their planet.

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: tanka418

But maybe not every planet had massive catastrophic meteors hitting them and wiping out species.
We also don't know that we didn't have a more advanced past and civilization than we've been told, there are many theories and mythology tales etc that refer to this - we could have been .more advanced much sooner.
Also we don't know that we haven't already made contact - maybe recently and maybe thousands or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

But yeah I agree with the high number of planets/worlds out there that could harbor life.
edit on 27-7-2015 by stargatetravels because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: JackHill

None of which will ever prove that they're from other planets. In fact what we perceive might not be what actually is happening, as some of the possibilities I listed could imply the potential to influence our senses. In essence, there could be a grand deception in play, a great masquerade.

And there's nothing new about these experiences either. If you looked back into stories about faeries, djinn, and similar spirits, you'll find many of the same kinds of behaviors and proclivities, ultimately revealing that this sort of phenomenon existed since the dawn of the human race's memory. These "aliens" may simply be the latest iteration in a phenomenon far more bizarre and stranger than extraterrestrials from other worlds. After all, it would explain why the "aliens" tend to behave like rejects from a 1950s B-movie rather than what a theoretical post-Singularity civilization would be like. Whatever it is is playing on common sci-fi misconceptions from decades of Hollywood feature films.
edit on 7/27/2015 by Kojiro because: (no reason given)

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